Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C53 The Trial Was too Difficult.
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C53 The Trial Was too Difficult.
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C53 The Trial Was too Difficult.

"I scored 61 points! Barely passed!"

"If even Wang Mann barely scraped by, the rest of us might be in trouble."

The score left many Elite Disciples in shock. Some had been eager to take the stage, but now they were retreating in fear.

Yu Kun noticed Wang Mann's reluctance to accept his score, his face a portrait of awkwardness.

"The Inner Sect trial is ridiculously tough. Wang Mann is no slouch; he can take on two opponents at once. Yet, with that ability, he only managed to scrape by with a passing score."

Yu Kun realized that becoming an Inner Sect Disciple was no easy feat.

An Elder from the Inner Sect spoke up, "Last time, our Flying Cloud Sect faced a crushing defeat at the Heavenly Pavilion Competition, enduring great shame. That's why we've upped the ante for the trial."

Yu Kun was taken aback and whispered, "What's the Heavenly Pavilion Competition?"

"It's a contest among the major sects within Chuhan Country. The victor receives honors from the country."

Hsu Shaan elaborated, "Our Flying Cloud Sect is a major force, but only within Pingjiang County. Chuhan Country is vast, with seven counties and twelve provinces, each home to its own major sects. These sects compete in the Heavenly Pavilion Competition every five years to secure resources from the country."

Yu Kun nodded in understanding.

"The Northern Chill Realm is vast, and Chuhan Country isn't the only nation. Nor is the Flying Cloud Sect the sole sect. The Inner Sect Elders have toughened the trials because the disciples' strength had waned in recent years."

After a pause, Yu Kun inquired, "When did the last Heavenly Pavilion Competition take place?"

Hsu Shaan paused, then answered, "Four years ago."

Yu Kun nodded, his questions satisfied.

The Heavenly Pavilion Competition occurs every five years, which meant the next one was just a year away.

It made sense why the Flying Cloud Sect was intent on intensifying the Inner Sect trial.

With the Elder's explanation, Wang Mann seemed to come to terms with the situation and rejoined the Elite Disciples' seats.

As the competition progressed, a steady stream of confident Elite Disciples took to the stage to battle the Mechanical Marionettes. Yet, the majority found themselves outmatched and defeated. Only occasionally did a disciple emerge victorious, and even then, they scraped by with mere passing scores, much like Wang Mann.

One disciple, relying on his adept Movement Technique, managed to evade the onslaught until his agility provoked a simultaneous strike from three puppets. The trio swiftly overpowered him, and he ended up with a score of seventy.

Dusk settled over the grounds as a mere hundred or so disciples managed to squeak through the first round of the trials.

Yu Kun couldn't help but shake his head in dismay. "I truly didn't anticipate the trials being this challenging, resulting in the vast majority of disciples failing to advance. Look, Wu Baishun is stepping up."

With a slight turn of his head, Yu Kun observed Elite Disciple Wu Baishun entering the Test Square. Wu Baishun's reputation preceded him; many onlookers remembered his previous attempt at the trials, where he had fallen short.

Yu Kun remained silent, his gaze fixed on Wu Baishun. As one of the strongest among the Outer Sect's Elite Disciples, Wu Baishun's performance was pivotal. If he couldn't secure a high score, it was doubtful many others could.

Wu Baishun's arrival didn't go unnoticed by the Inner Sect Elders, who turned their collective attention to him. By contrast, the other Elite Disciples on stage seemed to fade into the background.

One by one, the Elite Disciples were bested until only Wu Baishun remained. His expression was impassive, but to everyone's surprise, he bowed deeply to the Mechanical Marionettes before engaging them in combat.

Yu Kun watched as Wu Baishun executed his moves with the same unassuming simplicity he had demonstrated in the training grounds. Yet, beneath the plain exterior of his Martial Arts, Wu Baishun was effectively holding off the marionettes' attacks.

When a second Mechanical Marionette joined the fray, Wu Baishun deftly managed to fend off both adversaries without losing ground.

Wu Baishun truly stands out as one of the strongest among the Elite Disciples! His attacks are methodical and powerful, a testament to his remarkable strength..."

Yu Kun glanced over at the other Elite Disciples. At that moment, Bai Qingfeng wore a sneer, seemingly convinced that he would outperform Wu Baishun should he step into the fray.

Hu Zhengye cradled his broken blade, his expression etched with regret. Meanwhile, Wang Mann, the first to have passed the test, looked on with unabashed admiration, apparently conceding that Wu Baishun was his superior.

Yu Kun shifted his attention back to the Test Square, where the trial was still underway. Wu Baishun was in the midst of a relentless assault. He was now up against five Mechanical Marionettes, yet he maintained the upper hand without breaking a sweat.

"Something's off about these Mechanical Marionettes..."

Observing the scene, Yu Kun sensed an anomaly. The Mechanical Marionettes' strength hadn't changed, but as their numbers grew, they began to exhibit a level of coordination. Wu Baishun's offense, as a result, started to show signs of strain.

As yet another marionette joined the fray, Wu Baishun was finally pushed on the back foot.

Yu Kun's eyes sparkled with recognition as he discerned the oddity.

"The greater the number of Mechanical Marionettes, the more challenging the battle! With dozens of them, it's impossible for all to attack simultaneously. Hence, their numbers necessitate a synergy that results in a relentless barrage of attacks!"

A moment of clarity struck Yu Kun, and he realized why this had eluded the others. Their strength was insufficient, only managing to activate a few marionettes, thus missing the nuances of their teamwork. Wu Baishun, with his formidable power, could engage many more, revealing their collective strategy.

At last, as the thirteenth Mechanical Marionette appeared, Wu Baishun could no longer withstand the onslaught. He retreated several steps, cupped his hands in concession, and acknowledged his defeat.

The Inner Sect Elder then spoke with measured praise, "Wu Baishun has withstood thirteen Mechanical Marionettes, earning himself eighty-three points."

Upon hearing his score, Wu Baishun reflected briefly, then respectfully bowed to the Elder and made his way back to his place.

Despite this, Yu Kun found himself furrowing his brow, taken aback by the thought.

"Wu Baishun is formidable as it is. If I were to enter the trial now, I'm sure I'd outperform him, but not by a significant margin! How is it that even Wu Baishun can't score above ninety? What does it take to earn a high score and successfully pass the trial?"

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