Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C54 The Technique That Obtained a High Score.
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C54 The Technique That Obtained a High Score.
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C54 The Technique That Obtained a High Score.

Yu Kun pondered for a moment before concluding that the Flying Cloud Sect's trial was indeed a daunting challenge. He would need to vanquish at least twenty Mechanical Marionettes to score highly.

During the rule announcement, Zhou Xingtian had mentioned that anyone scoring above ninety points would earn a Martial Arts reward from the sect. It now appeared that few could achieve such a score.

Yet, Yu Kun had no intention of stepping into the fray. The Elite Disciples' powerhouses hadn't shown their hand, and Yu Kun saw no reason to reveal his own.

After Wu Baishun's turn, other Elite Disciples took to the stage. Their performances outshone the previous contenders, though none surpassed Wu Baishun.

As the day's trial neared its end, Yu Kun was taken aback to see an unexpected figure rise and stride toward the Test Square.

"Hu Zhengye? With his saber broken and his Martial Arts halved, why would he choose today to step up? Has he discovered some unique advantage?"

Yu Kun's curiosity piqued, he set aside his doubts to observe Hu Zhengye's approach.

Despite wielding only a fractured blade, Hu Zhengye had evidently devised new techniques in recent days. His saber skills hadn't advanced, but his mastery over the broken weapon was clear.

Executing his Movement Technique, Hu Zhengye's saber danced, swiftly disassembling a Mechanical Marionette.

As the remaining marionettes launched their assault, Hu Zhengye met each attack in turn.

Yu Kun had an epiphany.

"Aha! To score high, one must not only withstand the Mechanical Marionettes but also possess the prowess to strike back! Wu Baishun, though formidable, could only defend and not retaliate. Hu Zhengye, on the other hand, has come out swinging with a potent offensive!"

However, Yu Kun was aware that Hu Zhengye's blade work consumed Astral Energy much faster than Wu Baishun's. Barring any surprises, Hu Zhengye would only manage to defeat a handful more marionettes than Wu Baishun.

And just as anticipated, after Hu Zhengye had demolished over a dozen Mechanical Marionettes, his Astral Energy was depleted. Unsteady, he was flung aside by several marionettes.

Fortunately, Hu Zhengye's agility was impressive. He managed to adjust his body mid-flight and landed gracefully, avoiding any embarrassment.

At the perfect moment, an Inner Sect Elder announced Hu Zhengye's score.

"Hu Zhengye has battled sixteen Mechanical Marionettes, earning a score of eighty-nine!"

Hu Zhengye let out a sigh of relief. Clutching his broken blade, he bowed respectfully to the Elders and then made his way back to his place.

Yu Kun nodded to himself, his suspicions confirmed.

"Hu Zhengye isn't much stronger than Wu Baishun, but he's destroyed a good number of Mechanical Marionettes. His ability to counterattack has earned him a higher score! Plus, having a blade makes it easier for him to dismantle the marionettes. I'll need to strategize carefully before I take the stage."

As Hu Zhengye reclaimed his seat, a new group of Elite Disciples stepped onto the Test Square. This time, Yu Kun noticed that Bai Qingfeng and others were also ascending the platform. Clearly, they had figured out the key to scoring high.

Yet, Yu Kun was in no rush to join them on stage.

Hsu Shaan grew restless and couldn't help but probe Yu Kun, "Junior Brother Yu, you're well-versed in the rules now. If you take the stage at this moment, you're sure to cause a sensation!"

Lin Jiang chimed in with encouragement, "Senior Brother Yu, if you delay and someone else scores higher, you'll miss your chance to stun everyone!"

Just then, Yu Kun caught the gaze of an elite disciple on the Test Square who then called out boldly, "The trial has come this far; why does someone hesitate to take action?"

Yu Kun's eyes narrowed; he sensed a challenge directed at him.

The elite disciple went on, "Anyone who can escape a demonic beast is no ordinary contender. How about joining us on stage?"

Now, it was clear to all that the elite disciple was referring to Yu Kun.

Yu Kun flicked his finger and asked coolly, "And you are?"

"Guu Yuan."

Upon hearing the name, Yu Kun pondered for a moment.

"Guu Yuan is with the Pingjiang County King's forces. Yaen Changge has already proven to be a tough opponent, and if I have to contend with the Little Prince as well..."

Yu Kun found himself in a difficult position and couldn't help but let out a quiet sigh.

"Enough. I had planned to watch a bit longer, aiming for a perfect score. But it's clear I can't stand by any longer. Their pressure is relentless. If I keep retreating, I'll only invite harsher criticism! So be it..."

Rising slowly, Yu Kun made his way to the Test Square. "It's time for me to step in!"

Yu Kun had already sized up the other Elite Disciples who matched his skill level and concluded that, despite their talents, they were likely not his equals.

Yet, this was his first encounter with Gu Yuan, and Yu Kun was unsure of his true strength.

But given Gu Yuan's boldness in challenging him, Yu Kun was convinced that his abilities must be exceptional.

Observing Gu Yuan closely, Yu Kun had to acknowledge that there was something unique about him.

Those Yu Kun had previously sparred with, like Xu Zizhi and Hu Qiu, were scions of noble families—rich in prestige but lacking in presence.

Gu Yuan, on the other hand, was a stark contrast, exuding a natural air of valor.

It was then that another voice echoed across the Test Square.

"Gu Yuan, the King Pingjiang's Mansion has no place for the weak. If you can't outscore the others, be prepared to leave the mansion."

Gu Yuan's face paled at the words, but he quickly steeled himself and nodded firmly in response, "Understood, Little Prince. I'll give it my all!"

Taken aback, Yu Kun glanced over at the Inner Sect disciples' seating area.

There, he spotted the Inner Sect disciple who had spoken.

Recognizing the man's face, Yu Kun felt a surge of surprise.

This was the same man who had once appeared at his door, offering him several hundred Spirit Stones.

With his imposing demeanor and the yellow python robe he donned, this was none other than the Inner Sect's Little Prince.

"So that's the Little Prince! His aura truly sets him apart. But it seems from his words that Gu Yuan isn't acting under his orders—could there be someone else behind this?"

Yu Kun couldn't help but glance at Yaen Changge. Yet, Changge remained silent, simply turning his head away.

"I see, it's Yaen Changge's doing again. Though I'm clueless about how he convinced Guu Yuan, it's clear the Little Prince is quite unhappy with the situation. Well, it's unlikely I'll score perfectly now, but getting acquainted with the Little Prince through this could be a silver lining."

Yu Kun was now aware that both the Inner Sect Elder and Yaen Changge were out to get him. Befriending the Little Prince could provide him with the strategic edge he needed.

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