Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C55 Ninety Points.
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C55 Ninety Points.
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C55 Ninety Points.

Yu Kun had been carefully observing the Mechanical Marionettes throughout his ascent to the Test Square without engaging them. It was only when he finally set foot on the square that he felt a deep sense of calm within him.

"These Mechanical Marionettes are formidable, yet they lack adaptability. I mustn't resort to using Vajra Subduing Dragon; otherwise, I'll be drained of the strength to keep fighting and miss out on a high score!" Yu Kun mused.

With that in mind, he launched the first strike against a Mechanical Marionette. His attack seemed to act as a catalyst, prompting the other disciples to commence their assaults on the marionettes.

These Elite Disciples were among the cream of the crop in the Outer Sect, a cut above the previous elites. Their simultaneous attacks brought the Test Square to life with a flurry of activity.

Armed with insights from Wu Baishun and Hu Zhengye, their collective goal was the destruction of the Mechanical Marionettes.

Those wielding weapons now found themselves at an advantage. Despite a faster depletion of their Astral Energy, they found it easier to dismantle the marionettes. Those without weapons had no choice but to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

Yu Kun had just repelled one marionette with a palm strike when another lunged at him. In mere moments, he was surrounded by six of them.

Yet, employing the Shocking Wind Step Style, Yu Kun deftly navigated the fray without falling behind. He then executed Vajra Worshipping Moon, shattering the joints of a marionette, which crumpled to the ground, effectively neutralized by his attack.

Yu Kun's hands moved in rapid succession, dismantling two more marionettes.

But as he was about to target another, a surge of Astral Energy erupted in the distance, and several marionettes were hurled his way.

Lacking the discernment of living opponents, the Mechanical Marionettes could only react to the hostile energy around them. Now flung into Yu Kun's vicinity, they wasted no time in attacking him.

Caught off guard by the aerial assault of marionettes, Yu Kun took a hit to the back, causing him to stumble.

Yu Kun was significantly more powerful than other warriors at his level. Without a second thought, he spun around and shattered the Mechanical Marionettes that were attacking him.

Next, Yu Kun glared in the direction the Mechanical Marionettes had originated from. He noticed Gu Yuan had just unleashed a Martial Arts technique, sending all the Mechanical Marionettes near him soaring through the air. Now, not a single one remained by his side.

"Damn it!" Yu Kun inwardly cursed. "He's tossed all those Mechanical Marionettes my way, leaving himself safe while I'm under attack!"

From the Elders' seats, Zhou Xingtian watched the unfolding scene and couldn't help but whisper, "Gu Yuan's actions seem rather excessive."

"Why do you say that?" asked Yan Changge's Master, chiming in from nearby. "He simply used Astral Energy to scatter those Mechanical Marionettes. It's a move anyone could employ; he's not being excessive."

Zhou Xingtian chuckled wryly, "But he sent every single Mechanical Marionette flying towards Yu Kun. It's clear he's singling him out!"

"Gu Yuan is merely an Elite Disciple; it's to be expected that his control over Astral Energy isn't perfect. If Yu Kun were an Inner Sect disciple, this mishap wouldn't have occurred. Gu Yuan did what he had to when he couldn't fend off the Mechanical Marionettes—he used Astral Energy to repel them. I'm quite pleased with his performance."

Zhou Xingtian huffed and fell silent.

Gu Yuan had propelled all the Mechanical Marionettes in front of him straight towards Yu Kun. The many onlookers around the Test Square saw everything clearly.

Hsu Shaan and others couldn't contain their frustration, "Gu Yuan has gone too far, sending all the Mechanical Marionettes at Junior Brother Yu!"

"Damn, Gu Yuan is truly despicable."

A smile slowly spread across Yan Changge's face. But upon catching the Little Prince's gaze from afar, he swiftly resumed his aloof demeanor.

Next to Yan Changge, Yaen Hongling remained silent, her fists tightly clenched in silent solidarity.

At that moment, a myriad of expressions played across the faces of the crowd at the Test Square.

Yu Kun, now in the Test Square, found himself forced to contend with over a dozen Mechanical Marionettes alone.

Initially, Yu Kun was already dealing with a considerable number of Mechanical Marionettes. But now, those from Gu Yuan's side had joined the fray, amassing around him.

Gu Yuan is despicable. If I weren't so strong, I'd have been killed by the swarm of Mechanical Marionettes by now. But in sending them my way, he inadvertently gave me a chance to showcase my prowess."

Yu Kun then ceased his attacks, allowing the Mechanical Marionettes to continue emerging around him.

After Gu Yuan had driven the Mechanical Marionettes toward Yu Kun twice, he started attacking them to boost his score.

Zhou Xingtian, though not fond of Gu Yuan's earlier behavior, couldn't help but give a silent nod of approval. "Gu Yuan may have his faults, but his martial skills are solid. The Fist Technique he practices must be of Grade Two. It's quite an achievement to have mastered it to this level. Plus, his Astral Energy is formidable; he's clearly dedicated a great deal of effort."

After a brief pause, Zhou Xingtian added, "If he can defeat over fifteen Mechanical Marionettes, I'll score him 91 or 92 points."

Despite his personal feelings, Zhou Xingtian was committed to being impartial.

The other Elders quietly agreed, sharing Zhou Xingtian's sentiment.

Then, Yan Changge's Master interjected, "Why isn't that disciple fighting back? Why let the Mechanical Marionettes encircle him?"

He then realized the disciple in question was Yu Kun.

Zhou Xingtian was stunned.

"What's he up to? Doesn't he grasp the scoring rules? Even if he can fend off fifty Mechanical Marionettes, he'll score no points."

At that moment, not just Zhou Xingtian, but everyone observing Yu Kun was taken aback.

"Why isn't Junior Brother Yu acting? Could it be that he hasn't understood the trial's rules?"

"He must be limited to this level of capability."

"How odd. His strength seems so inadequate. Go fetch my apple."

"Yu Kun, what exactly are you doing? I refuse to believe you've misunderstood the trial's rules."

Amidst the general astonishment, many Mechanical Marionettes in the Test Square ceased their assault, as though suddenly drained of the Spirit Stone's energy.

Following the unexpected shift, a number of Elders, Inner Sect disciples, and a host of martial arts masters scanned the Test Square, each eager to identify the individual responsible for the disturbance.

Despite their presence in the very heart of the Test Square, the disciples themselves were at a loss to explain the event.

Ultimately, all eyes converged on Yu Kun.

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