Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C57 Yu Kun Was First
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C57 Yu Kun Was First
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C57 Yu Kun Was First

Finally, the results of the first round of trials were in.

Yu Kun, without a doubt, had secured the top score. He led the pack with an impressive 97 points.

Following him in second place was Bai Qingfeng, who managed only 91 points, a significant gap from Yu Kun's score.

Hu Zhengye claimed third with a respectable 89 points.

To Yu Kun's surprise, the fourth spot didn't go to Wu Baishun, but rather to an obscure disciple named Lu Renjia. With a score of 84 points, Lu Renjia edged out Wu Baishun by a single point.

Yu Kun gave Lu Renjia an extra glance, only to find him utterly unremarkable in appearance.

After the trials wrapped up, the Inner Sect Elder provided a brief overview of the scores before announcing, "Disciples scoring above 90 points in this round will be eligible for a Martial Arts reward at the conclusion of the final trial! As you all know, tomorrow's challenge will be the arena battle. It's late now, so you're all dismissed to rest. Return here to the Test Square tomorrow for the second round!"

With that, the disciples dispersed from the Test Square.

Yu Kun, however, wasn't as fortunate to leave so quickly. A throng of familiar and unfamiliar disciples swarmed him with congratulations.

"Senior Brother Yu, you've taken the lead in the first round with the highest score. You truly deserve the top spot!"

"Senior Brother Yu, once you're in the Inner Sect, don't forget about us!"

"Senior Brother Yu, you're incredible!"

The chorus of compliments made Yu Kun blush with modesty.

"I've only finished first in this round. There's still the second round and the final trial ahead," Yu Kun said with a smile. "But making it into the Inner Sect shouldn't be too hard. I'm confident I'll get in."

His statement might have sounded boastful, but nobody took it as arrogance. Given Yu Kun's current prowess, his entry into the Inner Sect seemed inevitable, making his confidence entirely justified.

Once Yu Kun had finally managed to excuse himself from the crowd, he left the Test Square with Hsu Shaan and others in tow. They celebrated with a feast at the Cloud Crane Tower before parting ways and retiring to their respective rooms.

Despite having had his fair share of wine that evening, Yu Kun was, after all, a martial artist. Once he circulated his Astral Energy, clarity gradually returned to him.

"I may have drawn too much attention to myself today, but it was necessary! Otherwise, Yan Changge might have other plans for me," Yu Kun mused as he lay in bed, replaying the day's events in his mind.

"Once I'm in the Inner Sect, Yan Changge won't find it so easy to target me! I need to seize the chance to eliminate him, or I'll be constantly fending off his relentless schemes. On top of that, I've got to find someone willing to trade for this Demonic Beast Skeleton I have."

Yu Kun was aware that a Demonic Beast Skeleton was far more valuable than that of a Mutated Beast, fetching a high price. But instead of selling it outright to the Chamber of Commerce, he preferred to find the right person to trade with, acquiring what he truly needed.

Turning over in bed, Yu Kun's thoughts continued, "I've been running myself ragged in the Cloud Connecting Mountain Range these past few days. I'm exhausted. It was a close call, almost missing the Inner Sect trial. Yan Changge is a menace. If he tries to outmaneuver me again, I might just collapse from sheer exhaustion! But I shouldn't dwell on such thoughts. Once the trial is over and I'm in the Inner Sect, I can focus on condensing my Martial Soul."

Yu Kun let out a long yawn, overcome by fatigue. As sleep was about to claim him, a knock at the door jolted him awake.

He sprang up from the bed, instantly alert.

"Who could be knocking at this hour? Hsu Shaan? No, he and the others drank even more than I did. They wouldn't be up and about. The Little Prince, perhaps? But that doesn't make sense; we're hardly acquainted, so he wouldn't seek me out. Then who? It's not Yan Changge coming after me, is it?"

After considering and dismissing various possibilities, Yu Kun was about to chalk it up to his imagination when the knocking persisted, sounding again.

Someone outside the door knocked thrice with a rhythmic precision, their movements gentle. Clearly, the visitor was a person of refined manners.

Yu Kun couldn't help but grumble under his breath before steeling himself and opening the door.

Upon swinging the door open, Yu Kun was taken aback by the sight of his visitor.

The person bore the surname Yan, but it wasn't Yan Changge; it was Yaen Hongling.

"Oh, it's you..."

Clearing his throat awkwardly, Yu Kun inquired with a hint of distance, "What brings you here?"

"Nothing." Yaen Hongling's gaze fell slightly, her long lashes quivering before she spoke softly, "You once claimed you'd surely defeat Chen Feng and join the Inner Sect. Now that you've accomplished it, I've come to offer my congratulations."


Yu Kun took a moment to reflect before he remembered making such a declaration in the Cultivation Room.

Back then, Yu Kun had struggled to fend off Chen Feng's assault, only to be saved by Yaen Hongling's timely intervention.

She had stated then that by saving Yu Kun, they were even, with no debts between them.

Yu Kun had confidently responded that upon their next encounter, Chen Feng's defeat was certain.

It appeared that Yu Kun's bold assertion had indeed come to pass.

Yet, this realization brought with it a tinge of embarrassment.

Yu Kun harbored no particular feelings for Yaen Hongling, although his predecessor had been deeply infatuated with her. Now, her visit and her words seemed to carry the weight of an unspoken apology.

Yu Kun was well aware that pride often kept people from apologizing directly, leading them to express their remorse in subtler ways.

Similarly, there are those who verbally deny their desires while inwardly yearning for them.

It seemed that Yaen Hongling was just such a person.

With a self-deprecating chuckle, Yu Kun responded, "Well then, I accept your congratulations. I must admit, my words that day were spoken in haste."

To his surprise, Yaen Hongling shook her head and countered, "You also said that the confident are those with strength, while only the shallow lack it. I had pegged you for the latter, but it seems I've misjudged you."

Yu Kun's embarrassment deepened upon hearing those words.

He grumbled to himself, "What you think of me doesn't really matter, does it? I've always been this way. Aside from not being particularly handsome, I'm practically brimming with good qualities!"

In the midst of his overwhelming embarrassment, Yan Hongling spoke up again, "My Master is Kong Qingxuan. Should you join the Inner Sect, you could become her disciple."

Yu Kun was stunned.

Kong Qingxuan was apparently a woman.

Filled with doubts, Yu Kun eventually gave a reluctant nod.

With that, Yan Hongling seemed to run out of things to say. She set her face in a stern expression and walked away, leaving Yu Kun in a state of bewilderment.

After some time, Yu Kun slapped his forehead, struck by a sudden thought.

"Though it might seem unlikely, there's still a chance. The changes in me are bound to draw attention from others. And who knows? That attention could very well turn into her affection for me."

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