Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C63 Flying Cloud Tower
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C63 Flying Cloud Tower
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C63 Flying Cloud Tower

After the second round of competition, Yu Kun didn't join Hsu Shaan and the others for a celebratory meal and drinks. He retreated to his room instead.

The recent round had been a wake-up call for Yu Kun. His string of victories, slaying demonic beasts left and right, had led to a sense of complacency. But his battles with Hu Zhengye and Wu Baishun today had highlighted his shortcomings.

"There's no shortage of geniuses and the diligent in this world. I'm neither, just a lucky soul with a system at my disposal. In future battles, I can't afford to underestimate any opponent or overestimate my abilities. Every fight must be approached as if it's the most crucial one," he reflected.

With his flaws laid bare, Yu Kun found his equilibrium once more.

Despite the late hour, unsuitable for training, he couldn't help but mull over his Martial Arts techniques mentally.

The Leviathan-roc System had granted him the ability to learn Martial Arts instantly through its devouring power, but it didn't ensure proficiency. Yu Kun knew he needed to practice diligently to master them.

The night flew by in an instant.

Come morning, Yu Kun arrived at the Test Square. His performance over the past two days had made him a familiar face among the disciples, who greeted him warmly. He returned their greetings before taking his place.

As the square filled with disciples and Elders, Yu Kun observed something unusual among the Inner Sect members. Disciples who had been absent in previous days had now shown up.

"The real challenge must be the Flying Cloud Tower in the third round of trials. That's the only explanation for the sudden interest from so many Inner Sect disciples. And considering Wu Baishun's failure there, it's clear that ascending the Tower is no easy feat."

Lost in thought, Yu Kun was brought back to the present when he noticed an Inner Sect disciple approaching him. The Elite Disciples nearby respectfully cleared a path.

To Yu Kun's surprise, the disciple was none other than Zong Ruizhi, a familiar face and a disciple of Zhou Xingtian.

"Senior Brother Zong," Yu Kun greeted with a slight bow of his hands. "I'm about to ascend the Flying Cloud Tower. Any guidance for me?"

Zong Ruizhi replied, "Junior Brother Yu, I've come to convey a message from my Master. He said that once you've completed your ascent of the Flying Cloud Tower, he hopes you'll consider becoming his disciple."

Yu Kun smiled, grasping the intent behind Zhou Xingtian's words.

"I'm well aware of Elder Zhou's generosity. Without his cultivation imprint, I would have perished already," Yu Kun acknowledged. "Once I descend from the Flying Cloud Tower, I will give serious thought to becoming his disciple."

Satisfied, Zong Ruizhi nodded, offered a respectful bow, and departed.

The Elite and Outer Sect disciples nearby couldn't hide their envy as they watched Yu Kun.

It was clear to them that Yu Kun had risen above his former status; he was destined to be an Inner Sect disciple!

Their envy, however, was not tinged with resentment, for Yu Kun's abilities truly merited such favorable treatment.

Having secured first place in both trial rounds, if Yu Kun wasn't eligible to join the Inner Sect, then who would be?

As the gathered disciples waited, several Inner Sect Elders spoke up, their voices echoing, "Flying Cloud Tower!"

"Flying Cloud Tower!"

Their chants reverberated throughout the Flying Cloud Sect, until the collective voices set the entire place subtly vibrating.

Yu Kun felt the ground tremble beneath him, reminiscent of an earthquake.

While some of the more faint-hearted disciples panicked, those from the Inner Sect displayed calm, seasoned demeanors—they had been through such events before.

Amidst the intense tremors, Yu Kun watched as the ground of the Test Square cracked open, and a majestic thirteen-story pagoda gracefully ascended.

"Is this the Flying Cloud Tower?"

Despite having heard of its fame, Yu Kun couldn't help but marvel at the sight. The Flying Cloud Tower stood out as a truly magnificent spectacle.

With the tower now before them, the Inner Sect Elders announced, "Disciples who have passed the second round of the trial, please ascend the Flying Cloud Tower!"

All eyes turned to Yu Kun.

With a slight shake of his head and a smile, Yu Kun demurred, "I've had my share of the spotlight. Let's give someone else a turn this time."

A few Inner Sect Elders gave a subtle nod, signaling the other disciples to start their ascent.

After some deliberation among the Elite Disciples, Wu Baishun, echoing Yu Kun's modesty, stepped aside, allowing Bai Qingfeng to be the first to climb the stairs.

Bai Qingfeng was decisive, immediately pushing open the door and entering the Flying Cloud Tower.

Shortly thereafter, Bai Qingfeng emerged.

The sight of Bai Qingfeng caused a spark of interest to flash across the faces of the Inner Sect Elders. Without delay, one of them asked, "Bai Qingfeng! Would you consider joining my sect?"

Suddenly, Bai Qingfeng was in high demand.

Despite his air of arrogance, Bai Qingfeng respectfully bowed and replied, "Elders, such an important decision is hard to make on the spot. I'd prefer to take some time to think it over."

The Elders nodded in understanding, not pressing him further.

Then, one by one, the other disciples ascended. Renowned talents like Hu Zhengye exited the Flying Cloud Tower to the Elders' acclaim. Even those with lesser gifts found favor with a Master of their choosing upon their return.

In the end, only two Elite Disciples had yet to ascend: Wu Baishun and Yu Kun.

With an easy smile, Yu Kun gestured, "Brother Wu, after you."

Wu Baishun shook his head, "No, you go ahead."

"There's no rush," Yu Kun said with a meaningful look. "You've waited years already. No need to wait any longer."

After a moment's reflection, Wu Baishun gave Yu Kun a deep bow and then stepped into the Flying Cloud Tower.

Yu Kun claimed not to be in a hurry, yet he couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern for Wu Baishun's chances of success.

He waited half an hour.

Despite his confidence in Wu Baishun's abilities, Yu Kun began to question his own judgment.

"Why hasn't Wu Baishun emerged after an entire hour?"

Yu Kun was pondering this when he saw Wu Baishun stagger out, pushing open the grand doors of Flying Cloud Tower.

At the sight of Wu Baishun, an Inner Sect Elder's eyes sparkled as he asked, "Wu Baishun, would you consider becoming my disciple?"

Wu Baishun gazed at the Elder and gave a profound nod.

With Wu Baishun's descent from the tower, Yu Kun remained the sole Elite Disciple yet to ascend.

In that moment, Yu Kun truly felt all eyes upon him.

He strode toward the Flying Cloud Tower, the focus of everyone's watchful eyes.

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