Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C67 Become an Inner Sect Disciple!
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C67 Become an Inner Sect Disciple!
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C67 Become an Inner Sect Disciple!

"Within a year, I'll have outstripped every Inner Sect disciple!"

"Yaen Changge, your life is mine!"

These bold declarations sent shockwaves through the Test Square.

"Junior Brother Yu, that's the spirit! Who cares if he's from a noble lineage? We of the Humble Class can rise through sheer determination, and we're not necessarily inferior! God is just; He shows no favoritism. Even those lacking in talent can close the gap with perseverance!"

"Presumptuous! Surpass all the Inner Sect disciples in a single year? The uninformed might mistake you for a once-in-a-lifetime prodigy! Yet the truth is, you're nothing but refuse, incapable of even forming a Martial Soul!"

"Are we, the Inner Sect disciples, truly so feeble? That refuse, unable to muster a Martial Soul, has the audacity to boast he'll surpass us in a year?"

"Absurd. Never have I encountered such conceit!"

"Do all Humble Class disciples share this inflated sense of self?"

"Fascinating. I'm genuinely eager to see how Yu Kun plans to reverse his fortunes."

"Yu Kun, your actions have lent some credence to your earlier claims. But now, without a Martial Soul, what strategy will you employ to transform your fate? Even if I'm inclined to believe you, what then...?"

The Inner Sect Elders' faces darkened with disdain as they glared at Yu Kun, their eyes brimming with loathing for the disciple with the audacious tongue.

Zhou Xingtian hung his head, exhaling a breath tinged with disappointment.

"Alas, it appears you're unable to endure this crushing setback. You've utterly lost your senses."

Time passed, and the Test Square slowly returned to calm. An Inner Sect Elder rose to his feet and commanded, "Bring me that braggart!"

The Elite Disciples stationed outside hesitated, none daring to act.

They were formidable, yet none were a match for Yu Kun's prowess.

With no volunteers stepping forward, Yu Kun directly addressed the speaking Elder, "Elder, may I know your name? You appear to be Master to Yaen Changge."

"Indeed," the Inner Sect Elder replied from his elevated position, looking down at Yu Kun, "I am Han Guangming. And yes, Yaen Changge is my disciple."

Yu Kun couldn't help but smile.

"Perfect. Han Guangming, once I become a Martial Disciple, you'll regret what happened today!"

Han Guangming's face twisted in anger, but he quickly sneered.

"A Martial Disciple? You're not even capable of reaching the Soul Refining Stage! You boast about surpassing Inner Sect Disciples, yet you can't even qualify as one! I'd love to see which Inner Sect Elder would bother to take you on as a disciple!"

His words were domineering, and indeed, no one was willing to take on Yu Kun as a disciple.

Not only had Yu Kun been labeled as useless by the Flying Cloud Tower, but his earlier remarks had also alienated nearly all the Inner Sect Disciples. Any Elder who accepted Yu Kun as a disciple would be inviting trouble.

With no one coming to his defense, Han Guangming's smugness grew. He gestured dismissively and commanded, "Take him away. If he resists, I'll deal with him myself!"

Yu Kun's fists tightened, then slowly relaxed.

Even with his system, he was no match for an Inner Sect Elder at the moment. Yu Kun was well aware that his chance for revenge would have to wait.

"I have my ace in the hole. Even if I leave the Flying Cloud Sect, I can still forge my Martial Soul with what I've collected. By slaying more demonic beasts, I'll advance my realm. Once I'm a Martial Disciple, I'll return to the Flying Cloud Sect. Yan Changge will be the first to fall, followed by Han Guangming!"

Resigned, Yu Kun released his clenched hands, prepared to be escorted away by the Elite Disciples.

But just then, an unexpected voice rang out.


Yu Kun looked up, startled, to see a frail figure rising from the end of the Elders' row. This old man, though seated among the Elders, seemed to possess no cultivation at all. Moreover, Yu Kun hadn't even noticed him during the three-day Inner Sect trial.

The Elder was as if he had no presence whatsoever.

After calling out, the old man spoke with a shaky voice, "I am an Elder of the Inner Sect, and I am willing to accept him as my disciple."

He paused several times, struggling to get the words out.

Yet, the Elite Disciples hesitated to act, recognizing the authority of the Inner Sect Elder before them.

Yu Kun's ability to condense his Martial Soul was secondary to the crucial question of whether an Elder would take him under their wing. If an Elder chose to accept Yu Kun as a disciple, his status as an ordinary person would be irrelevant; he would be an Inner Sect disciple by virtue of that decision alone. Now that an Elder had expressed interest in mentoring Yu Kun, his place in the Inner Sect was assured.

Even if Yu Kun were to be the disciple with the least cultivation in the Inner Sect.

Upon recognizing the Elder, other Elders and Inner Sect disciples couldn't hide their scorn.

Elder Han, who had spoken earlier, let out a derisive chuckle, "A traitor mentors the worthless. Well then, let's consider the matter closed for today."

Zhou Xingtian, with a hint of reluctance in his tone, whispered, "Elder Hee, are you certain about this?"

Elder Hee, stooped yet with a growing excitement on his face, retorted, "Am I not an Elder? Am I not allowed to choose my own disciples? If you deny me the bright and gifted ones, will you also begrudge me this one?"

Elder Hee's passion rose as he spoke. He proclaimed, "I admire the words he spoke earlier! I may be fated to be a commoner, but surely there must be someone to realize my dreams, to rise as the mightiest in the Inner Sect!"

His voice echoed across the Test Square, silencing many.

Some, unfamiliar with Elder Hee's standing, inquired about him, only to display disdain upon learning of his identity.

Yu Kun watched Elder Hee, stunned.

He had braced himself to depart from the Flying Cloud Sect, never anticipating Elder Hee's sudden intervention.

"His status may not be lofty, but what does that matter? With him, I have a place in the Flying Cloud Sect! I could leave now, but that would mean running from today's disgrace and subjugation. I refuse to flee! I will confront even the most spiteful defamation. It is the only way I will reach the pinnacle of the Martial Arts path!"

Yu Kun cast a final glance at Yaen Changge, his features slowly settling into a composed mask.

"Today's events should never have escalated like this. Even if the Flying Cloud Tower deems me worthless, it only means I can't join the Inner Sect. But Yaen Changge nearly got me kicked out of the Flying Cloud Sect altogether. I swear I'll have my revenge!"

With that resolve firm in his mind, Yu Kun turned away from the onlookers. He gazed at Elder Hee, offering a respectful bow from a distance, and addressed him reverently, "Master!"

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