Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C68 Elder Hee
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C68 Elder Hee
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C68 Elder Hee

The Inner Sect trial concluded with the curtain falling on what had been quite the spectacle.

Yu Kun's entry into the Inner Sect was tinged with humiliation, a stark contrast to the other Elite Disciples who were ushered into their new status amid fond farewells.

This time, Yu Kun steered clear of everyone, Hsu Shaan included.

Alone, Yu Kun packed his belongings before he and Elder Hee made their way into the Inner Sect's domain.

The Inner and Outer Sects were distinct in status and location, never overlapping.

For Yu Kun, it was his inaugural venture into the Inner Sect's territory. Following Elder Hee, he noticed they bypassed every bustling quarter. Elder Hee, akin to a mouse skirting the shadows, eventually led Yu Kun to a decrepit courtyard.

"From now on, this is your home," Elder Hee said, hunched over, gesturing to a room. "This one's yours. The other's mine."

With that, Elder Hee shuffled off toward his quarters.

Yu Kun, without further inquiry, dropped his luggage and entered his room.

He harbored no expectations of Elder Hee imparting any wisdom. The system's presence meant Yu Kun could simply consume Spirit Stones or enhance his cultivation to bolster his abilities. A Master's significance paled in comparison to his access to the Inner Sect.

But as Elder Hee neared his room, Yu Kun paused to ask, "Elder Hee, something puzzles me. How is it that you, an Elder, appear so down and out?"

Elder Hee gave a derisive snort. "I may be down on my luck, but you're no better off than I am."

After a bout of harsh coughing, he added, "We're both rejects, a perfect pair if there ever was one!"

Yu Kun chuckled. "I am no reject."

That provoked a laugh from Elder Hee. "You think I'm blind? You'd do well to embrace the label 'reject.'"

Yu Kun shook his head gently. "I refuse to fall, not in the past, the present, nor the future."

Elder Hee huffed, "Can you condense your Martial Soul? If you can, I'll pass on every skill I've ever mastered to you!"

Yu Kun had no intention of belittling Elder Hee, but upon hearing the elder's words, he couldn't suppress a chuckle. "Elder Hee, you encourage me to embrace being called 'trash,' yet you can't seem to accept it yourself. If you were truly as skilled as you claim, how did you end up in such dire straits?"

Elder Hee retorted with irritation, "I am skilled, indeed. You wouldn't believe that even the Sect Master used to treat me as a brother!"

After a prolonged bout of coughing, Elder Hee finally summed up his thoughts. "If you do manage to condense your Martial Soul, I'd gladly accept you as my disciple and pass on all my knowledge. As for your question about my downfall?"

With a roll of his eyes, Elder Hee declared, "I'll share that tale once you've condensed your Martial Soul!"

With those words, Elder Hee turned and strode into his room.

Yu Kun called out from behind, "Remember, Elder Hee! Once I've condensed my Martial Soul, you owe me your story! But just so you know, I'm not interested in inheriting your skills."

Elder Hee's voice, faint and weary, drifted from inside the room. "You might regret saying that! Now that you're an Inner Sect disciple, the sect will have a reward for you. Someone will deliver it in a few days. Until then, try not to wander too much."

Yu Kun simply smiled and refrained from further debate, making his way into his own quarters.

There was no question that Elder Hee had his secrets. Yet, since the elder chose to remain silent, Yu Kun let the matter rest for the time being. After all, it wouldn't be long before he could condense his Martial Soul, and there would be plenty of time for questions then.

Elder Hee's dwelling clearly hadn't seen visitors in ages, the room blanketed with dust. Yu Kun set about tidying up, resigned to the task.

Now an Inner Sect disciple, Yu Kun found himself in the most demeaning position of all. His surroundings were indistinguishable from those of an Outer Sect disciple, if not more deplorable.

But Yu Kun was unfazed.

"I've completed three Sect Missions this time, earning me a stint in the Cultivation Room. I had planned to condense my Martial Soul before the Inner Sect trial, but then the Azure Snake Patriarch intervened!"

Reflecting on it now, Yu Kun couldn't help but see the serendipity in recent events. Had he made it back to the sect in time, he would have naturally condensed his Martial Soul, and none of this would have unfolded. Yet, on the flip side, without this ordeal, he would have remained oblivious to the fact that Yaen Changge was the one undermining him.

"Let it go," he mused, "I've gained fortune through adversity. My Martial Soul will form, sooner or later. This humiliation might even be a blessing in disguise—it's revealed who truly stands with me."

These thoughts stirred emotions within Yu Kun. Hsu Shaan and the others had shown him genuine loyalty. Despite being labeled a failure by the Flying Cloud Tower and facing expulsion by the Elders, they had spoken up in his defense.

Yu Kun was determined not to take their camaraderie for granted. Should an opportunity arise, he vowed to repay their kindness. But that would have to wait.

Elder Hee had mentioned that the sect's rewards would be distributed in a few days. So, Yu Kun chose not to hurry back to the Cultivation Room but to take this time to rejuvenate in the tranquility of his courtyard. The relentless days had taken their toll, and now was the perfect chance to rest.

He was well aware that non-stop cultivation wasn't beneficial.

For three full days, he rested undisturbed—partly because the location was hidden, and partly because even if Hsu Shaan and the others wished to visit, they couldn't access the Inner Sect disciples' domain. His days were peaceful, starting with watering the flowers and bantering with Elder Hee—a welcome respite.

But after three days, this peaceful interlude came to an end—the sect's reward had arrived.

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