Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C75 Master of Flying Cloud Sect
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C75 Master of Flying Cloud Sect
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C75 Master of Flying Cloud Sect

Yu Kun truly hadn't anticipated being met with so much resistance simply for trying to leave the Cultivation Room.

He glared at the man before him, frustration evident in his voice, "First you block my entry, now you're preventing my exit? What's next, expecting me to take up residence in the Cultivation Room?"

The man before him chuckled, "You've got it all wrong. I'm not here to stop you."

Still wary, Yu Kun saw no sign of aggression from the man. Feeling reassured, he inquired, "What do you want, then?"

"Nothing major. I noticed you've successfully formed your Martial Soul and wanted to extend an invitation for you to become my disciple."

Yu Kun scrutinized the man carefully. He didn't recognize him from the Test Square, but he was aware that some Elders preferred to focus on their own cultivation or were selective about taking on disciples.

"Are you an Elder of the Flying Cloud Sect?" Yu Kun asked.

The man offered a slight smile and a nod in confirmation.

"Unfortunately, I must apologize. I've already pledged myself to another Inner Sect Elder," Yu Kun replied, preparing to leave.

The man seemed genuinely taken aback by Yu Kun's swift refusal and couldn't resist asking, "I've heard your Master doesn't have the best reputation in the sect. Why choose him as your mentor?"

Yu Kun stopped, turned back, and explained, "No one else was willing to accept me into the Inner Sect. Besides, I believe in gratitude and loyalty. Elder Hee was the only one willing to take me in, so I won't forsake him."

Accepting Yu Kun's stance, the man said, "Well then, let me offer you a small gift instead." He handed Yu Kun a token.

Upon examining the token, Yu Kun inhaled sharply in surprise.

"This token grants me ten days of cultivation in the Cultivation Room!"

Yu Kun was astounded. He knew full well that Elite Disciples, unless they undertook various sect missions, were limited to a mere twenty hours of Cultivation Room access per month. Inner Sect disciples could only enter for five days a month without completing missions.

But now, this man had actually handed him a token that granted him access to the Cultivation Room for ten days!

It seemed the man sensed that Yu Kun's amazement hadn't peaked, so he added, "With this token, you can enter the Cultivation Room for ten days every month."

Yu Kun's surprise deepened.

"Is that true?"

The man nodded, elaborating, "This token won't interfere with your existing cultivation time. You can still use the time you're already entitled to, even without it."

Yu Kun was astounded. With this token in hand, he'd be able to train in the Cultivation Room for a total of half a month each month. The gift was incredibly generous.

However, Yu Kun quickly stumbled upon another question.

"Even if he truly is an Inner Sect Elder, he couldn't possibly bestow such an extraordinary gift upon me! In the entire Flying Cloud Sect, only one person could offer such a gift!"

Almost instantly, Yu Kun thought of someone he had never met, yet had heard of on several occasions.

As this realization dawned on him, he scrutinized the man before him and noticed a distinctive quality. Despite his youthful appearance, there was a profound and timeless depth in his eyes, reminiscent of Elder Hee.

"He must be a contemporary of Elder Hee! Although I can't fathom why he appears so young, there seems to be only one plausible identity for him!"

"The Sect Master of the Flying Cloud Sect!"

Yu Kun's heart raced with the thought that the Sect Master of the Flying Cloud Sect was standing right before him.

"The Sect Master must be incredibly busy. How could he spare the time to meet a new disciple like me? Or did my successful condensation of a Martial Soul prompt his visit?"

The more Yu Kun pondered, the more it seemed likely.

"Flying Cloud Tower had ruled out my ability to condense a Martial Soul, yet I managed to do it. It's not surprising that such an extraordinary event caught his attention. Perhaps this modest gift is his way of appeasing me, considering I almost faced expulsion from the Flying Cloud Sect!"

Having pieced together the situation, Yu Kun respectfully bowed to the Master of the Flying Cloud Sect.

Then, Yu Kun spoke, "I'm deeply grateful for your generous gift. I will not take you as my Master, but I remain a devoted disciple of the Flying Cloud Sect."

After finishing his words, Yu Kun turned and departed. This time, the Master of the Flying Cloud Sect did not attempt to stop him, instead allowing Yu Kun to go on his way.

"It seems that's fate for you. If he's unwilling to accept it, so be it. After all, Hee Dongqing no longer has the capacity," the Sect Master of the Flying Cloud murmured to himself before turning to face Yan Changge.

Yan Changge, unable to discern the Sect Master's true identity, was nonetheless stunned by his recent actions. Instead of confronting Yu Kun, the man before him had actually presented Yu Kun with a gift.

As Yan Changge was about to speak, the Sect Master preempted him, "I'm unconcerned with the other matters, but you struck me, and that's a transgression. You must face punishment."

"I admit my fault for the disrespect I showed you just now," Yan Changge implored. "Please, have mercy."

The Sect Master of the Flying Cloud no longer addressed Yan Changge directly. With a declarative tone, he pronounced, "Yan Changge has shown disrespect to an elder and must be disciplined. His cultivation will be sealed for one month, and he shall spend twenty days in solitary contemplation."

With those words, the Sect Master returned to the Cultivation Room.

Yan Changge was about to further plead his case when he was suddenly struck with horror as he felt his power ebbing away.

"What's happening? Why is my cultivation being sealed? Could he be royalty? But this is the Flying Cloud Sect," Yan Changge realized with dread.

Overcome with panic, Yan Changge cried out, "Sect Master! I am woefully ignorant and have sinned! I implore your leniency!"

The Sect Master of the Flying Cloud remained silent, simply gesturing with a wave of his hand.

In an instant, two disciples, previously unseen, materialized and seized the now powerless Yan Changge, dragging him away.

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