Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C81 The Heavenly Barrier Broke
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C81 The Heavenly Barrier Broke
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C81 The Heavenly Barrier Broke

In a sudden burst of white light, Yu Kun vanished. When he regained his composure, the scene before him had completely transformed. The Heavenly Pass Altar he had just left was now a mysterious dark expanse.

"No wonder the Heavenly Barrier Trial demanded a hundred Spirit Stones. Clearly, a unique method is required to access this place."

As Yu Kun pondered, a gust swept through. The next instant, several menacing Wolf Beasts materialized in the darkness.

"So this is the famed trial? Battling monsters in a shadowy realm? Piece of cake."

Without hesitation, Yu Kun executed the Shocking Wind Step Style, closing the distance to the Wolf Beasts in a blink. With a single punch, he felled one beast and swiftly dispatched the others.

After the beasts lay defeated, Yu Kun noticed something odd about the system.

"My Growth Value and Evolution Points have increased? How can that be?"

The surprise was evident in Yu Kun's reaction. Normally, absorbing Spiritual Energy or slaying mutated beasts would boost his Growth Value, while the essence of a fallen beast would enhance his Evolution Points. Yet, Yu Kun hadn't expected to be able to elevate both simultaneously in this trial space.

While the system processed, he was unable to advance his realm by absorbing Spiritual Energy. However, defeating these beasts offered a different path to power. Yu Kun was not one to squander such an opportunity.

"I had assumed these beasts were mere illusions, but they're quite real. A hundred Spirit Stones well spent, it seems. With these creatures here, I can fully exploit them to elevate my realm."

With his resolve steeled, Yu Kun watched as more beasts emerged from the shadows. He slew them decisively, and once again, his Growth Value and Evolution Points surged.

While Yu Kun battled within, the Elders guarding the Heavenly Pass Altar outside were in shock.

"The altar is transforming! Something inside is being damaged!" the left Elder cried out.

The right Elder's face was somber as he nodded in agreement. "It's highly unusual. The Heavenly Pass Altar shouldn't be so easily compromised."

The Elder on the left spoke up, "The Heavenly Pass Altar houses the spirits of mutated and demonic beasts that our Flying Cloud Sect's ancestors once hunted. With an infusion of Spiritual Energy, these spirits can launch attacks on the warriors within the altar. But now, several cores have been compromised."

The Elder on the right, his brow furrowed, added, "We've been vigilantly guarding this place around the clock, and it's beyond the capacity of ordinary disciples to cause such damage. The only one capable is the Sect Master, but there's no reason for the Sect Master to do such a thing."

With a heavy sigh, the Elder on the left continued, "That leaves us with only one explanation. The spirits of these beasts have lingered too long; they're on the verge of fading away."

The two Elders shared a moment of somber reflection, but their contemplation was abruptly interrupted by a sound akin to something breaking.

While the noise went unnoticed by the other disciples, the two Stage Four Martial Artists could clearly discern it.

"Not good!" exclaimed the Elder on the left. "Another spirit of a mutated beast has fractured, its energy utterly depleted. What in the world is happening there? It appears that the Heavenly Barrier Altar is in trouble. We must inform the Sect Master immediately."

"Should we then evacuate the disciples from the altar?" asked the Elder on the right, concern lacing his voice.

"Absolutely not," came the firm reply. "They're in the midst of their trial. Interrupting now would only cause them harm, and we cannot allow that. These Inner Sect disciples are the pride of our Flying Cloud Sect, painstakingly cultivated. We must not risk injuring them."

Before he could say more, the sound of shattering echoed once again.

"Quickly, report to the Sect Master," the Elder on the left urged. "I'll stay and hold the fort."

With a nod, the Elder on the right rose to his feet and swiftly departed from the Heavenly Pass Altar.

Unaware of the turmoil unfolding outside, Yu Kun remained oblivious to the fact that the Leviathan-roc System had absorbed the energy of the mutated beasts' spirits, precipitating the collapse of the Heavenly Barrier Altar.

Meanwhile, Yu Kun's Growth Value and evolution points were climbing. The Leviathan-roc System relentlessly consumed the essence of the deceased beasts, enhancing Yu Kun's realm in the process.

"This is incredibly rewarding," Yu Kun thought to himself. "The Heavenly Pass Altar not only boosts my cultivation but also elevates my Inner Sect ranking. It's a win-win situation!"

Yu Kun unleashed a triumphant howl, reveling in a sense of unparalleled freedom. Up to this point, he had relied solely on his Astral Energy, without even tapping into his Martial Soul. Regardless of the mutated beasts that emerged within the Heavenly Pass Altar, Yu Kun found them effortlessly conquerable.

"Is it really this easy to defeat them? Is the Heavenly Pass Altar truly this straightforward, or am I just that formidable? If it's the latter, could I effortlessly rise to the top of the Inner Sect?"

Lost in his musings, Yu Kun's gaze was drawn to the sky as a massive mutated beast descended. Resembling a colossal bear, it swiped its paw and sent several other beasts hurtling through the air.

Yu Kun's eyebrows raised in mild astonishment, and he braced himself for what was to come.

"This one seems rather ferocious! I didn't even need to resort to my Martial Arts before, but now it seems I must."

With that thought, Yu Kun activated his Shocking Wind Step Style, darting around the giant bear, seeking the right moment to strike.

The bear, massive and lumbering, was slow to react. Seizing the opportunity, Yu Kun slipped behind it and executed his Vajra Worshipping Moon technique.

In an instant, the giant bear was reduced to pieces.

Yu Kun stood there, stunned.

"Have my Martial Arts improved? No, my power hasn't increased—it's this bear that's pathetically weak!"

He couldn't help but inwardly scoff at the creature's feeble display. The giant bear had seemed so formidable at first glance, and yet the Heavenly Barrier Altar's challenge was disappointingly simple. A twinge of disillusionment washed over Yu Kun, but he quickly shook it off.

"If the trial is this easy, my standing will only climb higher in the Inner Sect. Elder Hee himself said the greater my rank, the greater my rewards. If I manage to secure the top spot, I could even earn myself a house!"

As Yu Kun indulged in a moment of glee, new mutated beasts materialized within the Heavenly Pass Altar.

Despite their lack of strength, Yu Kun cast aside his daydreams, dedicating himself to the hunt. Each beast felled meant absorbing its power, each victory a step toward his own enhancement.

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