Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C86 Meeting an Old Friend
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C86 Meeting an Old Friend
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C86 Meeting an Old Friend

Yu Kun was taken aback for a moment, then burst into hearty laughter. "Brother Hsu, your insight is as keen as ever. You're right on the mark! I've successfully condensed my Martial Soul and have ascended to the Soul Refining Stage as a martial artist!"

Brushing off his sleeves, Yu Kun proclaimed, "Now I truly deserve the title of an Inner Sect disciple!"

He paused briefly before adding, "And Brother Hsu, why so formal? Haven't you forgotten? After I bested Hu Qiu, it was you who sought me out to celebrate over drinks!"

With a chuckle, Yu Kun said, "I addressed you as Senior Brother back then, and that hasn't changed."

Hsu Shaan quickly dabbed at his eyes and responded, "Indeed, I was being overly courteous."

Yu Kun slung an arm over their shoulders and continued, "I've come specifically to find you guys. I slipped away to join the Inner Sect without a word before. Today, I'm here to make amends over drinks! That said, I ran into a bit of a snag with a few nobodies."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Yu Kun declared, "But I've sent those nobodies packing. Let's head to Cloud Crane Tower!"

Zeng Fan vigorously nodded in agreement, "Absolutely, to Cloud Crane Tower we go!"

Lin Jiang echoed with a nod, "To Cloud Crane Tower!"

Hsu Shaan joined in with a grin, "Exactly. Junior Brother Yu is now an Inner Sect disciple—a man of means. It's only right he picks up the tab today!"

Lin Jiang interjected, a touch sheepishly, "Though we did have a mishap earlier, and our clothes are somewhat soiled."

Yu Kun waved off the concern, "Don't worry about it. We're off to Cloud Crane Tower for a feast, not a matchmaking session. Our appearance is the least of our concerns!"

Amidst their laughter, they departed the Flying Cloud Sect and made their way to Cloud Crane Tower just outside.

The Cloud Crane Tower's server, upon noticing Hsu Shaan and the others' bruised faces and tattered garments, and recognizing them as Outer Sect disciples, was initially inclined to turn them away.

But then he caught sight of Yu Kun trailing behind them and realized Yu Kun belonged to the Inner Sect. Not daring to obstruct them any longer, he promptly and respectfully ushered them into the Cloud Crane Tower.

Seated comfortably on the fourth floor, Yu Kun surveyed the expansive view below and nodded in approval. "The Cloud Crane Tower is well-situated indeed. From this vantage point, the view is truly magnificent."

Zeng Fan offered a sheepish smile. "I can't make heads or tails of the scenery; I'm just here for the meat and drink. This is actually my first time on the fourth floor. Who would've thought the decor would be so refined!"

Yu Kun nodded in agreement. "It's the domain of the wealthy elite and the Inner Sect disciples of the Flying Cloud Sect. Naturally, the fourth floor's decor is a cut above. But let's be real—we're warriors. We don't need all the frills! Good food and drink are all we need."

With that, Yu Kun summoned the server and ordered a selection of dishes and several jugs of wine. In no time at all, the table was laden with their order, and they wasted no time in toasting to their hearts' content.

The bonds between men can be straightforward at times. A few drinks in, Hsu Shaan and the others opened up, recounting the events of the past few days.

Yu Kun's expression darkened as he listened. "We were close when you were in the Outer Sect. Since you've been gone, those Inner Sect disciples have been making our lives miserable!"

"A lot of the Elite Disciples in the Mission Hall have connections with the Inner Sect. Now, they're following orders to withhold Sect Missions from us!"

"And it's not just that. Junior Brother Lin was attacked during his last cultivation session. They even took away his right to use the Cultivation Room."

The more they shared, the angrier Yu Kun became. "These people are worthless. If they have a problem with me, fine, target me—but why go after my friends? I've already condensed my Martial Soul, and it's only a matter of time before I advance further!"

Yu Kun's face showed a flicker of confidence as he clenched his fists. "I've not only condensed my Martial Soul but also cleared the Inner Sect's Heavenly Barrier trial. I'm ranked 365th among the Inner Sect disciples. Those stronger than me likely won't bother you, and those weaker won't dare. You won't have to face bullying anymore!"

Hsu Shaan and the others nodded in agreement, reassured by Yu Kun's words.

As Yu Kun continued to drink and mingle, his mind was already strategizing their next moves.

Given the talents of Hsu Shaan and the others, condensing their Martial Souls should be quite a challenge. Yet, with the aid of Heavenly Treasures, it might just be within reach. If these individuals can ascend to the Soul Refining Stage, they'll stand strong against any intimidation upon entering the Inner Sect next year. I'll find a way to get these friends into the Inner Sect if the opportunity arises. For now, though, I need to focus on boosting Hsu Shaan's strength!"

With that, Yu Kun turned to Hsu Shaan and said, "Brother Hsu, I have one more gift for you. Don't even think about rejecting it. Junior Brother Zeng, Junior Brother Lin, no need for those jealous looks—you're getting gifts too!"

Hsu Shaan chuckled, "Given your current riches, anything you give is bound to be top-notch. I'd be a fool to refuse!"

Yu Kun nodded, reached into the Leviathan-roc Space, and produced several Soul Fixing Fragrances, distributing them to each of his friends.

Yu Kun had acquired a substantial stash of Soul Fixing Fragrance from the Azure Snake Patriarch. Most had been used to forge his Leviathan-roc Martial Soul, but he still had a dozen left. Now, he generously offered three to his companions.

Among them, Lin Jiang was the youngest and couldn't identify the Soul Fixing Fragrance. Hsu Shaan, not much of a scholar, was equally clueless. Zeng Fan, however, had pored over numerous texts and recognized the rarity of the gift, his eyes betraying his surprise.

Finally, with careful reverence, Zeng Fan addressed Yu Kun, "Senior Brother Yu, is this really...?"

"Indeed!" Yu Kun replied with a smile. "This is Soul Fixing Fragrance, my gift to you all! Once you've advanced to the High Rank Qi Refining Stage, this fragrance will greatly increase your chances of condensing a Martial Soul! With it, entering the Inner Sect will be a breeze!"

Though Hsu Shaan and the rest were unfamiliar with the Soul Fixing Fragrance, they understood its significance. Upon realizing what Yu Kun had presented, Lin Jiang trembled with awe and protested, "Senior Brother Yu! This is far too valuable—I simply cannot accept it!"

Hsu Shaan spoke up, "Junior Brother Yu, we'd gladly take Spirit Stones or ancient texts off your hands. But this Soul Fixing Fragrance is beyond valuable. Even many heirs of noble families can't get their hands on it!"

Yu Kun chuckled.

"Heirs of noble families don't impress me. Remember how wretched I was in the Test Square? Yet you all defended me without hesitation. Now, you're being pushed around by Inner Sect disciples. It's only natural that I return the favor with a gift!"

Yu Kun paused, a smile playing on his lips, "Right now, I can only offer a few sticks of Soul Fixing Fragrance. But when the time comes, I'll make sure to give you something even grander!"

With Yu Kun's assurance, they began to ease up. Hsu Shaan was the first to accept the Soul Fixing Fragrance, saying, "Well, in that case, I'll take it! Junior Brother Yu, should I make it into the Inner Sect, I'll be sure to repay your generosity!"

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