Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C89 Treasure Seeking
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C89 Treasure Seeking
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C89 Treasure Seeking

After Yu Kun departed, Gu Leshan lingered in the Cloud Crane Tower.

Casually glancing at the middle-aged man next to him, Gu Leshan inquired, "Uncle Gu Hao, what's your take on Yu Kun?"

Gu Hao mulled it over before responding, "He's quite impressive."

Gu Leshan quirked an eyebrow and snatched a piece of meat from the table. "Uncle Gu Hao, you said something similar about Ling Jianfei last time we met him."

Gu Hao remarked, "Ling Jianfei is decent."

Gu Leshan probed further, "So Ling Jianfei is decent. What about Yu Kun?"

Gu Hao replied, "Yu Kun is decent too."

At that response, Gu Leshan let out a knowing smile. "You once spoke of Ling Jianfei, praising his impeccable background, exceptional talent, and superior swordsmanship. Indeed, Ling Jianfei has lived up to your assessment. His prowess has now firmly placed him among the top ten disciples of the Flying Cloud Sect's Inner Sect. He's on the cusp of becoming a Direct Disciple. In terms of strength, he might even rival my former self."

After a brief pause, Gu Leshan continued, "So, what's your verdict on Yu Kun?"

After some contemplation, Gu Hao offered, "He's either genuinely straightforward or adept at concealing his true nature. If he's as he appeared today, then I'm confident he's more fitting for our company than Ling Jianfei. Regarding his talent..."

Gu Hao continued, "Given Gong Liufeng's efforts to conceal the news of Yu Kun's Martial Soul, it's clear Yu Kun is no ordinary individual."

"Moreover, you've mentioned that the Flying Cloud Tower had ruled out the possibility of Yu Kun condensing a Martial Soul, yet he managed to do just that. This suggests only one thing: the Martial Soul he's condensed is not one of the nine common types!"

"With the ability to condense such a unique Martial Soul, his talent likely rivals that of Ling Jianfei! Especially considering that Ling Jianfei has only managed to condense the Sword Martial Soul from the Creation category."

Gu Leshan nodded thoughtfully and added, "You've spoken of his talent, but what about his character? You haven't touched on that, have you?"

Gu Hao chuckled.

"Little Prince, it seems you've already reached a decision, so there's no need for further words from me, is there?"

With a casual flick of his sleeves, Gu Hao continued, "However, you wouldn't offer up that treasure map to him without good reason, would you?"

Gu Leshan burst into laughter upon hearing this.


"I overheard something interesting on my way down the stairs just now. He gifted three Soul Fixing Fragrances to a few disciples from the Outer Sect. Those fragrances are exceedingly rare, so much so that even the County Mansion has a limited supply. And yet, he freely gave them to those disciples!"

"At first glance, it might seem like he's currying favor, but I'm aware that those disciples from the Outer Sect are no ordinary lot. They've had dealings with each other even before this. Moreover, during the trials at the Test Square, those very disciples spoke up for him out of a sense of justice. Could it be that Yu Kun's actions were a way of showing gratitude?"

"His choice to repay kindness with Soul Fixing Fragrance shows he's not without compassion or honor."

"He may be known for his bold claims, but he consistently backs them up with his prowess. He's outspoken, sure, but he's not without substance."

"I hold a position of high esteem. Even elders from the Flying Cloud Sect tend to be somewhat restrained in my presence, but not him. As you've mentioned, if he's not adept at hiding his true self, then his nature must simply be as we see it. Either way, he's clearly no ordinary individual."

Wrapping up his thoughts, Gu Leshan concluded, "All things considered, when it comes to character, Ling Jianfei doesn't hold a candle to him. And I must admit, I'm quite taken with his words. So, what harm is there in bestowing the treasure map upon him?"

Gu Hao nodded in agreement.

Unbeknownst to Yu Kun, Gu Leshan was holding him in high regard at that very moment. Meanwhile, Yu Kun was en route to the Cloud Connecting Mountain Range. Coincidentally, the hidden location marked on the treasure map was within that very range.

Gu Leshan saw Yu Kun's gesture with the Soul Fixing Fragrances as quite generous, and Yu Kun likewise considered the treasure map from Gu Leshan to be of significant value.

To Yu Kun, Gu Leshan's willingness to part with such a map was indeed a surprise.

After several days of arduous travel, Yu Kun at last reached the Cloud Connecting Mountain Range.

Standing on the outskirts of the range, Yu Kun pulled out his Treasure Map and began to scrutinize it closely.

"Though I'm clueless about what secrets this Treasure Map holds, anything from Guu Leshan is bound to be remarkable. The Space Ring he gave me is thrice the size of any other! But still..."

Yu Kun estimated the general area and cross-referenced it with the map before propelling himself at full speed into the thick of the forest using his Movement Technique.

He ran into a number of mutated beasts along the way, all of which he dispatched.

These creatures were formidable, but they stood no chance against Yu Kun.

Three days later, Yu Kun reached the spot marked on the map. He was deep within the Cloud Connecting Mountain Range now, on the verge of entering the even more perilous Cold Moon Mountain Range.

The Cloud Connecting Mountain Range was merely a subsidiary of the vast Cold Moon Mountain Range, known for its treacherous depths.

Yu Kun certainly wasn't reckless enough to take on the Cold Moon Mountain Range.

"Thank goodness the treasure's location is right here! According to the map and the landmarks, it should be within a hundred meters. It'd be a tough find for the average person, but luckily, I have the Leviathan-roc System to detect items imbued with Spiritual Energy in my vicinity."

With this thought, Yu Kun felt a wave of relief.

Activating the Leviathan-roc System, he instantly felt a surge of extraordinary Spiritual Energy beneath the soil.

"This has to be the place! I still don't know what the Treasure Map conceals, but with such a concentration of Spiritual Energy, it's clearly no mere trinket!"

Yu Kun strode to the spot and began digging fervently.

After what seemed like an eternity, he sensed the Spiritual Energy intensifying.

"This is it! Now, it's time to uncover the contents of this treasure!" With a spark in his eyes, Yu Kun eagerly bent down to retrieve the buried chest.

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