Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C94 Stone of Divine Rune
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C94 Stone of Divine Rune
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C94 Stone of Divine Rune

Yu Kun seized a moment of solitude to slice open the hand of the Human-snake Beast within the Leviathan-roc Space. As the creature's blood sprayed forth, the Leviathan-roc Space underwent a transformation. The area shrouded in blood mist began to clear, and soon, the mist vanished entirely.

"Hee really didn't deceive me! Now, I should be able to unlock the Demonic Beast Space Ring!" Yu Kun's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he eagerly examined the treasures within.

Unfortunately, the contents of the Demonic Beast Space Ring were somewhat disappointing, mostly consisting of shattered bones and fragments.

Despite this, Yu Kun recognized that these bones could fetch a decent number of Spirit Stones at the Chamber of Commerce. He contemplated selling these incomplete Demonic Beast Skeletons after collecting his rewards from the Flying Cloud Sect.

He decided to hold onto the intact Azure Snake Patriarch's Bone for now, waiting for a more opportune moment to trade it.

Yu Kun sorted through the items for a while, discarding the worthless objects into a corner of the Leviathan-roc Space and keeping anything of value.

Eventually, he stumbled upon a pebble-sized object radiating a faint Spiritual Energy, which seemed out of the ordinary.

"A Spirit Stone? No, it's too small to be one. What could this be?" Yu Kun pondered, just as the stone vanished without a trace.

He delved deep into his consciousness, searching for the stone, but it was nowhere to be found in his Qi Sea.

"If it wasn't consumed by the baby Leviathan, then who or what took it?" Yu Kun scratched his head, engulfed in bewilderment.

Suddenly, a force surged into his mind, setting off what felt like an explosive charge in his brain.

Yu Kun clutched his head, crying out in agony, "What in the world is happening?"

Time passed as the pain slowly subsided. Exhausted, Yu Kun slumped into his chair, his mind finally easing.

"What was that little stone?" he wondered. This time, instead of looking into his Qi Sea, he focused on his Divine Palace. The sight that greeted him left him astounded—a new star had emerged within Yu Kun's Divine Palace.

The Divine Palace was an immense structure, crowned with stars. Hee Dongqing had explained that the Divine Palace is fundamental to a Divine Rune Master, with the stars representing the so-called Divine Apertures. A Divine Aperture could contain a Divine Rune, but was limited to just one.

Now, Yu Kun was astonished to discover an additional Divine Aperture within his palace, glowing with a new Divine Rune.

"Oh my God! I'm incredibly fortunate!" Yu Kun exclaimed with elation.

Following the map from Guu Leshan's Treasure Map, Yu Kun had unearthed a treasured dagger. After it was consumed by the baby Leviathan, he gained the ability to enhance his Martial Arts prowess. On his return, he encountered a pack of mutated beasts. Fighting desperately, he managed to defeat them and obtained a demonic beast's command tablet, which he could exchange for a sect reward.

But what truly amazed Yu Kun was finding such a treasure among the mutated beasts' hoard. It had activated another Divine Aperture in his Divine Palace, bestowing upon him an additional Divine Rune! Yu Kun was ecstatic.

"Could that small stone actually be a Stone of Divine Rune? What purpose does this Divine Rune serve?" he wondered.

The Divine Rune's function was predetermined, so with his Divine Telekinesis, Yu Kun could discern its purpose.

Immersing himself in Divine Telekinesis, he soon discovered the Divine Rune's function and was ecstatic. He leapt from his chair in excitement.

"This is a protective Divine Rune! Once activated, it provides unmatched defense, strong enough to withstand a lethal strike from a high-ranking Martial Disciple!"

His excitement was tinged with a hint of regret.

"Sadly, this Divine Rune can only be used once. Still, should danger arise, it could save my life, perhaps even in ways I can't imagine."

Yu Kun sighed deeply, took several more breaths to compose himself, and then slumped back into his chair to await the Elder from the Law Enforcement Hall.

Meanwhile, Elder Meng Shuangyang of the Law Enforcement Hall was in a meeting with a Law-enforcing Disciple.

"Elder Meng!" The disciple presented a scale to Meng Shuangyang, reporting, "An Inner Sect disciple has brought this Demonic Beast command. It may very well reveal the location of the White Hound King!"

Meng Shuangyang, with a mix of shock and suspicion in his voice, asked, "Is this the White Hound King that was wounded by the Pingjiang County King some time ago?"

"Exactly," confirmed the Law-enforcing Disciple. "It was found deep within the Cloud Connecting Mountain Range, close to the Cold Moon Mountain Range. The White Hound King has fled into the Cold Moon Mountains. This decree is undoubtedly authentic!"

Taking a deep breath, Meng Shuangyang hastily accepted the scale and began examining it through a pair of specially crafted glasses.

These glasses, a creation of a master Refiner, enabled one to decipher the script of demonic beasts. However, they only allowed for a rough understanding, leaving the finer translation to the reader.

After scrutinizing the scale for a while, Meng Shuangyang set it down and inquired with a detached tone, "Who brought this scale here?"

"He said his name is Yu Kun," replied the Law-enforcing Disciple.

"Yu Kun?" Meng Shuangyang's face registered a faint shift in expression.

He vividly recalled a disciple who had brazenly boasted at the Test Square not long ago, earning the ire of many from the Inner Sect. That disciple was none other than Yu Kun!

"So it's him," Meng Shuangyang mused aloud. "The intelligence is false, yet it holds some merit. Reward him with a hundred Spirit Stones."

Without further question, the Law-enforcing Disciple took the command and departed.

Once alone, Meng Shuangyang couldn't contain his elation, exclaiming, "Fortune smiles upon me! To think I've stumbled upon such a significant achievement! If this decree is accurate, the White Hound King is within the Cold Moon Mountain Range! It even pinpoints the general vicinity of the beast! Since the credit belongs to Yu Kun, it will soon be mine."

Meng Shuangyang's laughter echoed, "You lack status, cultivation, talent, and even a respectable Master. If I claim your achievement, who would dare to challenge me?"

Without delay, Meng Shuangyang donned the formal robes of an Inner Sect Elder and swiftly exited the Law Enforcement Hall. He was eager to present himself before the Master of the Flying Cloud Sect and claim the accomplishment as his own.

Meanwhile, Yu Kun remained blissfully unaware of everything that had transpired.

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