Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C95 No Merit Seeking
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C95 No Merit Seeking
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C95 No Merit Seeking

Meng Shuangyang exited the Law Enforcement Hall and hurried toward the Cultivation Room.

Gong Liufeng was on the cusp of a breakthrough and needed to remain in the Cultivation Room at all times. Knowing this, Meng Shuangyang was certain he would find Gong Liufeng there.

As he approached the Cultivation Room, Meng Shuangyang was about to step inside when he spotted someone strolling out, casually munching on a banana.

Upon seeing the individual, Meng Shuangyang offered a slight bow and greeted, "Hello, Little Prince!"

Gu Leshan gave Meng Shuangyang a cursory glance and acknowledged him.

Meng Shuangyang wasn't someone Gu Leshan considered worthy of friendship.

However, Gu Leshan's attention was drawn to the item in Meng Shuangyang's grasp.

"What's that you're holding, Elder Meng?" Gu Leshan inquired with a laid-back tone.

Meng Shuangyang's face betrayed a hint of discomfort, but he responded with a smile, "It's a command token from a demonic beast."

"I'm aware it's a command token from a demonic beast," Gu Leshan pressed, showing signs of impatience. "Where did you get it?"

"It was given to me by a disciple," Meng Shuangyang replied, still smiling.

"Which disciple?" Gu Leshan probed further.

"His name is Yu Kun. I'm on my way to report the matter to the Sect Master," Meng Shuangyang explained.

Gu Leshan nodded thoughtfully.

"If Yu Kun is the one who found it, why didn't you have him report to the Sect Master himself?"

Meng Shuangyang's anxiety was palpable. He cautiously explained, "I'm just helping him deliver it."

Gu Leshan's laughter rang out, laced with scorn.

Changing the subject, Gu Leshan asked, "Meng Shuangyang, have you encountered the Master of the Flying Cloud Sect lately?"

Meng Shuangyang nodded, replying, "Little Prince, I've been stationed in the Law Enforcement Hall and haven't ventured out recently."

"That explains it. Had you met with Gong Liufeng, you certainly wouldn't have the audacity to do such a thing." With that, Gu Leshan abruptly seized Meng Shuangyang by the collar and delivered two sharp slaps, leaving Meng Shuangyang stunned.

Then, Gu Leshan exploded in anger, "Meng Shuangyang, the nerve you have! Who gave you permission to usurp your disciple's achievement?"

Meng Shuangyang clutched his face, not daring to fight back. He spoke cautiously, "Little Prince, he's nothing but a failure who can't even condense his Martial Soul. Awarding him this honor is simply wasteful."

Gu Leshan looked at him with contempt. "He's not the worthless kind you think, unable to condense a Martial Soul. But let me tell you one thing."

Speaking with gravity, Gu Leshan continued, "Yu Kun is my friend. We've been to Cloud Crane Tower together, shared meals. His possessions are his own, and no one has the right to take them. I won't stand by and let you bully him."

With each word, Gu Leshan delivered two sharp slaps to Meng Shuangyang's cheeks, leaving vivid red marks.

"Don't ever treat my friend that way again," Gu Leshan warned. "I'm well aware of your affairs, how many mistresses you keep, how many disciples you've bedded. I could ruin you in an instant if I chose to."

Holding his face, Meng Shuangyang pleaded cautiously, "Please, Little Prince, have mercy. I was unaware of your friendship with him. Had I known, I would never have dared to act this way."

Gu Leshan snapped, "Enough with the excuses. You know what you need to do, don't you?"

Meng Shuangyang nodded vigorously. "I'll go to him right away. He'll receive everything he's owed."

Gu Leshan fixed him with a stern look.

Startled, Meng Shuangyang quickly added, "And because of his significant contributions, I'll make sure he's properly rewarded."

Gu Leshan gave a nod of approval. "I'll be checking in on him later. If you fail to follow through, remember the fate of the Liu Family. It could easily be yours."

Meng Shuangyang nodded repeatedly, then hastily bowed to Gu Leshan before turning and fleeing without a backward glance.

Meanwhile, Yu Kun was waiting. As he was on the verge of dozing off, the Law-enforcing Disciple entered the room.

Yu Kun straightened up and inquired, "What's the word? Has the Elder made a decision?"

The Law-enforcing Disciple gave a wry smile. "Junior Brother, I regret to inform you that the Elder has deemed your intelligence to be false. However, he acknowledges that you've earned some merit. As such, you're being awarded a hundred Spirit Stones."

"A hundred Spirit Stones?" Yu Kun's brow furrowed, sensing that something was amiss.

He trusted Hee Dongqing more than the Law-enforcing Elder. After all, Hee Dongqing had personally vouched for the intelligence's veracity. Could the Elder really be claiming it was false?

"Could Hee be mistaken? But I'm not acquainted with this Law Enforcement Elder; he has no reason to undermine me. And isn't the Law Enforcement Hall reputed for its fairness and impartiality?"

Lost in thought, Yu Kun was startled when the guest room door burst open and a figure hurried in.

"What's the meaning of this? Didn't I already tell you he's made significant contributions, and that I needed to consult with the Sect Master? Why did you go ahead and inform him?"

Yu Kun eyed the newcomer—an elder whose cheeks were flushed as though he'd been slapped hard.

"Is he a Berserker? Why else would his face be so red?" Yu Kun mused before addressing the elder with a respectful bow, "Greetings, Elder Meng."

Meng Shuangyang offered a forced chuckle, clearly more cautious around Yu Kun now. He returned the gesture and said, "I am Meng Shuangyang, an Elder of the Law Enforcement Hall. We've evaluated your contribution, and you've earned a Grade Four Martial Art."

"Grade Four?" The Law-enforcing Disciple called upon was taken aback. "A Grade Four Martial Art?"

"Just take it when I say so. Who's the Elder here, you or me?" Meng Shuangyang said with an exasperated look. "No more questions, just go fetch it."

Yu Kun watched the exchange with curiosity, aware there was likely more to the story than he knew.

"I can't imagine this Elder being so generous without reason. Something must have changed. But why pry? Receiving a reward is reward enough."

After a pause, Yu Kun inquired, "Could I exchange it for a Grade Four Body Movement Technique? Even Grade Three would suffice."

Meng Shuangyang nodded eagerly, "Certainly, we have those. A Movement Technique is trivial. Besides that, you'll receive additional rewards like Spirit Stones and time in the Cultivation Room. I must see the Sect Master now, so I'll take my leave. Farewell!"

Having said that, Meng Shuangyang made a hasty departure. It was as if he couldn't bear to linger here for even a second more.

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