Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C99 Spirit Jade Plaque!
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C99 Spirit Jade Plaque!
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C99 Spirit Jade Plaque!

Yu Kun christened his abode the Leviathan-roc Hut.

Yet, a plaque wouldn't simply materialize; he had to craft it himself.

After a brief rest, Yu Kun made his way to the sect's grand hall dedicated to forging.

The hall was stark, devoid of unnecessary adornments, with the constant clang of metalwork echoing around. Many of the sect's Divine Weapons were crafted within these walls.

Upon entering the forging hall, Yu Kun approached the disciple responsible for reception.

The disciple was courteous, offering no obstruction. He inquired, "What brings you here? If it's a weapon you wish to forge, materials must be gathered. For other requests, additional Spirit Stones are required."

Yu Kun replied, "I've come to forge a plaque. I'm an Inner Sect disciple and have just named my dwelling."

"Ah, I see!" The disciple responded with reverence, "Senior Brother, your willingness to name your residence suggests you're ready to uphold your honor. What type of plaque would you like to create?"

He paused before continuing, "There are four material options for plaque forging. The first is a basic wood plaque with gold and iron inlay, the second is crafted from ironwood, and the third from gold and jade."

The disciple paused briefly before adding, "The fourth type is fashioned from Spirit Jade."

Yu Kun was momentarily taken aback, then swiftly recalled the information he had read in the library days earlier.

After a moment's reflection, he grasped the essence of Spirit Jade.

Spirit Stones, rich with Spiritual Energy, were mined from the earth and absorbed by warriors. These stones didn't appear from nowhere; they were excavated from subterranean veins. In areas rich with Spirit Stones, the constant exposure would eventually result in the formation of Spirit Jade.

Spirit Jade, while devoid of Spiritual Energy and not a Spirit Stone, was nonetheless cherished for its smooth warmth and superior quality. It wasn't exceedingly rare, but it was a prized possession among nobles and the elite, often carried as a token of status.

Yu Kun was aware that Gu Leshan wore a jade pendant at his waist, crafted from Spirit Jade.

Naturally, someone of Gu Leshan's stature wouldn't have trouble acquiring ample Spirit Jade. However, he wouldn't be seen idly wandering with a large quantity of it.

After pondering for a moment, Yu Kun inquired, "What sets the Spirit Jade Plaque apart from other plaques?"

The disciple replied, "It's quite different. The Spirit Jade Plaque is significantly more valuable."

Yu Kun was at a loss for words.

"Beyond the cost, are there any other distinctions?"

The Forging Hall disciple chuckled.

"Due to its value, the Spirit Jade Plaque isn't something you can just let be destroyed. If you fail to protect the other plaques, it's no big deal, but if you fail to protect the Spirit Jade Plaque, you'll find yourself toiling in the sect's Spirit Stone mines for the next three months as punishment."

Yu Kun was taken aback, "So failing to protect the Spirit Jade Plaque means becoming a miner? It's no wonder the plaque is so exceptional. Hearing this, I must admit, I'm a bit intimidated! Nevertheless, I'll choose the Spirit Jade Plaque."

With a flick of his sleeve, Yu Kun reaffirmed, "Please forge a Spirit Jade Plaque for me."

Upon hearing Yu Kun's decision, the disciple's teasing demeanor faded, replaced by a look of admiration.

"Only those with unwavering confidence in their skills would dare to forge a Spirit Jade Plaque. The consequence of mining for three months is harsh indeed. Not many in the Inner Sect are bold enough to take on such a challenge. Even if you ultimately fail to protect your plaque, you have my respect!"

The Forging Hall disciple continued, "In this generation of the Flying Cloud Sect's Inner Sect, only the top ten have managed to forge a Spirit Jade Plaque, and none have ever been destroyed. I hope your plaque will stand the test of time!"

He then asked, "What name have you chosen for your plaque?"

Yu Kun responded, "Leviathan-roc Hut."

The disciple was taken aback, asking, "Why that name? Most Inner Sect disciples opt for names like 'hall' or 'pavilion.'"

Yu Kun offered a smile and explained, "The place I reside in is quite modest, so 'hut' is the most fitting description."

The disciple from the Forging Hall probed further, "Why not move into a larger dwelling?"

Yu Kun recited the Inscription - The Crude House and summed up, "My skill lies in being able to protect this plaque. If I fail to do so, residing in the grandest hall of the Inner Sect wouldn't mean a thing, would it?"

The Forging Hall disciple gave a vigorous nod, "Well said!"

Brushing off his sleeves, he added, "Then, just give me a moment. Your plaque will be ready shortly."

With that, he strode away.

It wasn't long before he returned, presenting a plaque to Yu Kun.

Yu Kun was taken aback for a moment. 'I only requested a Spirit Jade plaque.'

The disciple grinned, gesturing towards two ironwood plaques, "These two are gifts from me. I hope you'll accept them."

Upon inspection, Yu Kun noticed that each of the ironwood plaques bore a line from the Inscription - The Crude House.

Though not as esteemed as Spirit Jade, ironwood was still a highly valued material.

Yu Kun gratefully accepted all three plaques with a respectful bow, then turned to depart.

The Forging Hall disciple watched Yu Kun's retreating figure, lost in thought for quite some time.

Eventually, another disciple approached and inquired nonchalantly, "Senior Brother Qu Tongji, what's caught your attention?"

Snapped out of his reverie, Qu Tongji replied, "Oh, it's nothing. I just met a fascinating individual and heard some intriguing words."

Unable to contain his curiosity, the other disciple pressed, "What happened?"

Qu Tongji's lips curled into a smile, "It's nothing much. But I have a feeling that the head of my clan would appreciate those words."

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