Folk Psychic

Folk Psychic

396 Chapters
(22 Ratings)
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The five elements had been reincarnated into the world, which world did not belong to, the Yellow Great Immortal caused chaos, the Snake Dowager ate humans, and so on. Was it a natural disaster or a human tribulation, to see Xie Bufan bringing everyone on a tour of the common people …

Table of Contents

C281 Flipping of the head of corpses infuriates the mournful
Nov 4th, 03:56
C282 Maggot source
Nov 4th, 03:56
C283 Altar of ten thousand corpses
Nov 4th, 03:56
C284 Altar awakens ancient corpses
Nov 4th, 03:56
C285 Successful escape
Nov 4th, 03:56
C286 Underwater casket
Nov 4th, 03:56
C287 Family of female cadavers
Nov 4th, 03:56
C288 Foxtail
Nov 4th, 03:56
C289 Be hurt by one's own kin
Nov 4th, 03:56
C290 Peer obstruction
Nov 4th, 03:56
C291 Go to the village to view
Nov 4th, 03:56
C292 Corpses that rot in a day
Nov 4th, 03:56
C293 A man with base skin
Nov 4th, 03:56
C294 Something is amiss with this matter
Nov 4th, 03:56
C295 There's something fishy going on
Nov 4th, 03:56
C296 Threats by the old man
Nov 4th, 03:56
C297 The old man who killed
Nov 4th, 03:56
C298 The old man's conspiracy
Nov 4th, 03:56
C299 Old man's method
Nov 4th, 03:56
C300 You son of a bitch
Nov 4th, 03:56