Godly Evil System/C14 The Mourning Monarch's Face
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Godly Evil System/C14 The Mourning Monarch's Face
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C14 The Mourning Monarch's Face

Even though it occupied a quarter of the area of the City Lord's Mansion, his mansion did not have that many servants.

Everywhere Mo Junyan passed, all the servants greeted him. Although it was very respectful, Mo Junyan could still feel their fear.

He shook his head and soon, a mansion appeared in Mo Junyan's sight.

Jun Wen.

Looking at the signboard on the door, Mo Junyan slightly frowned, then walked straight in with a sullen face.

Yuan Ye and others who were behind Mo Junyan also followed him in.

When they arrived at the main hall, Mo Junyan found a beautiful lady sitting on the seat of honor. Mo Junyan's expression also became helpless.

"Yan, you're back?" I heard you just made a trip to the Jiuyuetian Restaurant. You went messing around with Ye Family's Ye Wenmang again? "

When the beautiful woman saw Mo Junyan, her beautiful eyes froze for a moment. Then, she immediately put on the attitude of an education teacher.

Name: Yun Hua

Identity: Madam City Lord's Mansion (mother of the host)

Cultivation: three stars Profound Stage

Brief description: Because the eldest son, the second daughter is not at home all year round, for the third son is a pamper.

"Mom, I didn't go out with him." Mo Junyan thought that it would be difficult to call out for his mother, but he didn't expect her to do so so easily.

"No?" Don't lie to me, how can I not know where you are? Other than going to the Jiuyuetian Restaurant, what else can we do! "

When Yun Hua heard Mo Junyan's words, she immediately came to Mo Junyan's side. She stretched out her hand and pinched Mo Junyan's ear, saying with incomparable viciousness.

"Ss, it hurts, it hurts, Mother." Mo Junyan's cold expression turned into that of a child.

Don't look at how fiercely Yun Hua was pinching him, she didn't use any force at all. Mo Junyan was only cooperating with her.

"It hurts, you know it hurts!?" What did mom usually teach you? Ah? "No matter what you did in the past, from now on, you have to change your mind and become a man that a girl can accept."

Yun Hua let go of Mo Junyan's ear snappily and said in a loud voice.

Mo Junyan also listened silently. During this time, he didn't interrupt, like a well-behaved child.

Speaking of which, although Mo Junyan had a wealthy family in his previous life, his father and mother were not at home all year round due to the business. They could only meet during festivals.

So, Mo Junyan had an extravagant request for the motherly love he got from this foreign world. At that moment, he did not feel it.

"Do you understand?" Did you take in what I just said? " Yun Hua's heart softened as she saw Mo Junyan's silent appearance and whispered to him.

"Understood, Mom. I'm hungry and I want to eat." Mo Junyan smiled when he heard the childish words.

"Hungry? It just so happens that your father went to Empire State to check on your second sister's return. He should be back soon.

Yun Hua seemed to have thought of something, and after she said that, she pulled Mo Junyan and walked out of Jun Wen, heading towards the main hall, which was the center of the City Lord's Mansion.

… ….

Mo Junyan sat on the stool and smiled wryly as he watched the dishes that were served in a short while.

Looking at Yun Hua who was busy cooking, he thought to himself, Mo Junyan, Mo Junyan, how could you have such a good mother...

"Hey, are you hungry? "Don't worry, there are still two more dishes to eat."

Yun Hua, who brought the dishes up by herself, mistakenly thought that Mo Junyan was hungry when she saw that Mo Junyan was stunned.

"Oh, ah? "I'm not hungry …"

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