Godly Evil System/C5 Go to Dinner
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Godly Evil System/C5 Go to Dinner
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C5 Go to Dinner

"Let's go, destination, Jiuyuetian Restaurant." Mo Junyan suddenly opened his eyes.

A scarlet ray of light flashed from Mo Junyan's scarlet eyes. It was dazzling!

"Yes, Third Young Master!" The ten bodyguards looked at each other and said in unison. Then, they stood up and followed behind Mo Junyan.

"Right, you are not allowed to reveal today's matter or else you will end up like Lin Hu."

Mo Junyan seemed to have thought of something and stopped walking as he instructed the ten guards behind him.

"Yes sir!"

"Also, from now on, he will be your new leader." Mo Junyan pointed at the guard that just stood up and told him that Lin Hu was doing the job.

The other nine guards immediately hesitated. After all, the guard from before had the lowest cultivation base among them. However, under Mo Junyan's cold gaze, they still agreed.

"What's your name?"

"Replying Young Noble, your subordinate's name is Yuan Ye."

"Mn, let's go to the Jiuyuetian Restaurant."

After Mo Junyan heard the guard's neither humble nor arrogant words, he nodded in satisfaction and then stepped into an extremely luxurious carriage.

Yuan Ye hurriedly went up to control the six horses that were pulling the carriage, behind the carriage followed nine Star Lords of the Eight Yellow Stage!

… ….

In front of a huge restaurant stood countless young men and women wearing white long robes and blue robes.

The blue-robed figure was none other than someone in the inn. Each and every one of them were incomparably beautiful beauties.

And this restaurant, was also the largest restaurant within the Snow Moon City, named Jiuyuetian Restaurant! It was said that this was created by a powerful expert.

A person wearing the same white robe was a disciple of the Luo Family young generation!

"Hey, Luozi, why do you think Third Young Master Mo isn't here yet? Could it be that you are afraid and do not dare to come? "

One of the young disciples with a square face complained as he stood outside the restaurant.

"Yeah, they are all eating and drinking in the restaurant, and they are even hugging each other. How could they be as unlucky as us?"

After the other disciple heard that person's words, he couldn't help but complain and occasionally looked into the restaurant.

"Don't worry. The dignified City Lord, Third Young Master would definitely not be afraid to come. So, we can only wait."

The man called Cheng Luozi confidently consoled the four Luo Family disciples beside him.

"That might not be the case. After all, the person who invited him this time is the number one genius of our Luo Family, one of the three great geniuses of Snow Moon City, Luo Tian!"

When the disciple who spoke earlier spoke of Luo Tian, his face was full of pride, as if Luo Tian wasn't talking about others but himself.

At this moment, a luxurious carriage slowly approached from the street. The people on the street all made way, not daring to stop it!

Who else in the Snow Moon City could have six horses pulling a carriage? And only the number one silkpants young master in Snow Moon City, Mo Junyan!

"See, I said it already, it's coming!" When the Luo Zi heard the sound, she immediately saw the carriage Mo Junyan was sitting in and said.

The moment the carriage stopped, the pretty girl at the door went up to welcome them. She stood beside the carriage and said gently, "Third Young Master Mo, you finally came. I missed you so much."

Mo Junyan had just rolled up the curtain, but when he heard those words before he even got out of the car, he immediately frowned.

From his memories, it was clear to him that the original body was a regular customer of the Jiuyuetian Restaurant! Lovers were also a lot of things.

Although he wasn't used to it, Mo Junyan still slowly got off the carriage. When the girl tried to take his arm, he cleverly dodged.

"Third Young Master …" That beautiful woman felt slightly awkward as she continued speaking.

"Stay away from me."

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