Heaven-devouring Sword Emperor/C2 Stupa Pulse Condensation Arts
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Heaven-devouring Sword Emperor/C2 Stupa Pulse Condensation Arts
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C2 Stupa Pulse Condensation Arts

The Dragon Subduing was his previous life's most powerful heavenly weapon. The Demon-suppressing Pagoda of the Eight Desolations, which would still be a part of him after being reborn, that was something Loong Che could never have imagined!

"I will once again be able to ascend onto the summit of the Martial Way with this heavenly weapon, which will be only around the corner!"

A spontaneous sense of pride emerged!

"The 100,000 demons that the Eight Destroys Supressing Pagoda suppresses are going to be a catastrophe for others, but for me it will be a bountiful quantity of means to assist me reach the pinnacle of the Martial Path! I shall be capable to reach the martial saint by slaying demons and gaining their abilities and becoming a king!"

Loong Che was startled pleasantly. He attempted to connect his soul energy with the Eight Desolations Demon-suppressing Pagoda, but he could not enter.

"I am unable to connect with such a powerful heavenly weapon at my present level of strength. If I wish to utilize the demonic demons suppressed in the pagoda, I must have a cultivation level that is at least at the War Sect Master Stage."

Based on his previous experience, Loong Che could readily conclude that his present poor strength would prevent him from communicating with such a strong divine weapon, much alone slaying demonic devils and stealing their Demonic Pills and Devil Cores to enhance his own cultivation base.

Even the smallest sign of cultivation was not visible in his body. He was little more than a living corpse, and the distance between him and the War Sect Master Stage was enormous!

After being denied access to the Eight Desolations Demon-suppressing Pagoda, which contained a massive treasure vault, Loong Che could not really help but feel disappointed.

His eyes moved about in their sockets and suddenly glowed brightly.

"This White Jade Crystal Coffin was constructed from ice that has been frozen for ten thousand years. It holds the most pure and profound Profound Power on the face of the planet and the heavens. My father is very kind in that he makes use of something as useful as a coffin."

Anything that possessed the Profound Power might be utilized for cultivation using Loong Che's methods.

Even the casket was not included in the exemption from this rule.

Then he discovered a Technique named 'Stupa Pulse Condensation Arts' in his thoughts, and he circulated this Technique using a large amount of Spiritual Force.

As the world's greatest War God, he was armed with the basis of all of its development. So any Technique that he happened to come upon at random would drive the whole world to battle over.

When it came to cultivation methods, he had selected the Stupa Pulse Condensation Arts for himself since it's one of the saint grades among them. The most significant aspect was that it was not limited by cultivation degree, and it was capable of repairing the badly damaged Spiritual Martial Bloodline to the maximum extent possible.

During the course of the sluggish circulation of the Stupa Pulse Condensation Arts, Loong Che could plainly sense that the flesh and blood inside his body had begun to suffer minor alterations. There seemed to be tiny whirlpools developing around his flesh and blood as he walked. They started to collect the Profound Qi, which was as thin as gossamer, as soon as they contacted it.

The Profound Qi that emanated from the White Jade Crystal Coffin was very clean and unadulterated. Following absorption, it would merge with the flesh and blood in Loong Che's body and help to restore and mend the harm through his bloodline and bones.

This particular casket, constructed of White Jade Crystal, was of exceptional quality. The body could be kept in it for up to a hundred years without decaying. It's possible. Profound Qi had a role in its development.

It was clear at this time how much Loong Jingyun cherished his kid and how deeply he loved him.

Although Loong Che carefully directed this Method to circulate gently, there was still tremendous agony even when Loong Che did so. As a result, it may be deduced how severe his injuries were from this information!

The Stupa Pulse Condensation Arts, on the other hand, was a saint-grade item that had the ability to restore one's bloodline. After just two hours, the excruciating agony in his body had totally subsided.

All of the shattered bones and tissues in his body were repaired in less than two hours by him. This was nothing short of a miracle. Perhaps only Loong Che could be the beneficiary of such a miracle under the circumstances.

Following the restoration of his flesh and blood, the Stupa Pulse Condensation Arts started slowly to circulate at a faster rate. With the pure Profound Qi emanating from the White Jade Crystal Coffin, Loong Che began the process of mending the Spiritual Martial Bloodline that had been damaged.

Threads of white-fog-form Profound Qi started to drill into Loong Che's flesh as the Technique was disseminated.

The ice element was presented in the pure Profound Qi, and it had a particular cooling impact on blood and flesh when applied.

After having endured the excruciating agony of the past, the rebuilding of the Spiritual Martial Bloodline had placed Loong Che in a state of bliss.

Two hours later, with just a small tremor of his body, a Spiritual Martial Bloodline had been successfully restored!

It was also as a result of this that Loong Che's cultivation level had been increased to that of a Warrior at Level 1.

"Let's Continue."

The look on Loong Che's face was one of indifference.

The world of the Level 1 Warrior was trivial in his eyes.

This continued to be done with the Stupa Pulse Condensation Art. Two hours later, the second Spiritual Martial Bloodline was successfully linked!

Up until dark, the restoration process was still in progress.

Only moments before, the rain had ceased.

Eventually, the tiger carriage that pulled the casket ceased.

In front of them stood the mansion of the Loong Clan, which was located in the Heaven Gate Town.

However, at this time, instead of the sorrowful expressions of their family members greeting them at the main door of the house, they were greeted by several Loong Family guards with formidable bows and arrows!

The bow was loaded with arrows, and they were facing each other coldly!

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