Heaven-devouring Sword Emperor/C4 Rage Inflicted His Heart
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Heaven-devouring Sword Emperor/C4 Rage Inflicted His Heart
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C4 Rage Inflicted His Heart

As shortly as Loong Fanjiang's words were outside, Tieh Ying was unable to do anything except stare him in the eyes.

"Loong Fanjiang!"

While staring fiercely at Loong Fanjiang, Loong Jingyun's blood-red eyes were like a blazing furnace. His hands were clenched so firmly that cracking noises could be heard from inside them.

"Do you really wish to break the laws of the clan, Loong Jingyun? After all this time, you've earned the title of Patriarch! You haven't got a clue what's going on. Given that your son is no longer alive, his status as Patriarch has been automatically revoked."

"Loong Che had passed away. My son, Loong Yuan, is by far the most brilliant member of the Family's younger generation. He has already been notified about the Mountain-splitting Faction's entry into the sect, which he has already done. My son will now be in charge of protecting the Loong Clan from this day on!"

"As for me, it goes without saying that I shall be the next Patriarch of the Long Family! This evening, prepare the Coiling Dragon Staff, which will be passed down as an inheritance from the Family Head of the Loong Clan. When the time comes, I will dispatch a team to collect it for you!"

The narrow eyes of Fanjiang peered down from above and tried to harness this to oppress others.

"How did the Coiling Dragon Staff get up in possession of such a filthy individual like yourself? If I can murder you, a person who is defying the laws of our clan, then it would not matter if I break the rules of our clan!"

Loong Jingyun let out a yell. The Profound Qi that had been coursing through his whole body swelled and raced to the top of his head. Suddenly, the Profound Qi took the shape of a massive crimson blood vulture!

Having such an intimidating demeanor was really remarkable. Loong Jingyun, Expert's cultivation level was second only to S's cultivation level. The sensation of coldness running down his spine couldn't be resisted at that time.

After waving his hand and drawing a full moon shape with his bow and arrow, Loong Fanjiang continued.

The tragedy was comparable to a storm!

"No, not at all, Family Head! It had just been announced that Young Lord had passed away. It was not a smart idea to torture and kill!"

Tieh Ying quickly offered his advice behind him.

"This situation will have to be endured for a few more days, Family Head. Loong Fanjiang's activities must have been meticulously planned over an extended period of time. If they were to engage in combat right now, both sides would undoubtedly suffer significant casualties! It's not too late to apprehend him after Young Master has finished with the burial services!" Tieh Ying shared his thoughts.

Suddenly, a deep sigh was heard coming from the depths of his soul. Even though Loong Jingyun's blood-red eyes were like flames, overflowing with sorrow and anger, all of the Profound Qis in his body vanished by the end of the day.

In the absence of the fact that he wanted Loong Che to live in peace, he would have carried out a massacre today!

"Loong Fanjiang, If you don't remember what occurred today, I'll have you killed immediately!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Loong Jingyun hoovered up Grand Elder's head from the ground and mounted the tiger carriage, which he rode towards the ancient house of the Loong Clan in the distance.

Loong Fanjiang's anxious face gradually became less tense as he saw Loong Jingyun leave.

"The Dragon's Marrow Pill will be sent to Loong Jingyun two days after that. My cultivation level will be high enough to pass through to the Intermediate War Master Stage in a single leap when that situation arises. Show us what else you're capable of!"

"I shall own the whole Loong Family. Without a doubt!"

Loong Fanjiang waved his hand, and all of the guards returned to their positions.

The old mansion of the Loong Clan had become abandoned and decrepit, and it had now been reduced to a disastrous state.

Naturally, nobody would ever visit to this place. There were only a few wild dogs and beasts wandering around here.

An overwhelming feeling of sorrow filled Loong Jingyun's heart as he stood there gazing at the lonely and destroyed landscape in front of him and then at the hazy white light emanating from inside the White Jade Crystal Coffin.

"Loong Fanjiang! Today, I'll save you the trouble. I'll come over and settle the score with you as soon as my son's issues have been resolved."

Loong Jingyun fiercely repressed the hatred in his heart, but it looked like he couldn't resist it!

When Loong Che died in the Purple Sun Sect, no one could explain why he had died. He was considered the most brilliant person in the Loong Clan. It felt as if a dagger had been thrust into his chest.

The loss of his son had made Loong Jingyun even more depressed, especially in the wake of the Family's present situation. He couldn't keep the tears from flowing after pondering the situation for a time.

They were completely unaware that another shift was taking place inside the White Jade Crystal Coffin at the moment.

The Profound Qis created from the ten thousand-year ice were entering Loong Che's body little by bit, enabling the wounded Spiritual Martial Bloodlines in his body to heal as quickly as possible on top of the White Jade Crystal Coffin.

Of course, Loong Che was able to hear everything that was going on in the rest of the outside world.

Nevertheless, he had not yet regained his full strength, and it was not the right time for him to return. As a result, he could only conceal his deep hatred in his heart and let his bruises heal in tranquility.

After a time, the sky progressively became darker, and the sky eventually became pitch black.

Some of the guards began to cook amid the ruins of the mansion, while others were dozing at their posts.

They were both physically and emotionally tired after travelling such a great distance in one day. However, in this barren setting, they seemed to be forlorn.

A piercing voice pierced the silence as of the moment.

"Long Jingyun, have you fulfilled the job given to you by the Patriarch?"

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