Heaven-devouring Sword Emperor/C5 He Added Oil to the Fire
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Heaven-devouring Sword Emperor/C5 He Added Oil to the Fire
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C5 He Added Oil to the Fire

There were between twenty and thirty individuals waiting at the dilapidated door. Every one of them was a member of the Loong Clan.

Each of them had a high degree of cultivation, and they enjoyed a positive working relationship with Second Elder and Loong Fanjiang.

Loong Jingyun sneered.

"I'm telling you, Loong Zhen, this young brother of yours is seriously talented! Loong Fanjiang, he has already ascended to the position of Patriarch?"

"Why don't you give over the Coiling Dragon Staff as soon as possible, Loong Jingyun? If you break the laws of the family and become an opponent of the Loong Clan, you will be punished severely!"

Sneering, Loong Zhen stated what he was about to say. Originally, he was the Fifth Elder of the Loong Clan. Even when confronted by Loong Jingyun, he didn't show any signs of fear. Initially, it seemed as if Loong Zhen and Loong Fanjiang had struck an accord a long time before this.

"It is represented by the Coiling Dragon Staff, which is the emblem of the Patriarch of the Loong Clan. Despite the fact that I do not have the power of Patriarch at the moment, I cannot gift this Coiling Dragon Staff to a traitorous individual!"

Loong Jingyun said, "Long Zhen, return and inform Loong Fanjiang that if he want to be the Patriarch of the Loong Clan, he must consider taking this Coiling Dragon Staff from me!"

"How could you do this?!"

Loong Zhen's teeth screamed. He stared coldly at Loong Zhen. The twenty to thirty specialists behind him took swords and spears as soon as these words were uttered. They furiously grumbled at him as if they were about to begin a slaughter.

When Loong Jingyun saw this scenario, he couldn't help but chuckle at his own expense.

As the Patriarch of the Loong Clan, he had no one else to turn to for assistance. He was a complete and utter loser!

"Long Zhen, you're still not qualified to be haughty in front of me!"

Loong Jingyun's body began to tremble all of a sudden. His body erupted in a tremendous outpouring of breath!

His cultivation level had approached the Primary War Master Stage, and he had a hazy understanding of what it meant to be an Intermediate Warrior. However, he had not yet achieved the Primary War Master Stage. He was on the verge of breaking through to the Intermediate War Master level when he was discovered. He might be regarded as a top specialist in the whole Heaven Gate Town, if not the entire world.

"The Loong Clan has been building its foundation for centuries. How could this be ruined like you by trash?"

At the time, Loong Jingyun was angry, but the guards, who kept their fury, also took off their swords under the leadership of Tieh Ying. Suddenly the mood got very tense!

"Miss Ouyang is finally arrived!"

A woman's voice could be heard for the first time at that moment.

Immediately, everyone's attention was drawn to this speaker, and they all turned to see what it was about.

Then, they saw a couple of towering and imposing soldiers keeping an eye on a lady as she went through the decrepit front entrance.

The young lady was just fifteen or sixteen years old at the time. On the other hand, she was attractive and sophisticated, and she had an exceptional disposition and a beautiful physique. Her mature appeal would emerge in the next few years, and she would undoubtedly progress to the status of a captivating lady.

"Is that you, Ruoxi?"

When Loong Jingyun saw her, his face instantly changed and became more difficult to understand.

"Uncle Loong, hello."

Ouyang Ruoxi bowed down before Jingyun's Loong.

"I've arrived at this particular moment... "

"Uncle Loong, I'm come to inform you that the engagement has been cancelled."

The expression on Ouyang Ruoxi's face was serene and cool. Her eyes rested briefly on the White Jade Crystal Coffin before it became swiftly redirected elsewhere in the room.

Loong Jingyun's heart appeared to have been brutally shattered by some unknown force.

"Uncle Loong, please don't be depressed. After death, a person cannot be brought back to life."

In an exceptionally quiet way, Ouyang Ruoxi stated.

"The loss of your kid has been a source of great sadness for me as well. Please, Uncle Loong, take good care of yourself. The purpose of my visit today is to finalise the marriage arrangement between myself and Loong Che. Because the situation has progressed to this degree, the marriage between us will be terminated."

When Loong Jingyun heard these quiet words, he was taken aback by their beauty.

He had not yet been able to control his emotions in the wake of the changes in the family, but now he had been officially annulled!

This was just a matter of slathering a coating of heated oil over his ferocious rage!

His rage bubbled up from inside him, but he had no means to express it! In the end, he had to put up with it.

Loong Che was able to hear everything that occurred outside since he was in the same building.

"Ouyang Ruoxi, where have you been hiding? She seems to be the fiancee with whom I have not previously interacted. Her real intention is to call off the engagement with me on this day? It has a lot of life to it..."

The White Jade Crystal Coffin had absorbed all of the White Jade Crystal Coffins contained inside it after just a few hours of development, and Loong Che had already broken through eight of the Spiritual Martial Bloodlines housed within it.

So, after just a few hours, his cultivation level had returned to the Warrior Stage, which is the highest degree possible.

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