Hell's Gate Thirteen Stitches/C12 Teasing
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Hell's Gate Thirteen Stitches/C12 Teasing
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C12 Teasing

This Li Yuan, how did he get on the plane? Could it be that he had been following her the entire way?

Xu Li frowned as he looked at Li Yuan in confusion.

"Don't misunderstand, I happen to be on this plane as well. When I see an acquaintance, I naturally want to have a chat with him."

Xu Li's words were like a thorn in his throat, but he couldn't say it out loud. Thinking of the idea that just flashed through his mind, Xu Li pursed his lips.

This is something you have to come up with.

The corner of her mouth was raised when she thought of this. Seeing this made Li Yuan feel extremely comfortable.

"You're also from S city?"

The plane flew directly to S City, where Xu Li's home was. However, if she wasn't in the city, she would need to take a few trips to the countryside.

There was relatively less country folk and half as many lights as there were in the city, so it was more likely to meet ghosts.

Xu Li thought to himself in self-mockery. Normal people still suspected that there were no ghosts in the world. She was already rushing to clean up the area even more cleanly than the buddhist dojo.

Li Yuan shook his head and smiled faintly. "I have something to do over there."

"Oh? "What a coincidence."

Xu Li tactfully did not ask any further questions. He thought about how he could rely on these two or three hours to get to Li Yuan without arousing his suspicions.

However, she was also really dumb. She would often chat for a bit, and then the topic would accidentally be told to death by him.

Li Yuan didn't seem to care. He would only occasionally whisper to her, his deep voice echoing in Xu Li's ears. He stared at her, smiling. It wasn't just teasing, it was a crime.

Xu Li lowered his eyes. The plane flew through the clouds as if it had also traveled through time. He looked at his watch and was about to land, but she said so much nonsense and didn't even know how to ask Li Yuan for his phone number.

As the plane slowly descended, Xu Li's head buzzed and he grabbed Li Yuan's hand.

"Is this important? If it's not important, why don't you come to my house tonight? "


Li Yuan probably hadn't even gotten back from Xu Li's inhuman brain when he saw the girl holding his hand turn red. After a while, she threw his hand away in disgust and said with a face full of annoyance.

"Don't mind me. My brain is not working well recently."

With that, Xu Li tilted his head to the side, wishing he could bite off his tongue.

After getting off the plane, Li Yuan would probably think that she was a lunatic whose head had been broken by a ghost.

As expected, Li Yuan did not continue the conversation. He turned the snake-headed ring on his index finger a few times. After being surprised, he found it a little funny.

He clearly remembered that girl in the snowy shrubbery, viciously pinching a needle as she attacked.

Strictly speaking, ever since he had seen Xu Li leave, it had only been two or three days. But somehow, he had somehow managed to catch up to Xu Li.

"Alright, then I'll go to your house."

Li Yuan agreed. Perhaps in his heart, he really wanted to see what Xu Li was up to.

When Xu Li heard Li Yuanzhen agree, he actually became a little flustered.

The thought of sacrificing her life came out in an instant and she regretted it when she said it. But Li Yuan had already agreed to it, and now he was going back on his words? Or perhaps he could just invite Li Yuan to the house to have a drink of the boiled water she boiled?

The plane stopped in S City. Xu Li and Li Yuan got off the plane one after the other. They didn't say a word until they boarded the long-distance bus in the early hours of the morning.

This was truly a bit awkward.

Xu Li scratched his head in panic and lowered his hat even further. He sat at the back of the bus, not daring to look at Li Yuan.

The corners of Li Yuan's lips were curled upwards as he stared daggers at Xu Li, his expression unclear.

The more it was like this, the more Xu Li felt like he was sitting on pins and needles. Although he wasn't looking at Li Yuan, he felt like he was just staring at her.

This caused her face to turn a little red as she forced herself to calm down and speak.

"When you get to my house …" You can sleep in my little room. "

That's right, Xu Li was shamelessly regretting it, and he was even very confident.

Li Yuan was stunned for a moment before he chuckled. When he laughed, he became even more handsome.

In that instant, for some reason, the heart of Xu Li's young girl who hadn't moved in twenty years suddenly shook, then sank back into the water like a stone once more.

Her goal was to flirt with the person in front of her.

Xu Li blamed all of this on the fact that she spoke too little to the robust man. Suppressing the slight throbbing in his heart, he very unnaturally turned his head back to the window.

Up till now, she only knew that the person in front of her was called Li Yuan. She didn't know anything else, not even why he was following her like a ghost.

Xu Li took a deep breath. The white mist hung on the window, forming a small ball.

The two were both a bit embarrassed, but Xu Li was even more embarrassed.

After the car stopped, it was already in a small town, and with another town bus, they would arrive at their doorstep. Xu Li did not hesitate; her personality, once things had come to a conclusion, was just like how she took one step at a time, cherishing her life but not afraid of death.

Li Yuan's eyes flashed.

The sun had already risen, and the cars coming and going on the streets were criss-crossing. The sun shone down on Xu Li, leaving only a pair of narrow and long eyes on the outside of his scarf.

Li Yuan found it funny. He didn't understand why Xu Li had such an unsightly appearance.

During this time, neither of them spoke. When they arrived at the town public transport, about 30 minutes later, they arrived at the countryside.

What entered his vision was a large expanse of green wheat straw. It was strong and robust in the deep winter wind, swaying the green grass head.

After getting off the car, Xu Li walked with his head down. Although he couldn't regret it now, he had never encountered anything that he didn't. Her heart was still beating like a drum.

Just like that, Xu Li walked off into the distance and discovered that there were no more footsteps behind him.

Li Yuan stopped at the end of the wheat field and looked into the distance. No one knew what he was thinking about.

Xu Li thought for a moment. If she were to just leave like this, would the invitation she had just sent not count?

However, this thought only flashed through his mind. He still had the snake head ring on his finger. No matter what, he had to get something out of it tonight.

With that in mind, she turned around and walked to Li Yuan's side, weighing her options before asking him.

"What are you looking at?"

Li Yuan's eyes flashed as he looked at Xu Li with a smile.

"My destination is here, why, do you really want me to come to your house?"

Xu Li's expression changed. He immediately understood what Li Yuan meant, so he didn't just randomly come over, but it just so happened to be on the way?

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