That Young Girl, Reincarnated Into A Mimic/C10 It Was Impossible to Stop While You Were Ahead!
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That Young Girl, Reincarnated Into A Mimic/C10 It Was Impossible to Stop While You Were Ahead!
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C10 It Was Impossible to Stop While You Were Ahead!


The thirteenth.

You have killed a Dragon Ant (Youngling) and obtained EXP30 x 2. The Exotic Mimic has leveled up to Level 7.

I repeated this task and killed the larvae of the Dragon Ant nearby.

The EXP I obtained allowed me to level up to Level 7, but there didn't seem to be any obvious changes. Furthermore, my Health seemed to be declining. Perhaps the Health's upper limit had increased.

Slime was even faster than me. It jumped into the midst of the Dragon Ant larvae and fired in all directions, killing five or six at a time.

I looked at the unparalleled Slime and fell into deep thought.

Speaking of which, if this continues, the Slime will probably be stronger than me?

Speaking of which... The first time I saw it, it was already LV4... Maybe Slime is a very strong race? And Treasure Monsters can only be monsters that wait for rabbits?

No! I can't become like that! If I become like that, I will hate this world for the rest of my life! How could there be such a world!

[I can't help but speed up. I rushed into it like I am mad. The body fluid of the larvae is flying around. I don't care about it anymore.]

When the Slime saw me suddenly explode, it let out an anxious voice, wanting to stop me. Sorry, I can't give it to you.


The Slime rushed into the pile of larvae as if it was angry. The two of us were fighting for resources so that we wouldn't lose to each other.

After completely eliminating all the Dragon Ant larvae in this room, my level stopped at LV10. I began to feel that my rate of improvement had slowed down.

This method probably can't be used anymore.

I looked at the Slime that was exhausted and fell at my feet. Soon, the subtitle lord appeared.

[Aqua Slime, LV13.]

It really is higher level than me...

When I saw this level, I felt a little complicated in my heart. The fact that the Slime had become stronger made me very happy, but to be honest, I felt a little defeated.

Yesterday, I said that I would protect it... But now, I feel like I am on the opposite side.

Perhaps it was because of the race, but Slime grew faster than the Mimic.

I comforted myself in my heart.

Speaking of which, I have more or less figured out the rules of the subtitles.

It usually appears after I stare at something for a while, but the amount of information it provides is very unstable. Maybe I should find an opportunity to test it out. This is probably the ability of the Magic Eye contained in the Goddess' family.

It's so difficult to be a monster... It's also difficult to be a human...

I felt something bump into my side. It turned out to be Slime. It looked very angry, probably because I stole a lot of experience points from it.

Slime had only rested for a while, but it was already full of energy. I felt that it was about time to run. The battle above might be over soon.

However, the Slime did not have any intention of going back. It pushed me deeper into the forest. To be honest, I had already gained a lot this time. I felt that I should stop when I was ahead.

However, I believe in the Slime's judgement. It is special. It must have its reasons for doing things.

I used the pliers to gently pick it up and put it on my head. With light steps, I headed deeper into the Dragon Ant nest. Not long after, we arrived at the end of the Dragon Ant nest.

What is waiting for us there is...

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