That Young Girl, Reincarnated Into A Mimic/C11 Why Are Ants so Strong!
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That Young Girl, Reincarnated Into A Mimic/C11 Why Are Ants so Strong!
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C11 Why Are Ants so Strong!

I stopped in what looked like a reception hall, and I felt like I'd won a jackpot.

At the end of the reception hall was a staircase, and below it were two Dragon Ants, or more accurately, Dragon Ant Soldiers. Even their appearances were different from ordinary Dragon Ants, with twisted dragon horns, and their levels were higher than mine and Slime's.

When the two of them saw Slime and me, they actually stood up and took out a spear from somewhere and pointed it at us. To be honest, that spear is a bit unnecessary. They can crush us with just their strength.

There was a huge creature lying on the top of the stairs. That's right, it was the Dragon Ant Queen.

She didn't look much different from what I read in the books. She didn't evolve at all.

I'm very sorry, we've killed all the children you just gave birth to.

I can't see any way for the Dragon Ant Queen to fight. She wouldn't suddenly summon a group of Dragon Ants, would she? This is too unscientific. Pah! I forgot that this world can't be measured by science.

'Since they haven't taken any action yet, I'll use them to test the Magic Eye first.'

Slime was a little restless on my head. It looked like it could rush up and fight at any time, without any self-consciousness of being a Slime.

At this time, please be obedient so that we can win for sure.

I stared at the Dragon Ant Queen and waited for a while. The subtitle lord appeared just as I had guessed.

Dragon Ant Queen, LV20, ruler of the Dragon Ant Clan. Her body is huge and she is unable to move. She is a special monster.

I wasn't in a hurry to look away. Instead, I continued to look at her. The subtitles changed.

[Dragon Ant Queen, LV20, HP / MP: 300 / 566.] The ruler of the Dragon Ant Clan was too big to move and could only produce special monsters. If one doesn't have the ability to fight directly, killing them will cause the clan to die.

That means the amount of information is proportional to the time it takes to observe it? It's a reasonable ability, and though I wish it were more practical, it seems unlikely.

Then, let's look at the Dragon Ant Soldiers...

I didn't expect that the Dragon Ant Soldiers would suddenly attack me at this moment. They aimed their long spears at me and threw it out. I was so scared that I hurriedly shrank back.


The Slime let out a surprised and angry sound as it left my body and dodged the spear that shot towards it. Sorry, I forgot that you were still on my head.

Dong dong!

The two spears fiercely pierced into my outer shell, and my HP, which seemed to be very little, disappeared a little. Speaking of which, my HP is below 20%!? Do you have to be like this?! I haven't recovered at all!

I always felt that fighting in such a situation was very dangerous. I spread my limbs and used my pliers to pull out the spear on my body and break it.

At least I said that I would make them lose their weapons...

The Dragon Ant Soldiers actually took out their spears from who knows where. One of them ran towards me with a spear in his hand while the other threw his spear in an attempt to shoot me.

There is actually such a method?! Isn't this cheating?!

The Dragon Ant Soldiers didn't care about my complaints. They lowered their heads and let the long spear shoot over. They raised the long spear in their hands and were about to stab me.

Of course, I couldn't let it do as it wished. I jumped to the front and grabbed the spear with the pincers to break it. Then I faced the other spear that was coming at me.

I always had the thought that I couldn't win without getting hurt, so I gave up a part of my HP and made a sacrifice attack.

The long spear pierced into my shell and I could see that my HP had decreased a little more, but that wasn't important. I endured the slight pain and extended my pincers towards the Dragon Ant in front of me.

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