That Young Girl, Reincarnated Into A Mimic/C14 Good Morning World.
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That Young Girl, Reincarnated Into A Mimic/C14 Good Morning World.
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C14 Good Morning World.

I met a strange fellow.

Yes, a strange guy.

He wanted to fight with me, but he gave up. After I was attacked, he went on a rampage.

That fellow is really strange, but he is very reliable. I can make good use of him and make myself stronger.

I am a special existence in our race. My family members are all undisciplined. Why don't they try to become stronger?

With different thoughts, I set off... After that, I met it, that strange fellow.

Sometimes, my thoughts were the same as its, and sometimes, they were different. Also, it always stopped moving for no reason. It felt very strange.

After being saved by it... It doesn't count as being saved, so I followed it. It is a good meat shield for me, and it can help me get rid of danger.

It is very willing to protect me, but it would be better to say that it is protecting me at all costs. To be honest, that is too stupid, I have never seen such a monster.

In the nest of those monsters, we were in an unprecedented battle. It tried its best to protect me and then fell down.

With this, I launched my strongest attack on the leader of those monsters and ended the battle. It fell down and stopped moving.

That was weird.

I don't feel sorry for it. After all, this maze is like this. It is probably broken and can't be together anymore. Rather than being protected by it, I would rather act on my own.

Then goodbye. Maybe I will never see it again.


Good morning, world...

Wow, my whole body is sore. What did I do yesterday?

Oh, right... I think I fought with the Dragon Ant Soldier and lost...

It's like this... I lost...

What about the Slime... Did it escape?

I'm not dead yet... Then it should still be able to move...

Please, my body, I know you've reached your limit, but please accompany me for a while first...

I stretched my legs and used the pliers to support my body, wow, it hurts... But I still stood up.

I glanced at the two slots in the upper left corner of my vision. The HP value was still the same. There was no sign of recovery. I could barely see the red color.

The MP value was recovered to half. Does that mean that the value can be recovered naturally? But I still can't use magic right now...

I looked around, it's really too tragic... There are traces of battle everywhere, dirt spears and hammers scattered all over the ground, I can vaguely see a few numb wooden spikes and a lot of burnt marks.

It can't be... Did the Slime fight them to the death?

Although I don't think that the smart Slime would go all out against them.

But in the end...

If only I could see the information about me, it would be great. But before that, I need to find Slime...

I continued to look around and found a huge corpse lying on the steps. It was the corpse of the Dragon Ant Queen. The originally swollen body had already deflated, but it still looked disgusting.

I went up to take a look. There was a prick of numb wooden thorns in the center of his body. Was that the Slime's masterpiece? Ah, speaking of which, as long as I defeat the Dragon Ant Queen, my entire race will die...

However, under that situation, I feel that it would be very difficult to reach the Dragon Ant Queen.

I couldn't find the water-blue symbol of the Dragon Ant Queen in this dark world. I shook off the images that appeared in my mind and dragged my injured body out of the Dragon Ant nest.

Please don't let that happen ~ ~ ~ ~

I slowly crawled out of the cave and anxiously looked for Slime, but all I saw was the pangolin's corpse. Its corpse was quite miserable.

I don't know who benefited from this battle. I don't care about that anymore. At least I'm still alive.

How miserable...

I looked at the dead body of the pangolin and sighed in my heart. However, in order to live a good life, this is all I can do. That's all I can do.

That reminds me that I didn't eat anything yesterday. I just kept fighting. Thinking about how I killed so many monsters, I should have enough food for several days.

[But I realized that I don't know where the things were.]

Then, I felt something strange in my mouth, and I subconsciously spat them all out. A gunny sack, a bunch of Dragon Ant Horns, and some strange things.

Dragon Ant Horns are useless to me, so I took a look at the sack and picked it up with pliers. It was heavy, and there was the sound of metal hitting metal.

Needless to say, it must be money.

I really want to eat it bit by bit, but my hands are not flexible. I have to swallow it first.

I put the sack into my mouth and chewed it with my teeth. It tastes good. After all, it is the result of my hard work. It feels good to eat it, but I have to worry about the food tomorrow.

Well... I am full anyway.

After eating, I seemed to be filled with energy. I felt as if I had recovered quite a bit, and when I looked at my Health and Mana, they were already full.

So that's how it is... If I want to survive, I need to produce energy. If I want energy, I need to eat. To the Mimic, eating was different from humans, but it was not completely different. Although the Mimic only needed to eat money.

Just like that, I left the pile of "spoils of war" behind and left the room that used to be the lair of the Dragon Ants. Then, I set out on the road to find Slime.

I don't know what will happen in front of me, and I don't know if I will be lucky enough to escape this time, but I still have to continue moving forward.

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