That Young Girl, Reincarnated Into A Mimic/C4 The Treasure Chest Monster Went on a Killing Spree!
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That Young Girl, Reincarnated Into A Mimic/C4 The Treasure Chest Monster Went on a Killing Spree!
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C4 The Treasure Chest Monster Went on a Killing Spree!

I walked up and down the maze, and of course I had a way back. The place where I was born was safe, at least for the time being, and I had no intention of staying in such a dangerous place.

Of course, there was also the possibility of an adventurer. Although that person said that the Treasure Monsters were great enemies of adventurers, as a human in my previous life, I did not intend to eat humans.

I still have the dream of turning back into a human!

If only I could dream of eating... To be honest, I'm already hungry.

According to the sensory time, I had been wandering around the maze for about two hours, and I had not seen any other monsters except the Corrupting Snakes I had encountered at the beginning.

I really don't know if it's luck or misfortune, but I'm going to starve to death!

I looked at the unchanging stone wall beside me and angrily used my pliers to smash it down. The two of them collided and produced a very loud sound that reverberated throughout the maze.

It's so empty... Let's go back...

I gave up hunting and slowly crawled back in the direction I came from. This place is so empty. I really want to have someone, no, a living creature to accompany me... Of course, I don't care about the disgusting ones.

Puff, puff, puff.

I heard a very cute sound, like the sound effects in those cartoons that children watch. I've seen it before, if it's this sound effect...

It's a monster! There's food!

I shouted victory and rushed towards the direction of the voice. No matter what it is, come at me! I will kill you!

[The monster showed up!]

In my mind, a certain BGM with a yellow electric mouse appeared and confronted the monster. En, a blue jelly-like creature, that must be it - -

'Slime, a low-level monster among monsters, some of them are harmless. 'A row of words appeared on the blue Slime.

Bastard, don't steal my lines! Why is it only effective in this kind of place?! I know about this kind of thing too!

This ability is really a mystery... How did it work...

If I can properly use this ability, my survival rate will definitely increase.

Then, another row of words appeared.

[Aqua Slime, Level 4, Water Attribute, Available.]

Bang! I felt a string in my consciousness snap.

What the hell is going on?! Why is even the Slime higher level than me?! So the Mimic was actually weaker than the Slime! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Slime trembled, as if it was puzzled by my crazy behavior, but it did not attack. God knows if I will be beaten to death by the Slime. This world is really strange.

Speaking of which... Slime can be eaten...

My desire tells me that the Slime in front of me is the food I have been searching for. It is a huge piece of jelly.

Although I don't know if it can fill my stomach, it is better than nothing.

However... it is really cute...

I had seen the Slime drawing on that boy's phone before. It was really super cute! Ahhhhh, it was too cute. I couldn't bear to do it.

But if I don't eat it, I will always be hungry. Hunger and rationality are tangled. I feel like my brain is going to explode.

Just as I was hesitating about whether to eat it or not, the Slime slowly crawled away. Then, its jelly-like body was pierced by a sharp wooden thorn.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Slime -?!

I watched as its body was pierced through, and my cute food was ruined just like that...

Which bastard dared to touch my things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I furiously searched for the attacker. I must avenge the Slime to let it rest in peace. Then, a faint stabbing pain came from my back.

I turned around and found a few wooden spikes scattered on the ground. It seemed that these things had just stabbed me, but they didn't work.

I once again thanked my race for giving me such high defense. I found the prisoner, a hedgehog with spikes all over its body. That was a monster I had never seen before.

It seems to be surprised, is it confident in its attack? What a pity, a mere spike cannot break through my defense.

Then, a row of words appeared.

[Vinewood Hedgehog, LV7, wood element, specializes in using the paralyzing wooden spikes on the back to shoot enemies.]

Wow, isn't this great? The subtitle king finally came in handy!

Since there's only the attack of wooden spikes, I don't have to be afraid of anything. I can definitely kill it in one breath and then sacrifice it to the Slime and then eat it!

I rushed towards the rattan hedgehog in one go and opened my pincers as much as possible. The hedgehog panicked and kept shooting out paralyzing thorns, trying to slow me down. It was a pity that it didn't work on me, although it still hurt a bit.

When I was getting close, the hedgehog suddenly rolled away and kept shooting at the thorns. It was useless.

I tried to catch up with it again, but it rolled away again. We kept chasing like this several times, but I couldn't hit it at all. That made me anxious.

So I came up with an idea. I staggered and rolled my body. I hit the hedgehog and opened the box to swallow it.

You have killed the Vinewood Hedgehog. You received 10 x 2 EXP. The dropped item has entered the box. A mechanical voice sounded.

Pah, it's so disgusting... It felt a little disgusting. Ah, I forgot to keep the Slime for the sacrifice.

I felt something strange in my mouth, so I opened the box and spat it out. It was a few copper coins and a few wooden spikes. This seemed to be the so-called dropped item.

That wooden spike seems to be the paralyzing wooden spikes of the rattan hedgehog. It should be good as a hidden weapon, but I don't have human hands, so I can't use it at all.

As for the copper coins, I don't know why the monster would drop copper coins. That person also told me that this is one of the mysteries of the game. Of course, it's better not to delve too deeply into it... After all, in this world, my (Treasure Chest Monster) level is lower than Shilei's.

Speaking of which, why do I feel that these copper coins look so delicious? Could this be a common trait of the Treasure Chest Monsters?

With a curious attitude, I picked up the copper coins on the ground and put them into my mouth, biting into them.

Hmm? Hmm? Hmm? Hmm!

Unspeakable delicacy! It's really delicious! Could it be that this is a chocolate coin like in my previous life?! But this hard feeling can't be chocolate!

The Treasure Chest Monster eating gold coins... seemed to make a lot of sense...

Without hesitation, I put the remaining copper coins into my mouth as well. After eating my fill, my hunger disappeared without a trace.

I found another serious problem. I have to figure out a way to become a human again... Is it really okay to eat instead of saving money?

[Hmm... Whatever. It is more important to fill my stomach first.]

I turned around and walked back, planning to bury the Slime. It was very cute, and it was innocent...

Then, I saw the scene of the water-colored jelly passing through the wooden spikes and falling to the ground, returning to its original state.

Speaking of which... I seem to have forgotten about the Slime's high physical resistance...

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