Legend of Yang Qingtian in Another Wolrd/C17 Five Years of Experience(2)
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Legend of Yang Qingtian in Another Wolrd/C17 Five Years of Experience(2)
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C17 Five Years of Experience(2)

Atlas's non-human cultivation had an obvious effect in the second year. Ever since he had made a breakthrough in magic, his martial arts skills had also reached the level of a swordsman. Of course, Qingtian's breakthrough had been exchanged for the hundreds of wounds on his body. Although he was only a swordsman, he relied on the skills he gained from fighting Gheed and the others every day. Qingtian was confident that he could defeat a swordsman who was one level higher than him.

His magic also increased as he trained hard every day. Every day, he meditated under the waterfall. The thunder elements he absorbed were often not absorbed into his body. They were taken away by the flowing river water. (Water conducts electricity, huh!) In this extremely difficult environment, Sky High still managed to hold on. And he slowly expanded his divine sense into the water. "If I can absorb the surrounding lightning elements through water conductivity, then the area of water that I can control will be bigger. Wouldn't the area of absorption be even bigger? "

Atlas worked hard bit by bit. Finally, he could feel a trace of elements in the water. Just like that, Atlas continued to persevere. After two whole years, he could finally control a large area of the river. Now, as long as he stayed quietly under the waterfall and expanded the thunder elements in his body into the river, through the river, he would be able to absorb even more elements.

When Atlas left the waterfall, without the impact of the river water, the speed of meditation was three times faster than before! At this time, Atlas could already cast several lightning spells without any effort.

At this moment, Atlas only had one goal: to break through to become an archmage and a swordsman! To become the real Devil Swordsman.

It had been four years, and Atlas was already fourteen years old. He had reached the age where he should enter the school. His family had already rushed him several times. However, Qing Tian didn't want to go back. "I've already reached a bottleneck. One year, just one year. I've already thought of a way, I definitely can't go back now. Gheed, you go back with the three of them first. I have a few hundred people with me now. Safety isn't a problem. Go back and report your safety to your family first!" Qingtian said to Gheed who was beside him.

" But young master, Madam has urged you many times. It's been four years since we last met. And the Duke. He really wants to see you." Gheed stood behind him and said urgently. "I have made up my mind. Don't say anymore. You all can pack up and go back now. Tell mother, father and grandfather, one year later, I'll give them a satisfactory answer"

" After all, Gheed and the others are grandfather's men, even though they are loyal to me. My every action and action is still in their eyes. Right now, there are only over three hundred subordinates by my side that can be considered my men. Hmph hmph! Is my heart only on this tiny Art? Just wait and see, since the heavens have given me the chance to be reborn... I will not be willing to be mediocre!" Ever since his strength had experienced a qualitative leap, this was the first time that Qingtian had a goal in his life.

After Gheed and the others left, Qingtian officially began his cruel special training.

Early the next morning, Qingtian gathered Novi and the others. In these four years, because Qingtian didn't have much time, he still shamelessly stretched out his hand to his mother. He gave them all a new set of equipment. Furthermore, under the guidance of Gheed and the others, these hunters had also improved to different degrees. Novi and the other village chiefs had even become Grand Swordsman. Atlas divided them into three hundred-man teams, with Novi and the other two as the captains. He also sent them to Devil Beast Forest to hunt for Devil Beast during this period of time. They were no longer the hunters from four years ago. Each and every one of their actions faintly revealed a killing intent. They would carry out Sky High's orders without any objections.

"Now, all of you are aiming for me! Over three hundred people, come at me together! Remember, this is not practice, you must take it seriously. I am not your master now, I am just a Devil Beast. Or, an enemy. Furthermore, we have to do it once a day in the future!" Tian Qingtian solemnly preached to everyone. "What? Young master! What do you mean? How can we attack you?" Novi was the first to object!

"Shua!" A sword light slashed across Novi's body, and a wound immediately appeared on his body. "This is my order. Come, don't let me kill all of you. I won't be lenient to you next time! " " Let's go, brothers. What Young Master said is the highest decree. Novi raised his big sword and charged forward.

"Ding!" The two swords clashed and sparks were created. Novi took two steps back and stabilized his body. Atlas took four or five steps back. "Alright! Novi, as expected of the Grand Swordsman, come again!" Tian Qingtian did not retreat but advanced. His Heavenly Star Dou Qi waved his long sword and charged over.

At this moment, the people behind him had already rushed forward one after another. Tian Qingtian had only parried one sword attack and the other sword attack had already come at him. This caused him to panic for quite a while. However, when his body gradually increased by several sword wounds, the pain woke him up. "I can't hold back anymore!"

Thus, for the first time, Qingtian displayed his Devil Swordsman's strength in front of the world. Many years later, the legendary marshal of the continent, Novi Ankadisiru, recalled, "That year, young master Ashlow showed us his amazing skills for the first time. He dual cultivates in martial arts and martial arts, and only one person laughs and laughs in front of three hundred of us. With ease. If it weren't for the fact that his stamina had reached its limit before he collapsed, I don't think we would have been able to do anything to him. "

Atlas waved his sword with his right hand and started casting magic with his left hand. Sometimes, he would directly use the Lightning Palm to attack his ribs, and sometimes, he would use the Lightning Explosion Technique on the longsword that came over. Sometimes, he would even shoot out several thunder ball in one go. He made the person who attacked him look miserable.

In the end, Qingtian finally lost consciousness. His body could no longer release any magic. He was still brandishing his sword mechanically. Novi and the others around him were all injured to varying degrees.

Qingtian gradually stopped moving and fainted.

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