
His own path of the demonic path had already begun. Now he had to crazily practice and practice! Ever since the breakthrough that day, Yang Qingtian almost gave himself more exercise every day, "Anyways, I can recover my physical strength during the night when I meditate, and try to train as much battle qi as possible during the day." The title of 'Genius' wasn't for nothing. He had already lived to almost thirty years old (in his previous life, he had also lived up to the age of twenty), so how could he be as slow as a little kid? There were many things in this world that he hadn't seen before, and many MMs that he hadn't conquered yet. A beautiful future has arrived for me! " Yang Qingtian was confused.

The first goal he set for himself was to train his dou qi to the second level, the intermediate swordsman level, and then create his own second magic to the intermediate mage level. He had already thought of his specific form. He was going to condense the lightning element that he could emit into a lightning ball and shoot it out. After hitting the object, it would burst and then become paralyzed after receiving lightning damage. This way, even if he did not have a bodyguard by his side, he had the ability to escape. Before we advance, before we retreat, safety comes first!

As his training time was too short, Qing Tian could only constantly accumulate strength. There's no such thing as a 'pie falling from the sky' in this world. Strength is something that one has to cultivate on their own.

Three months went by, and on the surface, no progress seemed to have been made. But the opportunity had finally come. It was raining heavily that evening, and there was thunder and lightning outside. "With the previous experience, Qing Tian understood that the thunder element was very dense. Qing Tian, who was sitting in the room, was crazily absorbing the thunder element around him. When his body reached the saturation point, he was constantly transmitting his power to his hands." The electric currents on his hands were already very dense, so he tried to compress them. Slowly, he used his own strength to combine them, sealing off all the electrical currents that were about to leak out, bit by bit. Finally, a fist-sized ball of lightning formed in his palm, but it was extremely unstable and could explode at any moment. What to do? If I stop controlling it now, it will definitely explode. At that time, I will lose my hand! I am also the first mage in the continent to have lost my hand.

Slowly, Qing Tian felt the lightning ball in his hand. A moment later, he discovered an important phenomenon. The unstable lightning element in his hand was absorbed by himself, but the purple element in his body wasn't released. "Therefore, Qing Tian tried to slowly convert the thunder elements in his body." The purple lightning on my body is much more obedient, and is much more stable as well. " Just like that, Qing Tian wrapped the thunder ball with purple threads. Very quickly, a golden purple lightning ball appeared, the thunder ball was already very stable, it could shoot out at any time. Where should he shoot? How difficult! This toy seems to be quite powerful, if it gets too close, then it's not good to let it crash onto you. "

"Looking left and right, I found that I could only stand in the room and throw it towards the door." I'm sorry, Uncle Kid. It must have been hard for you all to guard me outside, so you should have the honor of being my first test subject for this great magic! "Oh, no, it's the Perceptors." As a result, Qing Tian took a few steps back and shot the Thunder Ball at the door. "Pah!" The door was blasted open and the two guards guarding the door were not spared. With a "Ah" sound, they fell to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Keke was the first to rush into the room. "The door has already been blown open. If anything happens to the young master, then don't ask for his own head." "Inside the house, he discovered that everything was fine. He was standing in the room, looking at the door with a smile." Young Master, what's going on? " Kid asked nervously, "Ah, Uncle Kid, I was trying out my new magic, but I couldn't control it well and accidentally injured my two uncles at the door. Wuuuu, sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. " Yang Qingtian changed his expression faster than flipping a book. Immediately, his face was filled with sadness, even a few tears seemed to be about to flow out.

"When did I ever see such a scene? Seeing that the young master was about to cry, I immediately panicked." "It's alright, Young Master. You can use such a powerful spell. It's really amazing. Don't cry, you didn't mean it." Then, hurry up and carry them to the treatment, you see how uncomfortable they are. " Qing Tian pointed to the two men who were twitching on the ground. Only then did Keke relax, he turned around and dragged his two subordinates, while walking he scolded them, "Two pieces of trash, injured to this extent by an eight-year-old child. You still have the face to lie here, practice harder tomorrow, or else how will you protect young master in the future!" As he spoke, he left the courtyard, cursing loudly.

In fact, he couldn't blame the two at the door for not being able to do it. It was just that every night, he would practice his lightning magic, and the room would always emit sizzling sounds. As time passed, the guards at the door would get used to it, but who would have thought that the young master would be able to use such a powerful magic and still attack him? The two of them were unprepared and were hit by the lightning ball. Even the swordmaster would faint from the lightning.

At this moment, Yang Qingtian was extremely excited. Success! Thunder magic of the second rank! Its power is no less than other rank 4 spells! It was just that it was a bit difficult to control, so he should be able to practice hard in the future. The biggest benefit of my spells is that they were created by me. I just secretly stored them and didn't need to cast any incantations. Once they were formed, I could directly attack the opponent. "Haha, from now on the black people will be invincible!" Young Master Yang was once again caught up in the YY.

While the elements were dense today, he had to absorb more of them quickly. Tomorrow, he would definitely break through to the second layer of battle qi!

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