Loser Youth: Magic Doctor’s Adventure/C20 Shocking
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Loser Youth: Magic Doctor’s Adventure/C20 Shocking
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C20 Shocking

Crash! *

The originally relaxed atmosphere in the office instantly became tense. Everyone was calmly doing their own things, but only Lin Tian had nothing to do.

"Then what should I do now?" Lin Tian shamelessly asked, after all being an idle person did not feel good about it.

"Go to the locker room now and disinfect your clothes. Just watch from the side." Lin Yuman looked at Lin Tian, then turned and left.

At this time, in the entire office, Lin Tian had become an existence like air and everyone treated him as a spectator.

By the time Lin Tian finished changing his clothes and entered the operation room, a group of people had already surrounded him.

He lowered his head and saw that it was a forty year old woman. Her eyes were tightly shut and her face was covered in beads of sweat.

"Dr. Lin doesn't know if you can give birth to this woman." Shi Huoxiang looked at Lin Tian with a face full of provocation, as if she wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to humiliate Lin Tian.

"It's just a delivery, that's all. I can naturally do it. If Director Shi is unable to do it, I am naturally willing to help." Lin Tian indifferently said.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Tian had said this because of his anger, Shi Huoxiang directly took off his gloves: "Since Doctor Lin thinks that you can do this operation, then I'll leave this patient to you."

"What? How can this be? Director Shi, Lin Tian is still so young, how can he do the surgery himself?" Lin Yuman said in disbelief.

Seeing the shocked eyes of the crowd, as well as the eyes that he hoped would not leave, Shi Holxiang's vanity was satisfied. He raised his orchid shaped fingers and proudly said, "Since you all think that Doctor Lin can't even perform this small operation, then I can only reluctantly accept it."

"Get out of my way!"

His thin and weak body was directly knocked away by Lin Tian. Lin Tian walked over to look at the pregnant woman's eyes, as if he was a different person. His entire body became extremely serious, as if everything around him was under his control.

From this point of view, no matter how Lin Tian's medical skills were, he at least had the determination and confidence of a doctor.

"Angel # 1, help me check out this pregnant woman's condition."

"The woman is 39 years old. She is a male infant. Her vital signs are normal. The only thing we need to worry about is that she is suffering from epilepsy. She could attack at any time."


Lin Tian wrinkled his eyebrows. If this disease broke out during childbirth, the maternal mortality rate would reach over ninety percent. Even infants would be in danger. He raised his head to look at Shi Huoxiang and coldly asked: "Do you have a case of this patient?"

"No, didn't you know that the patient was transferred from the emergency room? If you don't have a case, just say no and get out of here. " He never thought that Lin Tian would actually dare to operate on his own.

"10 milliliters of Wang Yu's Valium. Intravenous injection, ready for caesarean section." Lin Tian replied without even raising his head.

"Lin Tian, if you can't do it, then have Director Shi come. It's very dangerous for pregnant women to use Valium." In terms of emotions, she stood on Lin Tian's side, but in the face of a patient's safety, she was still very rational.

Lin Tian shook his head and coldly said: "Whatever comes out, I will be in charge of everything. This woman has epilepsy. If she gets sick midway, which one of you can be responsible?"

"What? How is that possible? I think you're just making it up. You don't even have a case, how do you even know that the other person has epilepsy?" It was clear that Shi Huoxiang did not believe Lin Tian's words.

"Those who have nothing better to do, get out of here. Don't affect my operation. Wang Yu, do as I say." Lin Tian's body emitted a terrifying aura.

"Oh, I know."

Wang Yu was infected by this temperament and directly followed Lin Tian's instructions.

It had to be said that the quality of doctors and nurses was very high in this hospital.

Although Lin Tian had not performed any surgery before, he was still considered a medicinal family. Especially with Angel 1's help, the stomach of the pregnant woman seemed to be completely transparent as it was displayed in front of his eyes. His every next slash was extremely precise, his entire action was like flowing clouds and flowing water.

At this moment, all the nurses and doctors accompanying him were all dumbfounded, because the method of Lin Tian's operation was not like a newbie at all, but it was as if he was an old doctor with decades of experience. Every slash was decisive and precise, without the slightest hesitation, as if everything was under his control.

Originally, a normal doctor would need ten minutes to complete the operation. Lin Tian had only used five minutes to complete it. When he used his strong and steady hands to carry out a baby that was covered in blood, everyone almost cheered.

"Wa! Wa! Wa!"

A loud and clear cry sounded out in the operation room. Everyone's eyes revealed smiles. Lin Tian's heart was also very excited. Strictly speaking, this was the first time in his life that an operation was being performed. Moreover, it welcomed the birth of a new life.

"Everyone get ready, let's begin stitching."

Lin Tian did not have much time to be excited as he once again displayed his accurate and quick technique. In less than three minutes, his originally bulging stomach had flattened down and a fine scar had appeared on it.

Although scars were extremely ugly in the eyes of most people, they were the pride of all mothers.


Lin Tian sewed the last needle and let out a long mouthful of air. He felt his back was sticky. Impressively, he had already been drenched in sweat.

Earlier, when he was completely focused, he couldn't care less. Now, he was completely relaxed, as if he had collapsed.

The doctors who performed the surgery were different from the others. Every movement of theirs had to be strictly regulated, and no mistakes were allowed. They, who seemed to have an easy job, had to undergo a double tempering of body and spirit when performing the surgery.

"You guys don't need to do any surgery, I've already gotten this patient's case, the other party has epilepsy!"

At this moment, a flustered voice sounded, and a person who looked like a nurse rushed over while gasping for breath.


At the same time, everyone in the operation room looked at Lin Tian. They really couldn't understand how Lin Tian had done it.

Feeling the weird atmosphere in the operating room, an ominous premonition appeared in the nurse's mind. She said timidly, "Could it be that the patient had an epileptic seizure and something unexpected happened?"

"Don't say such unlucky things here. Actually, we already knew that the other party had epilepsy. Now that the operation has been completed, mother and son are safe." Wang Yu was the first to speak.

"What? How is this possible? How can epilepsy be seen from the surface!" Just as the nurse finished speaking, as if she had thought of something, she said to Shi Huoxiang, "I think Director Shi must have found out about it after returning to his former glory."

His face became dark and indecisive. He fiercely looked at Lin Tian, then turned and walked out: "Humph, I think this is just a blind cat meeting a dead rat."

"Ha ha!"

Other than the confused messenger nurse, the entire operation room burst into laughter.

The others didn't see it that way. Even if the other party had epilepsy, it was Lin Tian Meng's fault. His surgical technique was obvious to everyone. Everyone was an insider and this matter wasn't faked or faked.

In the world, the most gossipy being was a woman. In the yin and yang environment of obstetrics and gynecology, Lin Tian's story quickly spread throughout the entire hospital.

Most of the doctors were skeptical that Lin Tian could directly tell that the patient had epilepsy. After all, this went against common medical knowledge.

There were some people who believed this. After all, no matter when, there would always be someone who would be able to innovate and do things that ordinary people couldn't.

Lin Yuman was the kind of person who believed in Lin Tian.

"Lin Tian, how exactly are you so sure that the other party has epilepsy? Just tell me? "How about it?" Lin Yu Man shook Lin Tian's arm, lightly snorted her nose, and began acting coquettishly.

Under the attacks of three kinds of magic treasures, the pretty girl acting coquettishly, the beauty, and the fragrance, Lin Tian's entire bones almost became weak.

If he was facing an ordinary person, he might have tried to find an excuse to get away with it. However, as a doctor, he couldn't do that to Lin Yueman.

If Lin Tian Hu made up an excuse and Lin Yuman took it seriously, it might affect her original medical knowledge and cause some medical accidents that would not have happened in the first place.

"About this, I can only say this is intuition. My father once told me that no matter what surgery it is, the most important thing is to save the other party's life. Trust your intuition, that's why I did that." Lin Tian muttered to himself for a moment.

"How is that possible? "I've never heard of using intuition when treating a patient." Lin Yueman clearly did not believe him.

"Of course there is. Most of the time, Chinese medicine relies on one's intuition, listening and asking, and all of these are based on one's performance and deductions about the essence of the medicine. Besides testing, Western medicine also relies entirely on science and technology." Lin Tian found a reasonable excuse.

"In that case, what you specialize in is traditional Chinese medicine?" Lin Yu Man looked at Lin Tian in disbelief. After all, it wasn't easy to learn medicine in the same school, Lin Tian doing surgery was completely a matter of western medicine, and now he said that he was more adept in traditional Chinese medicine.

"Of course, our Lin Family is a traditional Chinese medicine family." Lin Tian spoke the truth this time.

"Hmph, who knows if you're lying or not. It's fine for me to believe your words, but now take a look at my pulse and see what illness I have." Lin Yueman stretched out her white and jade-like arm.

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