Martial Emperor/C16 Poor Examiner
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Martial Emperor/C16 Poor Examiner
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C16 Poor Examiner

"Well, in that case, did you destroy the Path of Questioning Heart?" Elder Chiang glanced at the examiner and said calmly.

However, his words contained a dense majesty.

When Little Liu heard this, his body trembled and he hurriedly shook his head. "I didn't do it, I really didn't do it. I hope Elder Jiang will understand. "

However, what responded to Xiao Liu was Elder Chiang's cold and ruthless gaze.

"Hmph, you still dare to deny it? Unauthorized opening the hardest part of the journey to the heart. Do you think no one else knows? You really don't know the difference between life and death. " Elder Chiang let out a cold snort. The crystal cold qi immediately wrapped around Xiao Liu's neck and hung him in the air.

"Wuuuu. . . Elder Jiang. . . Elder Jiang. . . . . ” Xiao Liu kept kicking and hitting the green belt with both of his hands, but it was all in vain.

"Considering that you have worked hard for this sect for so many years, the death penalty can be avoided. You will be removed from your role as the head examiner, your cultivation will be crippled, and you will be punished to mine the Essence Crystal mine for ten years. After that, you will be expelled from the sect. "

Just as Elder Chiang's dignified voice faded, the sound of a jade belt responding to Little Liu's dantian was heard.

Following that, Little Liu's heart-wrenching cry could be heard. Under everyone's gaze, he curled up on the ground while holding his abdomen, his entire face distorted.

"Do you have any objections?" Elder Chiang asked again.

When Xiao Liu heard this, he did not care about the pain in his body. He quickly got up, gritted his teeth, and squeezed out a sentence with great difficulty. "No objections. Thank you, Elder Jiang, for showing mercy. "

After saying that, he crawled and crawled away with his tail between his legs. He did not dare to stay any longer.

The surrounding disciples who did not know what was going on all took a deep breath.

This punishment was even heavier than death.

The dantian was the foundation of a martial artist. If the dantian was broken, then all the cultivation in the body would be lost. The pain within was not much worse than the Ten Thousand Insect Rodent.

The most important thing was that martial artists whose dantian was broken would never have the chance to step onto the martial path again. Moreover, they were weaker than ordinary people.

In this situation, they still had to go to the cruel Essence Crystal mine and mine for ten years.

One had to know that even an Essence Gate Stage warrior there could not guarantee that he could live for more than ten years, let alone an ordinary person without any Yuan energy.

Furthermore, even if he was lucky enough to live for ten years, he would still be expelled from the Hao Yuan Sect, and he would never be able to make a comeback.

This was the vicious part of Elder Chiang. He had squeezed out all your value and finally kicked you away.

He never thought that this seemingly amiable old man would use such a vicious method. Even Ye Heng was shocked.

At this moment, Elder Chiang's gaze suddenly fell upon Ye Heng.

Cold air rushed up from the soles of his feet. Ye Heng felt as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake. If he moved even a little bit, he would be swallowed until not even his bones were left.

In the next moment, Ye Heng shook his head and expelled this terrifying thought from his mind. If this Elder Chiang really wanted to harm him, then he wouldn't have saved him on the life and death arena earlier.

"We meet again, young man. " Elder Chiang said gently with a gentle gaze. He looked like a gentle old man who was chatting amiably with his cute grandson.

As expected, he had thought too much earlier. Ye Heng could not help heaving a sigh of relief. He smiled and said respectfully, "Disciple greets Elder Jiang. "

"No need for formalities. Just call me Elder Chiang. " Elder Chiang waved his hand and said with a smile on his face.

"That kid will gladly accept it. "

"That's more like it. "

"Young man, your talent is very high. You must continue to work hard and not neglect your talent. "

Elder Chiang patted Ye Heng's shoulder. Then, as if he was shrinking the ground into inches, he took a step forward and arrived in front of the thousands of disciples.

"There is a villain in this trial of the Heart Examining Path, causing the test to stop. In order to make it up to everyone, I will make the decision. All of you will pass the third test. "

Elder Chiang's voice was not loud, but everyone could hear him clearly.

His words were powerful and seemed to carry some kind of power, which made people involuntarily agree with him.

In the next moment, the crowd boiled up.

"Wow, that's great. I had thought that it would be great, but he actually passed directly. "

" God really has eyes. He finally made me reach the end of the tenth test. "

"Fortunately, it stopped, or else I would have definitely failed. "

Countless disciples cheered in joy. Everyone was happy that they had directly passed. Some of them were so excited that they took off their clothes and threw them around in their hands, as if they were going to become a disciple of the Outer Sect right in front of their eyes.

No wonder they were so excited, it was because the assessment of the disciples of the Outer Sect was four rounds. Strictly speaking, there were only three tests. The last test was actually used to test the martial arts talent of the participating disciples.

So, as long as you passed the first three tests, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that you were a quasi-Outer Sect disciple.

"Cough cough. " Elder Chiang coughed lightly and sounded like an alarm in everyone's ears. The scene instantly quieted down.

"Don't think that you are all disciples of the Outer Sect now. There is still the last test. "

"In the past, the last test was only used to test the talent of the disciples. It didn't count as the result, but. . . "

Elder Chiang was silent for a while, which made everyone's heart tighten. Some of the disciples who couldn't wait to know what was going to happen next were so anxious that they scratched their ears and cheeks.

Seeing that everyone's appetite had been completely whetted, Elder Chiang said slowly.

"The fourth test, the Vitality Flower is the first element of the result, and the disciples who spend less than ten Vitality Flowers are not allowed to pass. The fourth test, the Vitality Flower is the first element of the result, and the disciples who spend less than ten Vitality Flowers are not allowed to pass. "

In an instant, everyone's heart sank to the bottom.

It had to be known that the Vitality Flower had no use for strength, and it also needed to stimulate one's own talent.

Generally speaking, ordinary fourth level Origin Vortex disciples could only ignite eight by relying on their strength. After that, they would have to completely rely on their own potential.

The higher the potential that was ignited, the more ignited it would be.

This was nothing to those disciples whose strength exceeded their realm, but to ordinary disciples, it was bad news.

"En, I'll make the decision for this assessment. The reward will be doubled. 500 contribution points before 100, 1,000 contribution points before 50, 3,000 contribution points before 10, and 8,000 contribution points for the first. " Elder Chiang said the explosive news calmly.

The usefulness of contribution points was needless to say, and it was extremely rare.

It would take several months for an ordinary Outer Sect disciple to get a few hundred contribution points.

But now, an opportunity to instantly obtain a large amount of contribution points was presented in front of everyone's eyes. This was no different from throwing a fat and attractive piece of meat in front of a hungry beast that had been starving for three days. Everyone clenched their fists, and their eyes sparkled with excitement.

The previously dejected atmosphere instantly disappeared. All the disciples rubbed their fists, eager to participate in the fourth exam.

"Eh, Faang Yang. Don't tell me you're not happy? The reward has doubled. " Ye Heng couldn't help but ask curiously when he saw that Faang Yang wasn't very excited.

Given Fang Yang's character, he should be the first one to jump up for something as good as this. But now, he actually didn't do that, and he was actually a little worried.

"Sigh, I want to too. But you know my strength as well. I can be counted as the last among those in the same realm. If I spend that amount, I'll probably spend less than half of it. " Faang Yang looked like he was in tears.

"You have to believe in yourself. In fact, you have hidden a lot of your strength, but you didn't realize it. " Ye Heng patted Faang Yang's shoulder and comforted him.

Faang Pi, who was standing beside him, also walked forward and patted Faang Yang's back. He said, "Cousin, since Mr Ye said so, do you still not believe him? Mr Ye was a genius of Mischarge Peak. He had just slaughtered all three of them. "

Genius? Kill all of them? Blood abuse? Cold sweat broke out on Ye Heng's forehead. His expression was somewhat awkward.

How could he be a genius? It was all because of the mysterious tattoo. Of course, Ye Heng naturally wouldn't say this out loud.

The mysterious tattoo was his biggest secret. He couldn't let anyone know about it.

Faang Yang was stunned for a moment, then the worry on his face gradually disappeared, and he looked at the mysterious tattoo with a relaxed expression.

"Well, since Mr Ye and my cousin have said so, then. . . If I still don't believe in myself, that would be ridiculous. " Faang Yang patted his chest and made a bold statement.

"This is my cousin. " Faang Pi said proudly.

Ye Heng felt a lot when he saw these two brothers who were so close to each other. One should know that Faang Pi's attitude towards Faang Yang before the examination wasn't like this. His words were filled with disdain and disdain, but it was all gone now.

En, this was a good thing. Ye Heng felt happy for them from the bottom of his heart.

"Alright, let's not delay any longer. We will head to the Yuan Hua Stone Tablet now. " Elder Chiang waved his hand and a cloud of green air rose from under everyone's feet. It then turned into a green cloud that lifted everyone up and slowly rose into the sky.

"Wow, what is this?" Faang Pi, who still had a childish heart, squatted down and grabbed the green cloud, but he did not get anything.

"Eh, I can't catch it. "

Faang Yang heard this and couldn't help but grab towards the green cloud curiously. It was the same. He didn't catch anything, as if he had cut through the air.

Ye Heng also tried, and the result was the same. After thinking for a while, he began to explain the relevant information from the depths of his memory.

"This is something that only an Essence Image Stage super expert can do. It can be condensed into something, and it can be created using Yuan energy, making it possess both virtual and real characteristics at the same time. "

However, Faang Pi and Faang Yang had blank expressions on their faces.

"Cousin, do you understand?"

"No. "

"That's good," Wang Yao said.

Faang Pi heaved a sigh of relief, then looked at Ye Heng with admiration and said, "Mr Ye, you are really knowledgeable. I really admire you. "

Looking at Faang Pi's star-like eyes, Ye Heng smiled and said, "It's nothing. You will know as long as you read more books. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Faang Pi's admiration for him deepened. Faang Yang also had a look of admiration on his face.

Not long after Elder Chiang and the others left the area, a young man with a swollen face and a pig's head emerged from the pile of rubble. No one would associate him with Sun Yan, one of the four handsome young masters.

"Damn it, how dare a chief examiner attack me? I'm tired of living. I can't go back. I must ask my father to teach him a lesson. Oh, ah. "

While Sun Yan said those words, his injuries were also involved. He couldn't help but grimace in pain.

He had just fainted and still didn't know that examiner Liu had already been sent to the Essence Crystal Mining Cave.

"Trash with the surname Ye, just you wait. I will definitely return today's humiliation to you a hundred times over, and make you wish you were dead. Even if you become a disciple of the Outer Sect, I still have a hundred ways to kill you. "

" Sss! It hurts! It hurts! " When Sun Yan spoke, his injuries were once again involved, causing him to shiver in pain.

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