Peerless Soul Emperor/C21 The Nine Supreme Swords
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Peerless Soul Emperor/C21 The Nine Supreme Swords
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C21 The Nine Supreme Swords

When Ye Feng was still a lesser celestial, his strength wasn't enough to open the second level of the Heavenly Soul Inscription.

Now that he had reached the middle celestial lower level, his soul power was not something a lesser celestial could compare with. He should be able to open the second level.

The first level, the first level of the Nirvanic Prominent Divine Art!

The true qi within Ye Feng's body flowed through his veins and veins. A surge of energy came over and gently opened up the second level of the Heavenly Soul Inscription. It did not take much effort.

The second level of the Art of Prominent Holiness of Nirvana! The normal phase Human Crown, the true body, the true body stage of the third stage of Beyond Divinity!

Seeing this level of art, Ye Feng did not feel amazed. After all, Saint Xu Mi wouldn't be so bored as to make the technique incomplete!

However, the map fragment and several sword moves that followed attracted his attention.

There were no such things in the first level!

"Where is this blueprint?" Ye Feng frowned suspiciously. This blueprint was pitch black, only the size of a palm, and there were some mountains and rivers carved onto it.

"I can't tell where it is based solely on this map. There should be a blueprint behind it."

Ye Feng used all his strength to open the third floor. As expected, the third floor was like iron, not moving at all.

"A strange blueprint! Since I can't figure it out now, I might as well wait until I collect the map fragment before making a plan!"

"Why is there only one sword move below? Nine Supreme Swords! I've never heard of it."

However, in the next moment, his eyes suddenly widened. Although he had never heard of this sword technique, with his experience from his previous life, he naturally recognized that this sword technique was extraordinary!

"Such a swift and fierce attack, with such a crafty angle, I'm afraid that even an earth grade sword technique can't compare to this Supreme Nine Swords!"

In an instant, Ye Feng was captivated by the Supreme Nine Swords!

The Sword Dao was divided into four major realms - casual, casual, sword, and sword-less!

The casual realm allowed the person to follow the sword, and could only unleash a small portion of the power of the sword technique.

The sword would follow the state of mind and the place of the heart. For a sword cultivator of this level, even if he was only a lesser celestial, he would still be able to fight against a middle celestial.

With a sword realm, he was already a high-level sword cultivator. With a longsword in his hand, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he could split a mountain. He was comparable to an Earth Soul Stage warrior.

Without a sword, although he did not have a sword in his hand, every movement he made was filled with swords! He was comparable to a Heavenly Soul Stage warrior!

A sword cultivator was the type of person with the greatest risk factor on the Lan Ze Continent! Because their attacks were quick, and they usually killed without a trace!

"Supreme Nine Swords, I must cultivate it! I will avenge that Su Jianning's sword strike from behind!"

After Ye Feng memorized the technique, he went into meditation to examine his gas tank.

Within the Zifu, nearly half of the ten-meter large gas tank had been emptied. In the previous battle, the amount of true qi in this small gas tank was simply not enough.

With Xiao Qing's cultivation base of a greater celestial lower level, the amount of true qi in his body far surpassed his own. He had to quickly break through to the middle celestial lower level and reach the middle level in order to have the ability to protect himself!

"Come on! I'll break through another meridian, then cultivate the normal phase True Body, and then cultivate the First Style of the Supreme Being, and see if I can break through!"

Ye Feng took out the last pill to improve his cultivation. It was only the size of a longan, but it cost him over 100,000 soul stone!

Indeed, cultivation was a game of the rich!

He swallowed the pill in one gulp, and a boiling liquid flowed within his body, as if there was a flame burning within his meridians.

"Fifth meridian, come!"

A new meridian appeared at the boundary of a certain meridian. The tearing pain made him break out in cold sweat.

Usually, at this moment, he would think of the heart-wrenching pain of being stabbed in the back by Su Jianning.

Only in his past life, according to Soul Nine Heavens' memories, would he be able to smoothly cut out one meridian after another.

Otherwise, if an ordinary martial cultivator wanted to cut open a new meridian, it would have to go through at least a dozen, or even a hundred experiments before it could be successfully cut open.

Usually, a single meridian would cause the martial cultivator to be covered in wounds, and they would have no choice but to use expensive pill to recover from their injuries.

The more meridians they had, the thicker and thicker they were. The more true qi they circulated within the martial cultivator's body, the faster its explosive power would be.

In a certain instant, the newly opened meridians connected to the Zifu in his mind, and the majestic true qi poured into the gas tank.

The depleted true qi was immediately filled with the medicinal strength of a second grade pill. As for the gas tank, it showed no signs of breaking through.

Ye Feng could clearly feel that after the fifth meridian formed, the soul force in his body increased by more than ten segments.

"Why? Why hasn't he broken through yet?" He was somewhat anxious. He didn't have much time to waste.

" No, then I'll give you another one! "

However, when he tried to open his sixth meridian, he couldn't succeed no matter what. That heart-piercing pain was not something his current spiritual energy could bear.

Cultivation also needed to be done naturally. Ye Feng gave up after a short while because that would only harm his own body, and the loss outweighed the gain.

"Since this path doesn't work, then I'll try to cultivate mental strength!"

Then, he activated the true qi in his gas tank and started swimming along the meridians of the Prominent Holiness Nirvana Incantation.

In less than half a day, Snake Girl in the cave gradually woke up.

Looking at her delicate body, she couldn't help but feel puzzled. But when she saw Ye Feng sitting cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, she immediately understood!

"The human race really isn't a good thing. Taking advantage of others while they are in danger!" She was a little angry, but then she recalled that it was this young man who had saved her before she fainted!

"I, the Divine Daughter of the Ancient Flame Clan, have my entire body seen by this lecher. How terrible is that? If he doesn't die, I won't have the face to return to the clan! "

Murderous intent quietly spread out in the cave.

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