Peerless Soul Emperor/C22 Xin Lei
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Peerless Soul Emperor/C22 Xin Lei
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C22 Xin Lei

Snake Girl was extremely angry. Although it was a demonic beast, there was a human's sense of shame. Now that he had been seen by a stranger, this expert who held a high position was enraged.


A hand that looked like it was carved out of jade reached out. The surging power only reached her fingertip, but it was unable to leave her body.

The true qi within her body violently churned, causing the snake girl to suck in a breath of cold air.

"How could this be? My cultivation... Damn it!" Only now did she realize that not only was the true qi in her body empty, her cultivation had also been sealed. She was only at the early Profound Soul Stage realm!

From the Tier 7 Shapeshifting demonic beast, she dropped to Tier 4 demonic beast!

The strong contrast made it hard for her to calm down. The injury on her hand had become even more severe.

"Damn it!" Snake Girl looked at Ye Feng with resentment. She slowly curled up her body and curled it into a ball.

It was only then that she realized that the snake scales on her lower body were actually covered with white powder.

"Kid, at least you have some conscience. If you dare to take liberties with me, Xin Lei, even the old monster of the Soul Sky Sect will not be able to protect you!"

She leaned her pointy chin against the snake's body. Her beautiful face was not any worse than Qing Ke's.

She looked at this tender child with interest, thinking that this child was quite pretty!

Suddenly, the aura on Ye Feng's body fluctuated unevenly. It seemed to be much stronger!

"Although I have reached the peak, I am unable to break through to the Mid Heaven stage. It should be because I have encountered a bottleneck."

Xin Lei's cultivation was restricted, but the mental energy of a Tier 7 demonic beast was extremely sensitive. Naturally, she could tell Ye Feng's predicament at a glance.

Right at this moment, a hazy red light suddenly rose from Ye Feng's back. Within the light, a three meter large normal phase faintly appeared.

Xin Lei suddenly raised her head, as if she couldn't believe it. "Normal phase, this person is so young, but he can actually form a normal phase!"

One had to know that condensing a normal phase to forge one's mental energy was something that could only be done by those who were at least at the Middle celestial level of the Profound Soul Stage!

"Could it be that his cultivation base has already reached the Profound Soul Stage? Impossible! He's clearly at the Yellow Soul Realm!" Xin Lei's expression changed drastically. A sixteen year old Profound Soul Realm expert was simply impossible!

" Abnormal! " Yellow Soul Realm condensing normal phase. She did not dare to believe. What kind of expert would this young man be in the future?

However, the vague shape of the normal phase gradually became clearer, and it looked somewhat similar to Ye Feng.

At a certain moment, the normal phase looked exactly the same as Ye Feng!

True Body Realm!

At this moment, Ye Feng's mental energy had also broken through to the lesser celestial lower level and entered the lesser celestial middle level!

His soul energy increased by another ten levels! With the addition of the fifth meridian, the soul force he could release was already at eighty-five levels!

This little guy's cultivation speed is too terrifying, right? Xin Lei had lived for over a thousand years, but she had never seen anyone cultivate at such a rapid speed!

The normal phase gradually faded away, and Ye Feng also opened his eyes. "Why can't I break through?"

"Because you have a concern in your heart, and you don't have an empty mind!" A pleasant voice came, but it gave Ye Feng a creepy feeling!

He immediately turned his head around, and without looking at the beautiful body, he cautiously said, "Senior, I have no intention of offending you. Please excuse me."

A string of silvery bell-like laughter was heard. As soon as the voice stopped, Xin Lei's face turned gloomy.

"Kid, you have seen the true body of my Ancient Flame Snake Clan's Goddess. Do you think you can walk out of this demonic beast Mountain Range?"

Gu Yan Clan! One of the true spirit demonic beast, the blood of the Goddess Snake King! Ye Feng's heart skipped a beat. Although he had guessed that the other party had an extraordinary identity, he had never thought that it would be the true spirit demonic beast!

However, since it had fallen into the other party's hands, it was useless to be afraid. What's more, what had happened to Hun Jiutian's soul that he had never encountered before?

"Senior, the matter has come to this point. It's up to you if you want to kill or kill me!" Although Ye Feng said this, he already knew in his heart that the opponent's cultivation base was merely the Profound Soul Stage!

Furthermore, he was severely injured. If he were to fight with his life on the line, he still had half a chance of escaping.

Xin Lei's beautiful eyes flickered. Although she had lost all her true qi, if it really erupted, this little child might not be able to withstand it.

However, if the other party could undo the seal within her body, that would be another matter!

This seal was not simple. If Xin Lei wanted to break it by herself, it would take at least ten years!

"Little child ~"

"My name is Ye Feng!"

At such a young age, he was already so calm in front of a Tier 7 demonic beast! It was as if there was an old soul residing within Ye Feng's body!

Xin Lei's expression changed slightly. Her evaluation of Ye Feng was once again higher! "Ye Feng, do you know what kind of existence you have provoked?"

"Rank seven true spirit demonic beast. Cultivation is comparable to the peak of the Earth Soul Stage. At my peak, you can pinch me to death with a single finger!" Ye Feng replied faintly.

"You know that with your current cultivation base, you absolutely can't kill me! The Gu Yan Snake Clan bears grudges."

"You want me to help you undo the seal?" Ye Feng said with a smile. If he wanted to kill him, why did he need to say so much?

Xin Lei's eyes lit up and she said in a panic, "You can undo it?"

If this little child could undo the seal, then she would not need to spend ten years! And most importantly, once her cultivation recovered, she could find someone to take revenge!

"Sorry, I can't!" Ye Feng replied cleanly.

"If you can help me, you can do whatever you want!" A crisp and numb voice was heard. It was filled with charm.

The snake race's unique charm was the easiest medicine to arouse a man's anger. Ye Feng's mind was somewhat shaken, and his eyes immediately became as sharp as needles!

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