Peerless Sword Saint/C10 Sword Saint Vs Great Swordmaster
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Peerless Sword Saint/C10 Sword Saint Vs Great Swordmaster
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C10 Sword Saint Vs Great Swordmaster

"What is it? "What is it?" As soon as he ran over, he saw a furious Meerney waving his fist at Zhao Yi, but the punch failed. He found a soldier to inquire about the details and shouted, "Cut off that brat's tongue and JJ to make me some food and wine!"

Seeing that he had not been able to hit Zhao Yi for a long time, Meerney was enraged. "If you have the ability, then receive my Overlord Fist!" Meerney clenched his fists, and the area around his fists was covered by red battle-qi. The leaves around his body also started to swirl under the influence of the berserk battle qi. Zhao Yi did not answer, but just stood there motionlessly. Honestly speaking, he had already suffered enough with this fellow. He was clearly so weak, yet he was still acting so arrogantly!

"Ya!" With a leap, Meerney appeared in front of Zhao Yi.

"Iron!" Zhao Yi shouted out the name of his ultimate move (The Body Solidifying Technique that was refined through years of being hammered by iron hammers).

"Bang ~ ~" Meerney's fist hit Zhao Yi's abdomen. A huge wave of wind with Zhao Yi as the center swept the soldiers a hundred meters away. The soldiers standing relatively close to Zhao Yi were knocked down by the wind wave. On the other hand, a ten-meter-long crack appeared on the ground behind Zhao Yi!

Zhao Yi could only feel a strong impact on his abdominal muscles. Even so, it was not painful nor itchy when the small impact hit his internal organs. A trace of contempt flashed in Zhao Yi's eyes: "Is this your strongest attack?"

"No, impossible!" Looking at the motionless Zhao Yi, Meerney could not believe his eyes as he mumbled to himself.

Zhao Yi revealed a cruel smile, "Three minutes have passed, it's my turn to attack!" With his left hand, he quickly reached out and grabbed Meerney's throat. Meerney's eyes were about to pop out from the force of the hand. "Heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheeheeheehe …"

"Finger Gun!" Zhao Yi raised his free right hand and his index finger turned into dozens of shadows. Within a blink of an eye, several holes had appeared on the upper half of Meerney's body.

"Last strike!" Zhao Yi threw Meerney into the air and thrust his index finger at the center of Meerney's eyebrows. Just as his index finger was one meter away from the center of Meerney's brows, a white-bearded old man appeared. The gun in his hand pierced through the holy light shield that the old man had cast.

A crack appeared on the shield of holy light after Zhao Yi pierced it with his finger gun, and it immediately shattered and disappeared.

"White ~ White ~ White ~ Silver, the first!" A soldier pointed at the white-bearded old man with his eyes wide open and a stammer. The surrounding soldiers who were watching the show also had their mouths wide open in shock.

"Hiss!" Zhao Yi only felt his index finger hurting steadily.

"Little brother, your strength isn't bad. You will definitely become great in the future, but please spare his life!" The old man stroked his big white beard.

Zhao Yi took back his index finger to hold back the pain and said unhappily, "Respecting the elderly is one of my life's rules, to actually help him beg for mercy, I'll let him off for now!"

Bai scared the surrounding soldiers so badly that their jaws dropped! The Chief of the Silver rank was a godly figure! He actually helped someone beg for mercy. Others could not even curry favor with him, yet Zhao Yi was still unwilling!

"Aiya! Brother Ni! How did you get beaten up like this? " "At this time, Hinel led a group of soldiers and ran over to Hinel's side and cried loudly." "Brother Ni, I will avenge you!" While carrying the hammer, he walked towards Zhao Yi, but was stopped by the Chief of Silver equipment, "This is a life and death duel, it's fair. Don't tell me you want to break the rules?" The head of the Silver Head emitted a tremendous pressure. "Kneel!" Schneider was forced to his knees by the pressure.

Although it was only against Meerney, there was still a small amount of pressure emanating from the surrounding area. Even the weaker soldiers were unable to breathe. The pressure came and went as quickly as it came.

"Too strong!" It's ridiculously strong! " This was what Zhao Yi was thinking at the moment.

Silver Head raised his hand, and a golden ball appeared in the air above his palm. With a wave of his hand, the golden ball landed on Meerney.

"The holes on Meerney's body are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye." Cough cough! " "Thank you, sir, for saving my life!" Meerney stood up and stroked his perfectly fine upper body. Meerney knelt on one knee to show his respect.

Silver Head nodded and said in a serious tone, "Young people are full of blood energy, but if you die here, what dragon are you slaying? and turn it into a national war! "

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