Peerless Sword Saint/C2 Dragonslaying Program
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Peerless Sword Saint/C2 Dragonslaying Program
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C2 Dragonslaying Program

The maid in front of him had snow-white skin, jade-like muscles, and a delicate face as red as a baby's. Zhao Yi's waiter was already high up in the air. If he was an ordinary person, he would have lost control of him a long time ago.

Zhao Yi thought he had good control of himself, but that was before he took off all his clothes. Plus, he was still in the bathroom, so he took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart and asked: "My lady's name?" "What age?" He looked at the soft and jade-like maid before him and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He felt like he couldn't bear it any longer.

The maid dared not meet Zhao Yi's eyes. Clenching her small hands tightly, she nervously replied, "I am seventeen now, and my name is Ka Di Ya. His Majesty has arranged for me to serve you, Mr. Yi. If there's anything you need, you can tell me." At this point, Kadiya's voice had almost disappeared. If it wasn't for his good hearing, he wouldn't have been able to hear her at all.

Zhao Yi embraced her after hearing his words. Ka Di Ya was stunned by Zhao Yi's embrace. Her soft body was trembling, but she didn't resist. Zhao Yi felt the two lumps of softness on his chest and praised, "I'm very satisfied with your performance, now you can leave." Zhao Yi let go of his arm.

"But His Majesty said he wanted us to sleep with you, if we go back." Before she could finish her sentence, Zhao Yi's big mouth blocked her path. He stuck his tongue into her small mouth to tease her shy little tongue while Ka Di Ya collapsed powerlessly onto Zhao Yi. Just when Ka Di Ya was about to lose her breath, his tongue left her small mouth.

Ka Di Ya breathed in large mouthfuls of fresh air. Zhao Yi gently caressed her swollen lips and said, "I will tell Ski about this. I don't like sleeping with women." Kadia didn't say anything, just put on her clothes and went out.

Actually, Zhao Yi was not a righteous man. He was just too suspicious, and was afraid that the woman would stab him when he was asleep. His muscles, which he had trained hard for 20 years, were all useless. According to him, I'm only 23, and I haven't lived enough. If I have to live enough, I'll die on the belly of a beauty.

Zhao Yi wasn't just making wild guesses, he was also in the front row. Back then, the president of E Nation wanted to sleep with that woman. In the end, while sleeping, his neck was snapped by the woman with a titanium alloy wire. This commander really had a decaying body! He had expended so much effort to become a commander, yet he was killed by a woman. What a waste! Too bad! Unprecedented! It was the true number one failure in this world!

Zhao Yi was lying on the bed, touching the Bilica ring on his finger. He bit his finger and dripped a drop of blood on the gemstone.

Zhao Yi only felt his consciousness enter the ring, only to see gold coins, equipment, and other miscellaneous items piled up around him. Very quickly, Zhao Yi found his two swords and his invisible armor. He took out his battle uniform and checked it carefully. It seemed that he needed to find Snowy to fix it.

Time slowly passed...

In the morning, thousands of giant warships gathered in the harbor. Each warship was over ten meters tall, and the warship was filled with a large number of soldiers. Their numbers surpassed that of the ant's nest! Ahead of the thousands of warships were five superbattleships, one of which belonged to the Holy See, each with a national emblem on its hull. The four ships represented four empires. The smallest of these four ships was over 60 meters tall, with a length of a thousand meters. The largest was over 90 meters, and the longest was over 1,000 meters!


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