Peerless Sword Saint/C5 Hamus of the Evil Dragon Island
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Peerless Sword Saint/C5 Hamus of the Evil Dragon Island
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C5 Hamus of the Evil Dragon Island

However, before she could touch it, Gail had already grabbed her and covered her cherry lips with her mouth. Anyone who saw this scene would be furious. What the hell was this? April looks about 25, and Gail looks in her forties, typical of an old cow eating young grass.

The two kissed happily, completely forgetting that they were on a ship. Countless pairs of eyes stared unblinkingly at them, and there were also a lot of people with poor control who did not even blink, afraid that they would lose their chance of seeing it in the blink of an eye. Some of them were even drooling while wiping their saliva. Beside him, a middle-aged man with a scar on his face looked on dumbly. He shouted, "Wah! Wow! Wow! So cool! As he spoke, he pushed down the female servants beside him, stripped off her pants, and immediately started working. He looked at Gail, who was kissing excitedly, and then at the man who had called the maid, "Old pervert." He scolded.

After a few minutes, Gail finally relented. He said to Zhao Yi, "April, my beloved wife, she is the most beautiful, the most beautiful, the most gentle, the most kind-hearted, the most innocent, the most virtuous wife and mother in the world!" As she spoke, she smacked her forehead, which was imprinted with the snake-shaped mark. At this moment, her face was like a ripe apple, making people want to take a bite. She shyly buried her face in Gail's chest and rubbed it a few times. Gale's body instantly became a tent.

It went on like this for a month.

Gail pointed with her scepter and shouted, "Look, there's the island of Hamos up ahead. The dragon lives in the middle of the island. Those who complete this mission alive, His Majesty the great king will bestow gold coins upon them. With the gold coins, you can take your beloved one, and with the gold coins, you can build a big house for yourselves. From now on, you can eat and drink spicy food! "

When the soldiers heard this, their fighting spirit soared! They all raised their weapons and brandished them.

"Now, all of you, go to the island!" As Gail gave the order, the warriors raised their swords, shields, and archers followed closely. The magicite gunners used their full strength to push the heavy cannons into the forest.

Zhao Yi looked at the cannon fodder constantly rushing towards the forest and stretched, then suspiciously said, "3.6 million, just to kill a dragon, is a dragon that powerful? Each person's one arrow should be able to shoot it out of the hornet's nest. "

Gale dug out the baby fist-sized red gem from the tip of his scepter and replaced it with a four-fold fire gem. He kissed the gem and boasted, "Don't underestimate that dragon. The 400 thousand strong army would die in the time it takes to eat a meal! The scales of the dragon race are incomparably hard, and its body is huge. It only needs a single stomp of its foot to crush a small island like it's a watermelon. " F * * k, these words make the dragon sound like a god.

"Alright, I'll tell you about it later." I have to get ahead of the troops, or they won't dare to advance. Gail performed a levitation and flew toward the troops.

Zhao Yi did not know how to use magic, nor did he know how to use battle qi to fly. He only knew a tiny bit of hard Qi skill, and the Qi in his dantian was not enough to support his body's weight. Zhao Yi ran at full speed like a cannonball. When he reached the front of the troop, he saw countless level 6 apes fighting with large numbers of soldiers. The soldiers were clearly unable to defeat the level 6 giant ape, but they could barely hold on with their numbers.

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