Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C111 Silk socks robber with tragedy
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C111 Silk socks robber with tragedy
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C111 Silk socks robber with tragedy

"Senior apprentice-brother." The woman looked at the Sect Leader. In the thirty years since the spatial barrier had been unstable, the Sect Leader and Senior Brother had grown older and older. Their current appearance was no different from that of an old man.

Sect Leader of Mount Shu stood up, passed through the disciples below, and walked out of the great hall, muttering: "My dao heart walks the way I do, and is worthy of living under the heavens! I'll send you off on your final journey. No one is allowed to follow me! Otherwise, it shall be dealt with according to the rules of the sect! "

Sect Leader of Mount Shu walked on the Ascending Stage alone, and with each step, he slowly stepped down. He did not walk on the steps, he walked on memories.

How many ordinary people's dreams did they carry here? Cultivators could cultivate and live forever, but cultivators had a mission since ancient times. Once a spatial rift appeared, it would have to be repaired through sacrifices. The sacrifice of Mount Shu cultivators came one after another, but not only was the space barrier not repaired, it had instead worsened. Until today, Mount Shu, the majestic Mount Shu, had only been left with hundreds of cultivators, and most of them had sacrificed their energy. Was the Sixth Realm really going to be annihilated? Once the spatial tear formed, other beings could enter the Sixth Realm. Taoist Yu Tian sighed and continued to walk forward. In the empty path, his back looked very sad.

"Xue Ke, what's going on? We've been gone so long? Why haven't I seen any other cultivators? " Xue Ke and I were wearing stockings and were lurking in the alley.

Xue Ke also frowned, and said: "En, there are only the two cultivators at the entrance, but they have already been paralyzed by my poison, they will not wake up for 18 hours."

"Huh?!" Someone's passed by! Shhh! "~ ~" I suddenly saw a figure walking over from afar and hurriedly said to Xue Ke. "Let's capture him and ask him why is Mount Shu so quiet!"

Xue Ke nodded, we were once again hiding in the small alley, waiting for that guy to come over before we make our move. At this time, I was very excited. I made a gesture to Xue Ke, first pointed at myself, then pointed outside, and then covered my mouth. Her meaning was, later on, let me go out and bring him in. Xue Ke nodded his head to show that she understood. She'll be there.

F * ck! Too excited! I held my breath and clenched my hands into fists at the sound of light footsteps approaching. His back was pressed against the wall of the alley. Finally, that figure appeared! He passed by Hu Tong! I darted forward, one hand over the man's mouth, the other around his neck, and dragged him down the alley!

It was too successful! I suppressed my excitement and whispered, "Stop it!"

This person seemed to be an old man. His hair was all white, and I could feel his beard on his mouth that was covered by my hands. Was he really an old man? I pulled out a sharp knife from the small of my back and placed it against the old man's neck. I picked up this knife at the supermarket.

"Old man, don't argue. If you cooperate, we won't hurt you. Now, let go of my hand, you can't yell!" As I spoke, I slowly loosened my grip on the old man's mouth. Furthermore, he changed his position and pasted him on the wall, allowing Xue Ke and I to clearly see his appearance. It was indeed an old man. He had a goatee and was wearing a daoist robe. His hair and beard were both white.

I pointed at my head and threatened, "Old man, do you see what we have on our heads? We are the famous silk stockings robbers of the martial arts world! Now that the robber wants to ask you a few questions, you have to answer honestly, do you understand? " I threatened fiercely.

The old man did not seem to be afraid at all, he frowned and asked: "Who are you? How did you get in? "

Didn't I just say it! We are the famous silk stockings robbers of the martial arts world! As for how he came in … Of course it was from the teleportation circle! "Now, answer my question honestly. Why is it that when I came to Mount Shu, I only saw three people, including you three?" I stuck the knife against the old man's neck, implying that if you didn't say anything, Big Brother would be serious!

"You saw two men from Mount Shu at the entrance?!" The old Daoist let out a low growl, and then a powerful wave of spiritual power erupted from his body! It sent me flying backwards! Xue Ke also unsteadily retreated!

"Junior brother!" The old Daoist let out a soft cry and instantly disappeared!

My body collided with the wall behind me. Seeing the old Daoist suddenly disappear, I forcefully swallowed a mouthful of saliva. What the f * ck! This time, he was finished. He had hit a nail on the head! This old Daoist must be an existence that was even more arrogant than Xue Ke! Fuck, and me? What did I just do?! I placed the knife against his neck! Sweat trickled down my forehead through my stockings.

"Hurry up and go, find a place to hide, and then seize the opportunity to snatch the spatial ring!" Xue Ke's voice sounded somewhat anxious.

"Still trying to steal the ring?!" What kind of f * cking space ring was this! Run! " I said, on the verge of tears.

However, a sullen voice came from the sky: "Trying to run?! You've delayed the sacrifice and caused a calamity, are you the silk stockings robbers? Humph! When this Taoist is eliminated by the people, this little thief will be sacrificed! " The voice belonged to the old Daoist! "What the f * ck!"

Upon hearing the low roars from outside, the people from the Sky and Earth Parasite all flew out one by one! The flying swords that filled the sky almost blinded my eyes. Xue Ke and I did not act rashly. We leaned against the wall and vigilantly stared at the sky.

"Head senior brother, what are you doing?" An old man wearing a daoist robe asked as he looked at the old man that we just kidnapped.

"S-Sect Leader Senior Brother?!" When I heard that name, I was stunned! Head senior brother, doesn't that mean he is a Sect Leader of Mount Shu?! I just kidnapped the Sect Leader of Mount Shu? This joke was not funny at all.

"Humph!" These two little thieves were sneaking around and even interrupted Junior Brother Nihility's sacrificial ceremony. They truly deserved to die a thousand times for their crimes! Someone! Take these two down first! " Sect Leader of Mount Shu shouted.

"Wait, wait!" Looking at the sky full of cultivators, I swallowed my saliva and shouted, "Old man. Ah, no, Sect Leader! This was a misunderstanding! Actually, we heard that the spatial rift is getting bigger and bigger, that's why we came to Mount Shu to do our best! "

"Oh?!" The Sect Leader of Mount Shu said: "That's good, right now we are still lacking people to offer sacrifices to. Since you guys are so righteous, then I really want to thank you on behalf of all of Sixth Realm's lives."

"F * ck your brother-in-law." I cursed in a low voice. He thought to himself, "Aren't you stupid? Why are you making up such a lousy excuse? Aren't you asking for a beating? What else can you do other than offer sacrifices to Mount Shu?" Besides, this Sect Leader of Mount Shu has lived for many years, how could he still not guess my little trick? That was why he had to screw over his brother-in-law! Right now, he was even more nervous than when he was hijacking the Sect Leader. There were hundreds of cultivators. I leaned towards Xue Ke. In such an urgent situation, if Xue Ke ran away by herself, what would happen if she left me behind? No, I can't lean towards Xue Ke's side! If Xue Ke kicks me out and runs away by herself, I won't have a chance to run away! Thinking of this, I hastily moved my feet to the side and leaned to the side.

However … Xue Ke might not abandon me, either. I shifted my feet again and leaned towards Xue Ke's side. She was like a crab, walking horizontally at one moment and then horizontally at the next. Her conflicted mood was fully displayed on her "footwork".

As I was moving like a crab, I suddenly felt my arm being grabbed by a hand! Then she pulled me along and ran!

It's Xue Ke! When we entered, we weren't too far away from the exit, and it looks like Xue Ke didn't want to collide with them, so she chose to bring me with him to escape! F * ck! I was right about Xue Ke. Even in such a dangerous situation, she didn't abandon me.

Above them, a group of cultivators had also caught up. The overwhelming number of flying swords and cultivators blocked out the light above.

"Capture these two alive!" Sect Leader of Mount Shu's voice sounded.

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