Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C127 For the sake of the child i will give it my all
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C127 For the sake of the child i will give it my all
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C127 For the sake of the child i will give it my all

Accius looked at Chen Nuo in front of him and sighed emotionally in his heart. It turned out that the gap between him and her was getting bigger and bigger …

When Liu He saw that Dong Nidamu had died, an ice pillar appeared beneath his feet and continued to rise, there were still many attacks coming from below, but Liu He's rising speed was too fast, all of the attacks missed. When the ice pillar was as tall as the building, the ice pillar stopped rising, and a bridge extended out from within the ice pillar.

I stood on the surface of the sea for a long time before I saw a small white dot in the distance. It seemed to be a boat!

"We can be saved!" I thought. There might be a radar system on that ship that would help me find the island. After thinking about it, I hurriedly ran into the cabin, and told Zhang Yuexin: "Big sister! There seems to be a boat over there.

"What are you looking at?" Zhang Yuexin asked.

"Eh, Big Sis, think about it. What if someone needs help on the boat?" I just want to accumulate some virtue. For the sake of the child, I'll go all out! " I said excitedly.

"You're going to go all out again?"

"Yes, sister." I nodded my head in confirmation.

"Alright, it's rare for you to be so considerate. Let's go over and take a look." Zhang Yuexin said.

Qing Yizhou's speed was extremely fast, and I had once asked Zhang Yuexin what kind of energy he used to move his sword. Zhang Yuexin said: "You can treat Qing Yizhou as a flying sword because the principles behind controlling the flying sword are similar to that of controlling the flying sword. However, Qing Yizhou was a superior spirit weapon, and there was a formation to reduce the energy consumption inside, so controlling it didn't require too much energy.

Very quickly, Qing Yizhou arrived near the boat.

"There's someone on that boat!" Zhang Yuexin suddenly said.

"What?!" Someone?! I ran out of the cabin and looked at the boat. I saw that there was indeed a middle-aged man standing on the deck of the ship opposite me. The man was Asian, but he looked a little different from the Chinese. As I ran out of the boat, I mumbled a lot of words. Although I couldn't understand what he was saying, I could still tell that he was speaking in the national language of the island.

I didn't understand the national language of the island, so I decided to use the world's common English to converse with him. I said, "What? Can, you, speak, english? " I bought English that I didn't know how to speak.

"yes, who, are, you? & $% $&! % & "The middle-aged man spoke fluently in English.

I could understand the first part of the sentence, but not the second part.

I had to talk to him first, so I said, "Hi, hello! my, name, is, baba, whats, your, name? " What I mean is, hello, my name is Dad. May I ask what your name is? First, he had to take advantage of this island nation.

"Hello, baba. my name, is Tianyuan Qilang. What, do, you, won, to, do? " I could understand his words, which meant that his name was Tianyuan Qilang, and he wanted to know what I wanted to do.

I thought about it and said, "I, won, go, to, japan, Bit, I, don't, know, the, way, can you, help, me?" I mean, I'm going to the island, but I don't know the way. Can you help me?

This guy seemed to be a little excited, and he started to speak in the national language of the island again. I was startled when I heard him, but I didn't have the leisure to listen to him blabber on, if I didn't ask about the location of Japan, maybe Zhang Yuexin would get angry and kick me out. Right now, Qing Yizhou is probably more than thirty meters away from the ship. I retreated a few steps, rushed forward, and then jumped up.

Swoosh. My body drew an arc in the air before landing precisely on the other party's boat. That Tianyuan Qilang can't be cocky anymore. He stopped dancing and started to speak the national language of the island. He just stared at me. He could not understand why the other party would suddenly arrive at a distance of thirty meters between them.

"Can, you, help, me?" I asked again.

This time, he nodded. The cabin door suddenly opened, and an island girl stuck her head out. Seeing the situation outside, she hurriedly closed the door. The women of this island nation had pretty good faces. They looked to be around seventeen or eighteen years old.

"Shes, my, daughter." The middle-aged man said.

I nodded, knowing that the group was talking about "she's my daughter," but apparently I wasn't interested in his daughter, so I asked directly, "Where, is, japan?"

The middle-aged man also saw that my English wasn't good, so he pointed in a direction.

How could I trust him so easily? I said, "Show, the, way!" What he meant was, lead the way.

The middle-aged man was about to decline, but I cut him off. "Gif, you, two, more, days." This was to say, I'll give you two days. Then I pointed to the cabin and made a throat-cutting motion. The middle-aged man sighed and nodded his head helplessly.

Seeing that the threat had succeeded, I jumped back onto Qing Yizhou, entered the cabin and said to Zhang Yuexin: "Elder sister, that boat is fly man, I have already communicated with your brother-in-law, and they will bring us to fly. Now, let's keep Qing Yizhou, how about we go to their boat? It just so happens that Big Sis wants to rest up as well. " I flattered.

Zhang Yuexin thought for a while, then said with approval: "Mn, this is good as well. "Then let's go to their ship." With that, Zhang Yuexin left the cabin and floated in the air. Qing Yizhou slowly shrank.

While I was still on the boat, enviously watching the flying Zhang Yuexin, I suddenly felt Qing Yizhou's shrinking. I thought to myself that this was Zhang Yuexin trying to teach me a little lesson so I could fall into the water. And it was too late for me to jump into the island boat, so I began to think quickly.

When time came to a standstill, the entire region would fall into a state of stillness.

Thinking about this, I had an idea. He exerted a little force with his feet and jumped towards the island's ship. However, he did not jump far enough due to the lack of strength. This jump only lasted for about seven to eight meters before he started falling. I took my time, wrapping time around my left foot. My descent slowed, and then my right foot stepped on my left foot, and I stomped. At the same time, I released my left foot and used it to fly toward the island's ship.

Very quickly, I flew onto the deck, supported myself with both hands, did a somersault, clapped my hands, and then looked at Zhang Yuexin who had already retracted Qing Yizhou with a smile. Elder sister, your brother-in-law's skills are pretty good, right? "

Tianyuan Qilang was already dumbstruck. On the vast ocean, the woman could actually fly, and even shrank the strange boat into her palm. This kind of scene was something he had only seen in movies!

Zhang Yuexin kept the Qing Yizhou in his hand, and slowly flew over, and said: "How ugly."

Err … was my actions just now really that unsightly? In such a short period of time, I was able to think of this method, otherwise I would have fallen into the water. It seems that I have to think of a way to allow myself to have the ability to walk in the air, so that I won't be in such a sorry state next time I encounter such a situation.

Looking at Zhang Yuexin who had landed on the deck, he thought to himself, Isn't there a ready-made method? I looked at Tianyuan Qilang, who nodded and walked towards the cabin.

"Pa Pa Pa!" As I applauded, I praised, "Big Sis, your flying movements are really graceful! It's a hundred times better than my ugly posture. "

"Do you want to learn?" Zhang Yuexin immediately asked.

I was stunned for a moment before hastily nodding my head. "Learn!"

Zhang Yuexin shook his head and said: "Your aptitude is very bad, and you have already past the best age. If you were to learn now, it would be difficult for you to achieve anything. "However, I have already left Yue Xin a Molding Spirit Pellet. Her child's talent will be very good, this book records the flying technique. If there is any good fortune, you can let your child see it."

As Zhang Yuexin said this, he handed over a book. I reached out to take it, still thinking about what Zhang Yuexin had said. She said that if I were to learn now, it would be very difficult for me to achieve anything. In other words, I could still learn, so I sighed and said, "Hai, thank you elder sister. However, how could a child see this kind of thing? Besides, even if he understood and the child flew up by himself, what if he fell down? So, big sister, you should teach me first! "

"But if you learn it, you might not even be able to fly. Furthermore, even if you were to fly, the chances of you falling would be higher. " Zhang Yuexin said.

"It's alright, big sister. For the sake of the child, I will fight with everything I have!" I said with determination.

Chen Nuo lay on the grass with a straw stick in his mouth, hands on his head as if he was thinking about something.

"Brother Nuo!" A voice came from afar. It was Liu He.

Chen Nuo tilted his head and asked: "Have you found the map?"

Liu He walked over, and waved the map in his hand: "I found it, but."

"But what?"

"Take a look for yourself." With that, Liu He threw the map over.

Chen Nuo caught it, then opened up the map to look at it. But in the next second …

"Ward!" Why is this map written in Japanese! " Chen Nuo scolded: "How can this make the Brother Nuo look for the Dongre Building?!"

"The Brother Nuo is actually very simple. It's just like how our bookstores do not sell maps in Japanese." Liu He said.

"Although there will be bumps and bruises, these bumps will definitely not be able to stop Brother Nuo's determination!" Chen Nuo said: "You must know, the title of the smart little prince Brother Nuo is not just for show!"

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