Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C132 Destroyer no7?
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C132 Destroyer no7?
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C132 Destroyer no7?

Chen Nuo used his unique "Chen Clan's English" to express that this was the first time he was saying this, and he hoped that Qilai Tiankong could be a little gentler.

"Stop!" Chen Nuo suddenly called for them to stop, and then shouted loudly while grabbing his neck: "Old Han, call Brother He and Sister-in-law over here."

At this time, Qilai Tiankong was only stripped to his undergarments, hearing Chen Nuo's loud shout, he could not help but stop in shock, and stood there blankly, looking at Chen Nuo.

Chen Nuo, on the other hand, looked at Qilai Tiankong with a cold smile.

When Han Louchen, who was outside, heard Chen Nuo's loud shout, she was also stunned for a moment. Then, she said, "Could it be that Brother Nuo does not understand the indoors technique and wants Brother He to teach him a lesson?"

"It can't be. Didn't Brother Nuo say that he had a nickname called 'little prince in yellow film'? How can you not even understand this? " Ace replied.

"Forget it, forget it. I'll go call the Brother He and the others over." Han Louchen said as she walked in the direction of Liu He and the others.

Not long later, Liu He and the other three arrived near Chen Nuo's tent. Liu He asked: "Brother Nuo, we're here, what's the matter?"

A blinding white light shone out from within the tent. Following that, the tent flew out with a whoosh, and landed very far away.

Chen Nuo's body was surrounded by a white light, illuminating the surrounding area!

At this point, Chen Nuo's face no longer had that obscene smile from before. Instead, he said to Yang Dan with a completely sacred face: "Sister-in-law, tell her that I've played enough, let her say what her motive is."

Yang Dan nodded and translated Chen Nuo's words into English for Qilai Tiankong to hear.

Qilai Tiankong hugged his chest with his clothes, and with an innocent and pitiful look, he shook his head and said, "I don't know what you guys are talking about."

Yang Dan translated what she said for Chen Nuo to hear and then laughed. She extended a finger and shot a beam of light to the ground beside Qilai Tiankong.

"Bang!" With a tiny crack, a small round hole appeared on the ground, so deep that the bottom couldn't be seen.

"Tell her if you don't, her head will be next." Chen Nuo said.

Yang Dan translated it for Qilai Tiankong. Qilai Tiankong looked at Chen Nuo, his eyes filled with innocence and desire, he continuously shook his head and said: "NO!"

Chen Nuo did not even need to translate to understand what he meant, as there was no intention to care for the fairer sex. Chen Nuo raised his finger and a ray of light quickly shot towards Qilai Tiankong's head!

Just as it was about to hit Qilai Tiankong's head, Qilai Tiankong's innocent and shocked expression finally changed into a strange smile.

Then, he roared out with his head raised. His voice was so loud, it was even louder than Dong Nidamu's! It was the roar of a zombie! "Then, who is Qilai Tiankong?"

Chen Nuo raised his hand and another ray of light shot towards Qilai Tiankong's mouth.

Qilai Tiankong dodged the light ray and stopped shouting at the same time.

"Sister-in-law, ask her again, what is she planning?!" Chen Nuo said.

Yang Dan looked at Qilai Tiankong and asked again, "What exactly are your intentions?"

"An attempt?" Of course it was to destroy the Sixth Realm! Kill all life in Sixth Realm! Especially powerful beings like you. " Qilai Tiankong laughed and said.

Yang Dan translated once, then frowned and asked in English: "Who are you?"

"I am number 7, the leader of Heaven's Pick's number 7." Qilai Tiankong said with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Chen Nuo looked at Yang Dan, and Yang Dan translated the words once again.

Chen Nuo nodded and said to Liu He and the others: "En, so that's how it is. I am not interested in the Heaven's Pick, we came here to save Ma En. But this zombie wants to kill us. " Chen Nuo looked at Qilai Tiankong, and then said: "Brother He, you two go first. "Her previous howl should have been from a group of men, you guys go find a place to hide first. You guys can't fly, so if we are surrounded by zombies, it will be very troublesome. We'll gather on the ship!"

"Then I'll stay." Ace said.

"No, I am enough here. You can go first. Rest assured, even though it's night and my strength has weakened, dealing with her shouldn't be a problem. " Chen Nuo said in a serious tone.

Liu He looked at Chen Nuo and said: "Brother Nuo, let's go wait for you on the boat." As he spoke, he brought Yang Dan and turned to leave. Chen Nuo was right, they couldn't fly, if they stayed, it would be very troublesome if they were surrounded by the zombie tide. It would be better to leave first, so as to not drag Chen Nuo down.

Chen Nuo and Qilai Tiankong stood there without moving, all the way until Liu He and the other three left, Qilai Tiankong revealed a strange smile, and then, he roared towards the sky! Then, he turned to Chen Nuo and said: "I have already instructed all of my subordinates to go and chase them down by the ocean. None of you will be able to escape!"

Chen Nuo could only understand a few words, but he could roughly guess what it meant.

At this time, a large amount of zombie tide roars sounded out nearby, it seemed to be responding to Qilai Tiankong's orders, the roars gradually increased in volume and became further and further away.

A few faint roars reached my ears.

Closing my report, I stood up from the bed and frowned slightly.

Those roars came from the zombie tide. Although it sounded far away, the zombie tide had to be very large. Otherwise, it wouldn't have spread so far.

Besides, I was just patrolling the area and didn't find any zombies, so why are there so many zombies here? Could it be that the zombies had all learned how to enjoy themselves and wanted to see the morning sun rise from the seaside? Was this the pursuit of a high-class life? However, this was just too ridiculous. The zombies were severely dehydrated, making them look like skeletons. The group of skeletons stood by the sea, watching the sun rise. Just thinking about it made one feel a chill.

I shook my head and threw out the thoughts that I had been having as a joke. Then, I started to seriously think about it.

It must be the command of some leader that caused the zombie tide to take action. But what exactly was going on by the sea? I don't think the zombie tide is following us, so in the end. I decided to go out and take a look.

Pushing open the window of the room, I floated out.

Now that I don't have Zhang Yuexin by my side, coupled with the fact that I have recovered my original appearance, I can freely use time to increase my flying speed! Thinking of this, the acceleration of time enveloped his spiritual force, and his body was pushed out! Speed. Extreme speed! It was even faster than Zhang Yuexin's full speed!

As Zhang Yuexin is a cultivator, his mental energy is very strong, so the thrust that he can generate while flying is even stronger. But my mental energy is completely inferior to Zhang Yuexin's. Judging from this, one could see how powerful the acceleration of time was! Furthermore, using the power of time like this requires a very small amount of energy, which is to say, I can completely use the time to speed up the process of supporting the flying technique!

I don't know how fast I am right now, but I can move a few dozen meters in the blink of an eye!

Very quickly, I arrived at the other side of the mountain. The area behind the villa complex that I was in earlier was surrounded by mountains and the coastal area in front of me.

The other side of the mountain was entirely made of grass. From here, one could vaguely see the tall buildings in the distance. On the ground, there was a black shadow extending from the city towards the mountain. It was the zombie tide!

What were these zombies trying to do? What was the point of going to the beach? In order to understand this problem, I am prepared to wait and see.

He slowly landed on a large tree on the mountaintop. Stepping on a tree branch at the top, he steadily stood there, squinting his eyes as he stared at the black shadow in the distance.

After mastering the control of core attraction, I was able to freely adjust my gravity, just like now, standing on a branch without bending it. The wisdom of the ancient people really couldn't be underestimated! The heavy mechanics that had been studied for so many years had been solved by the ancients. The modern people had to rely on planes to fly, and the ancients had already figured out how to fly freely in the sky.

Looking at the approaching zombies, I curled my lips and sat down on a branch. I had a relaxed look on my face and didn't place the zombie tide in my eyes.

I actually wanted to kill all of these zombies, but my attack range was not large.

In the past, my only attack was to break through the sky. My spear skill was unable to deal a large amount of damage. Right now, I am no longer able to summon Heaven Breaker, and only have my fist left to attack. Although the power of time can be used to envelop the entire area, at most, it can only be used for time deceleration or a time stop, and can't effectively injure.

But if it's one on one, my attack skills are still very strong. If I can control the opponent for one second when throwing a time deceleration, I will be the winner!

"Cough, cough, cough." A white light emitted from Chen Nuo's body, which floated in midair while he held his stomach and coughed. A trace of blood hung from the corner of his mouth. Looking at Qilai Tiankong, he said hoarsely, "Fuck. Big, I was too careless. I didn't expect you to be so fast. It doesn't matter if I hit Brother Nuo's stomach, but it caused me to bite my tongue! How could he tolerate this! "Haaaargh!" With that, Chen Nuo bellowed, he raised his hand and a thick pillar of light that carried a burst of energy shot towards Qilai Tiankong!

Qilai Tiankong's figure flashed, dodging the attack, the pillar of light smashed into the ground, creating a deep pit in the ground! A lamppost not far from them was shaken and fell to the ground.

Qilai Tiankong quickly moved to the front of the lamppost, raised the lamppost with one hand, turned around and threw it at Chen Nuo who was in the air! His speed was so fast that it made everyone click their tongues!

By the time Chen Nuo reacted, it was already too late to dodge. The only thing he could do was to quickly form a light barrier around his body, protecting himself!

"Bang!" The lamppost struck onto the light barrier, and Chen Nuo was knocked flying upwards along with the light barrier!

The whole battle seemed like it was going to happen at any moment. Chen Nuo was at a disadvantage!

Chen Nuo steadied his body, shook his head, looked at the pitch black sky and muttered to himself: "I hate the night. Too many have been weakened. "

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