Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C159 Time-accelerated seed peach
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C159 Time-accelerated seed peach
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C159 Time-accelerated seed peach

Lin Meng'er was still puzzled. I patted her on the head and took out my arm. "Meng'er, you'll know when we find the seed. Moreover, if we find the seed, we'll have something to eat during the new year."

Lin Meng'er held onto my arm and shook it: "Big Brother Lin, quickly say it!"

I rolled my eyes. I was speechless. The arm that had just been liberated was being held once again.

Lin Meng'er saw me roll my eyes and asked, "What's wrong?" Big Brother Lin. "

"Meng'er, if you want to know, that's fine too. Didn't you say you want me to promise you something in the day? Just use this matter to make up for it, okay? " I said, smiling.

"It won't be that easy!" Lin Meng'er made a face and said, "Anyway, I will know in a while. I don't want to waste that opportunity so easily."

"Alright, then we'll continue looking."

In the hotel, Old Li turned the cards in his hands and said, "That's not right, I remember that I just released an A on a Peach Blossom. How come it disappeared?"

"Old Li, did you lose your head from being injured yesterday?" Liu Shui said.

"Nope, Boss Liu. I really did produce a Peach Ace just now. Why did it disappear?"

Liu Shui threw the card on the table, then said: "I didn't take your Peach A!"

Old Li then looked at Goudan, who also flashed his card, and said: "I also didn't take your Peach A!"

Then, the three of them looked at Chen Nuo in a daze.

Chen Nuo was displeased, he placed the card on the table, looked at the few of them and said: "What are you guys looking at? Are you suspecting that I'm stealing cards? "

"No, no, Erguo, I definitely didn't mean it that way. I must have remembered wrongly, I have never dropped a Red Peach Blossom just now!" Old Li quickly said.

"That's more like it." Chen Nuo said in satisfaction, "Does anyone want the King that I mentioned just now? No one would take it, right? Three Aces, two Aces, five Aces! I won! "Hahaha." As for the missing A's, they were placed in the middle of the three A's that Chen Nuo had sent out.

"Look, Big Brother Lin, there's a seed shop over there." Lin Meng'er shook my arm and pointed ahead.

"En, I see it. Let's go take a look." After saying that, Lin Meng'er and I walked over.

Pushing the glass door open, a rotten smell wafted out.

"Yah." Lin Meng'er let out a soft scream, covering her nose as she stepped back.

Frowning, I opened both glass doors and walked in holding my breath. A ball of light condensed in Lin Meng'er's hand and she controlled it to fly inside the house. However, Lin Meng'er did not enter, but shouted from outside, "Big Brother Lin, the smell inside is too bad. I will enter after a while."

"Alright." "Yes," I answered, and looked around the room. Lin Meng'er's ball of light was very bright, comparable to an electric lamp. I noticed that the glass counter to the right of the door was stained with a lot of blood. Behind the counter lay a skeleton.

I walked over to the skeleton. When I got closer, I saw that it was a little blackened, and there was no skull on it. He must have died right after the accident, because it was some sort of summer then, so he rotted quickly, and because the door was always closed, the smell of decay never came out. Moreover, this skeleton looked very small, so it should be a female. As for the clothes, they had already rotted into white pieces that stuck to the skeleton.

I walked around the room again, then headed outside.

"Big Brother Lin, how is it inside? "How can it be so smelly?" Lin Meng'er came up to me and asked.

"There is a skeleton inside. As for the smell, it should be caused by decay. Meng'er, move aside. I'll get the smell of decay out of it. "

"What should we do?" Big Brother Lin. "

I smiled and said, "Just materialize your mental powers and push the flow of the energy." With that, I formed a large fan shape with my spiritual force and began to fan the room. The stench inside came quickly.

Then Lin Meng'er and I walked in. After entering the house, Lin Meng'er frowned and said, "Mmm, it still stinks, but to this extent it's still acceptable."

I smiled and patted Lin Meng'er's head.

Lin Meng'er also walked to the side of the skeleton and looked around. She tightly hugged onto my arm and asked fearfully, "Big Brother Lin, where is her skull?"

"Who knows. Maybe it was broken by the zombies. " I shook my head. "It's also possible that she had turned into a zombie and had her head chopped off by a human."

"Oh. Big Brother Lin, look, there really are a lot of seeds here. "

I also looked around and suddenly saw a bottle with the words' Peach Tree Seeds' written on it. I asked, "Meng'er, do you want to eat peaches?"

"Peach? "Of course I want to." Lin Meng'er pouted and said, "I haven't eaten fruit for a long time."

I was amused by Lin Meng'er's expression. I touched her head and said, "Alright! Today, I'll let you eat your fill!"

"Really? Big Brother Lin. " Lin Meng'er called out happily.

"Of course it's true, but I need Meng'er's help."

"Mm, mm, alright, Big Brother Lin, go ahead. I will listen to you."

I picked up the bottle of peach tree seeds and said, "We need to find a piece of land. We also need to find fertilizer and a lot of water."

"There are a lot of land, but where are we going to find fertilizer?" Lin Meng'er asked.

"Meng'er, there are places that sell seeds. There must be fertilizer stores nearby."

As expected, we found a fertilizer shop nearby. I held two bags of fertilizer and pointed to the flower beds in the middle of the road. "Meng'er, can you raise the temperature near the flower beds? "Hmm, at least about twenty degrees."

"Sure!" Lin Meng'er jumped to the center of the flower bed and made a gesture of 'hug'. Her body was quickly surrounded by light. The entire flower bed was covered. I also walked into the area shrouded in light. I discovered that the temperature inside and outside were as different as the sky and the earth! The place that was shrouded in light was extremely warm, at around 30 degrees Celsius! Not bad, this power of light is also very good for heating.

Lin Meng'er took special care of the ground. The temperature of the ground rose very quickly, and not long after, the ground was no longer frozen.

Half an hour later, everything was ready. I brought a large bucket of pure water from the supermarket. The water was frozen, but Lin Meng'er melted it into warm water. The seeds and fertilizer have all been prepared. Next, it is my turn.

I suddenly thought of a line from a famous person and said smilingly, "Meng'er, it's time to witness a miracle!"

Lin Meng'er was still in my embrace, emitting light. Hearing my words, she giggled and said, "Let's begin, Big Brother Lin."

I picked up a bucket of pure water and broke the opening of the bottle. I poured some water into the place where the seed was. Then, I raised my hand and shot out a purple light that enveloped the land. Controlling the consumption of plants was completely negligible.

I slowly increased the multiple of the time acceleration from ten times to a hundred times. Due to the increased time, the water on the ground dries up rapidly as the plants absorb it. I hastily poured water into the ground and very quickly, a sprout emerged from the ground.

From time to time, I would stop time to accelerate and pour water to fertilize it.

Twenty minutes later. The peach tree had grown into a relatively sturdy little tree.

"Big Brother Lin is so powerful!" Lin Meng'er clapped her hands happily from time to time.

I smiled. Keep growing peaches!

One hour later.

"Wah!" The Big Brother Lin has already begun to bear fruit! " Lin Meng'er happily exclaimed, "I wonder if these peaches are sweet." Oh right, Big Brother Lin, can we water it with sugar? The peaches will be very sweet! "

Hearing Lin Meng'er's words, I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Big Brother Lin, what are you laughing at?"

I smiled and said, "Meng'er, when I was bored before, I had planted a watermelon in my flower pot. I was also thinking that if I used sugar to water it, it would definitely become very sweet. So I watered it with sugar. And guess what happened to the watermelon? "

"Hmm. Is the watermelon not sweet after being watered with sugar? " Lin Meng'er guessed.

"No." I shook my head and chuckled, "There's a bug in the flower pot. It bit the watermelon to death."

"Ah!" Lin Meng'er covered her mouth and looked around, then said: "Big Brother Lin, is it because the sweet water is too sweet that you attract bugs and bite the watermelon to death? Why don't you just put some insect-killing medicine on it? "

"That won't do either." I chuckled. "Later on, I checked the information. It turns out that plants require inorganic nutrients, but sugar is an organic substance. Plants need to turn it into an inorganic substance in order to absorb it. Even if there aren't any bugs, watering the plants would be disadvantageous for the plants."

"Big Brother Lin, you sure know a lot!"

Just like this, another 15 minutes passed while he was chatting with Lin Meng'er. The peaches on the peach tree have all ripened. I stopped the power of time, picked two large peaches, washed them with water, and gave one to Lin Meng'er.

Peach is not very sweet, but in this kind of apocalyptic and winter, to be able to eat fresh fruit is already very happy.

Lin Meng'er ate two big peaches before rubbing her stomach in satisfaction. On the other hand, I plucked the peaches from the tree. There were 822 peaches in total. Lin Meng'er and I split the loot and each of us got more than four hundred peach buns, which we stored in our spatial ring. I took another pile of seeds from the seed shop and walked back with Lin Meng'er.

In the inner space of an interspatial ring, the concept of time didn't exist. In other words, even if you put a steaming steamed bun in after a year, it would still be warm. Therefore, putting the peaches inside, he was not afraid that they would rot. Even if they were taken out a hundred years later, they would still be fresh.

After returning back to the presidential suite that we stayed in, Chen Nuo and the others were still passionately playing cards. Seeing that we had returned, Chen Nuo smiled at me: "Brother Mo, where did you 'play' with Meng'er?" As he spoke, he smiled obscenely.

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