Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C160 Endless energy magic array
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C160 Endless energy magic array
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C160 Endless energy magic array

Liu Shui, Goudan, Old Li also laughed obscenely. Only the transvestite sat on the tea table. He wrote something there and did not participate.

I nodded my head and retrieved a peach from my spatial ring and placed it on the tea table in front of the transvestite. Then, I looked at Chen Nuo and the others and said, "You guys have angered me.

"Damn, is that a real or a fake peach?" Chen Nuo said and was about to go over to take a look.

I stopped Chen Nuo and said, "Brother Nuo, whether it is real or fake, won't we know if we let a transvestite try? Heh heh. Let's prove to them whether the transvestite is real or fake! " I said to the troll.

Being overwhelmed, the transvestite picked up the peach and said, "Boss, this. Let the Erguo have it. "

"If I tell you to eat, then eat. Don't worry, boss will protect you!" After saying that, I took out a bottle of water from my interspatial ring and threw it over. "Rinse before eating."

The transvestite took the water bottle and washed the peach. Then, he took a bite and chewed it a few times before exclaiming, "Oh my god! It's really a fresh peach! "

Chen Nuo and the rest were all stunned, watching the transvestite eat the peach, Goudan even wiped off the saliva that was dripping down. The transvestite was still leisurely enjoying the delicious peaches, causing Chen Nuo and the others to be so greedy that they wanted to immediately pounce and snatch it away.

At this time, Lin Meng'er also walked over, she patted Chen Nuo's shoulders and said while grinning: "Big Brother Chen Nuo, there's a phrase that comes out of your mouth, do you understand today? "Hee hee."

"Meng … Meng Meng'er." Chen Nuo reluctantly looked away from the transvestite's hands, then he looked at Lin Meng'er and said respectfully: "Meng'er, where did you guys find the peaches? Do you have it there too? Hurry and let big brother Chen Nuo have a taste! "

Lin Meng'er tilted her head, pouted her small mouth and said, "No! "Who told you to say that just now."

Chen Nuo shifted his gaze back onto me as he said smilingly, "Mo, Brother Mo."

"Hmm? What's wrong? Brother Nuo. " I asked knowingly.

"This." Brother Mo, look, can this peach do? "

"Oh? Brother Nuo, you want to eat peaches? If you want to eat peaches, then tell me. If you don't tell me, how would I know that you want peaches? You told me you wanted to eat peaches, and I couldn't possibly not give it to you, but you didn't tell me just now, me. "omit five hundred words)"

Lin Meng'er couldn't help but laugh when she heard that I was learning how to talk big talk about Tang Seng and Chen Nuo.

"Then, why aren't you guys talking nonsense in the future?" I asked.

Chen Nuo, Goudan, and Old Li all hurriedly shook their heads like a rattle drum.

I smiled in satisfaction. "Alright! Since that's the case, I'll let you off this once." As I said that, I took out fifty peaches from my spatial ring and placed them on the tea table. I said, "Everyone, come and eat. I still have a lot to eat."

"Long live boss!" Liu Shui shouted, and immediately rushed over.

Goudan and Old Li also imitated Liu Shui and shouted, "Long live Boss!" Then he also rushed over to eat.

Chen Nuo had a look of enjoyment as he ate the peach, and asked: "Brother Mo, be honest, where did you guys get the peach?"

"Of course." I said smilingly, "Do you still not know of my ability? "It's the acceleration of time."

"Awesome!" Too awesome! I never thought that time acceleration can be used like this! " Chen Nuo said: "Brother Mo, how many peaches do you have left?"

"Meng'er has more than four hundred. I have three hundred and fifty on the tea table."

"Quick!" Give me a space ring! And half a peach for free! " Chen Nuo shouted.

I rolled my eyes. Last time, I gave it to him but he didn't want it. This time, he wanted the storage ring because of a few worthless peaches. These peaches are worthless to me, but to them. It should be incomparably precious, something that not even a thousand gold coins can buy.

I smiled as I took out the five hundred and fifty meters dimensional ring that Liu Shuang gave Chen Nuo. Then, I took out all three hundred and fifty peaches from the dimensional ring. He threw the storage ring back to Chen Nuo and explained the method to use it. Then, he looked at Liu Shui and the others and said: "You guys also have one spatial ring, but even if I give it to you guys now, you guys wouldn't use it. When we reach the Zhang Family, you guys can learn how to use spatial rings from Zhang Zihan. Maybe I can use the interspatial ring with something like inner force. "

"Boss, there's no need. This thing is too precious." We don't want it. " Liu Shui said. Old Li and the others also nodded. There was not a trace of hypocrisy in their eyes.

"No worries, just let me handle this matter." I said seriously. He then looked at Chen Nuo who was filling the spatial ring with the peach. Initially, this fellow was not proficient with it, it would take him over ten seconds to place one in, but he had become more and more proficient with it. One in each hand, he took one and placed it inside the spatial ring in an instant. Five spatial rings, one for me, one for Chen Nuo, one for Lin Meng'er, one for Liu Shui and the rest. I gave the last ring to Chen Nuo and threw it to him.

"I don't need this ring. Leave it with you, I'll give it to whoever you want." I said. Ma En and Liu He didn't have it either, so let Chen Nuo decide who to give it to.

"Then I won't be polite." Chen Nuo grabbed the storage ring on his hand and placed it into his spatial ring.

"Also, Brother Nuo, don't wear this ring on your hand, just hang it on your chest like me. I warned.

"I understand, I understand. Brother Mo, you have such skills, you will definitely be able to earn a lot selling fruits in the future! " Chen Nuo said.

"Scram. I'm going back to sleep, you guys eat slowly. " After saying that, I turned around and walked out.

The next morning, we will continue to prepare and set off. According to our speed, we will reach the Qingtian City tonight. However, I didn't know if the zombies in the city were still there. I thought about this and suddenly realized that in such a cold weather, would the zombies be frozen? And there were a lot of zombies in the Qingtian City city. Bringing Liu Shui and the others along, if they were surrounded by a large group of zombies, escaping would be a problem. So I decided to take a different route.

As I drove, I chatted with them.

At this moment, a magic array that Duck was explaining in his head attracted my interest. For the past few days, Duck's Voice has been teaching me the composition, uses, and drawing of magic arrays. Magic arrays allowed energy to flow according to the laws of magic arrays, thus achieving different effects. For example, one could draw a magic array. Within the magic array's radius, it could produce a freezing effect, or even have a burning effect. Right now, I have grasped some of the drawing methods of magic arrays but I have never tried it out before. What the male duck voice was explaining was a magic arrays that focused on unlimited energy sources!

After a normal magic array was drawn, if one wanted to activate it, they would have to infuse the magic array with energy. Only by making the energy flow in a regular pattern would the magic array be able to take effect. Once there was no energy, the magic array would stop. The magic array that Duck's Voice was talking about could be overlapped with any other magic array to achieve the effect that the magic array could operate on its own without the need of manually injecting energy!

"Brother G, this magic array is so awesome, but where did the energy source for limitless energy come from?" I asked doubtfully.

"About this." "Of course it's to absorb the energy in the air." Duck's voice, which had a magic circle's most powerful look, was now hesitating.

That's not right! This magic array was definitely not as amazing as Duck's Voice said it was. Otherwise, why would he stammer?

"Brother G, is there something wrong with this magic array?" I decided to get the answer I wanted.

"About this." This magic array did have a small flaw, and that was that it could only provide a limited amount of energy. After all, it was absorbing energy in the air, how fast could it absorb energy? Everyone agreed that this array was the biggest failure of that genius. Therefore, this array has already been lost in the outside world, and the only records of the core system have been obtained by you. That record of the array is in the very part of the core that you possess. "

"The rate at which I absorb energy is too slow?" This problem was very easy to solve! Brother G, have you forgotten my skills? " I chuckled.

Duck also responded with a nod and said, "That's right! Maybe you can use your acceleration time to make up for this weakness! " Saying that, the male duckling voice starts to explain to me. It took me more than an hour to completely understand the composition of the magic array.

I really want to try out the magic array I learned, but it's a pity. The drawing magic array could only be completed using some special materials. These ingredients need to have good energy compatibility, and I, on the other hand, don't even know where to find these things. Duck's voice doesn't belong to the Sixth Realm, and I don't know what the Sixth Realm has that's suitable for the drawing magic array! That's why I've been studying theory, not practice.

I looked at Old Li and the transvestite through the rearview mirror and said in my mind, "Brother G, I'm leaving, what should we do with them? They don't have the ability to protect themselves, so it's hard for them to survive. "

"Your departure is inevitable." "But you can leave them something to protect themselves with," said Duck.

"Oh? Enough to protect himself? Do I have such a thing? "

"Of course. You can use the knowledge that I have taught you about magic arrays to create a few 'energy gun' with limitless energy! "

"energy gun? "What is it?" I asked curiously, but in my mind I can't help but think of the weapons used by aliens in Star Wars. The weapons used by aliens shoot out beams of light. When they hit a person, the only thing that remains of the person is their skeleton.

"You can combine the Blazing Magic Array and the Infinite Energy Magic Array and inscribe them on the spear body and the specially made magazine. The bullets shot out by the spear will be fire energy bullets. At the same time, you can also draw a freezing magic array. The gun will shoot out a frozen energy bullet, and the enemy will be frozen in an instant! " Duck's voice said.

As for me, I was a little dazed. Duck's voice meant that I was able to create such a cool weapon? The images in my mind turned, Chen Nuo, Ma En, Liu He, Liu He and the rest were all dressed in black, wearing black sunglasses, each of them holding a energy gun, in front of us a large zombie tide is charging towards us, we calmly raised the weapons in our hands. Too cool!

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