Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C166 Manufacture of energy gun!
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C166 Manufacture of energy gun!
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C166 Manufacture of energy gun!

"That won't do." Lin Meng'er shook her head and said, "They all agreed to give you a surprise tomorrow. Now that you've seen it, there's no more mystery about it. I can't let you see it!"

"So it's like that. Then forget it, then I'll go to the fifth floor to find Commander Zhang and ask him about the 'chromium' metal thing. " I said seriously.

These past few days, I have been busy with planting and haven't had the time to do this. After the new year, I also wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"I want to go with you." Lin Meng'er said as she held my arm.

"Alright, then let's go." I knew that I was about to separate from Lin Meng'er. In the future, we would have very little interaction, so I decided to just let her be intimate with me for a few days.

Soon, Lin Meng'er and I arrived at the fifth floor. The people here have long known about us. Along the way, we would occasionally greet them and come to the entrance of Commander Zhang's office.

After lightly knocking on the door a few times, the Commander Zhang said from inside: "Please enter."

I opened the door and walked in. Seeing that Commander Zhang was looking down at his documents and hearing someone enter, I looked up and realized that Lin Meng'er and I were smiling as we asked, "What happened? What's the matter? "

"Uncle Zhang, are we unable to come because we have nothing to do?" Lin Meng'er pouted and said.

"Haha." "Of course you can, sit down." The Commander Zhang pointed to the sofa and said.

Commander Zhang looked at Lin Meng'er with eyes full of love. He had heard that Commander Zhang's wife and daughter died tragically in an accident. It seemed that he had treated Lin Meng'er as his daughter.

"Commander, you are too polite. I did indeed come for a matter. Do you remember the word "chromium" that you mentioned to me two days ago? I want to see this metal right now. "

Commander Zhang stood up and said: "Alright, let's go to the research area." Keeping watch, Commander Zhang led us towards the research area on the fifth floor.

At the door of the R & D area, we all changed into white coats and masks. Because there are some R & D projects that are more dangerous, for example. Zombie virus and the Z element that caused humans to become zombies.

This place is heavily guarded, and it's also very troublesome to enter. However, we came in with the Commander Zhang, so it's naturally easy.

Entering the research area, a white-bearded scientist came out to welcome them. Upon seeing Commander Zhang, he said, "Old Zhang, why are you free today? Eh? "Who are these two?"

"Haha, Old Su, these two are great heroes of our underground base. Let me introduce you. This is Lin Mo and this is Lin Meng'er." Commander Zhang pointed at 'Old Su' and said, "This is the chief scientist of our research area, Su Zheng."

"Hello, Elder Su." Seeing that the other party wasn't wearing a mask, I took off my mask. In any case, with my cell activity, it's impossible for the Zombie virus to affect me. Lin Meng'er imitated my respectful greeting.

"Haha, good. As expected, a hero comes out as a young man! I have long heard about your accomplishments. It's just that I have always been unable to split myself up due to research. Otherwise, I would have gone to meet you guys long ago. I didn't expect you guys to come here personally today. " Su Zheng said with a smile.

Commander Zhang expressed his purpose of coming here, and then said: "Old Su, please welcome Lin Mo. I still have things to do, so I'll be leaving first."

"No problem, go ahead. I'll take care of them both." Su Zheng said.

Commander Zhang bowed again before turning around and leaving.

Su Zheng looked at me and asked, "Brat, come, I'll bring you to see 'Chrome'."

"Sorry to trouble you, Elder Su." I said politely.

"This is chromium." Su Zheng led us into a laboratory and pointed to a piece of silver metal on the table. There were many tables in the laboratory, and on them were many different colored metals.

In my mind, I asked, "Brother G, can I use this metal?"

But Duck said in surprise, "Huh? The silver metal that's the size of an eye can be used as a material for drawing magic array! "

Who would have thought that there would be an unexpected harvest? He actually found a material that could make drawing magic array s here!

I pointed to the eyeball sized silver metal and asked, "Old Man Su, what is this metal?"

Su Zheng smiled and said: "This piece of metal is called 'Rhenium', it is a rare element, and also one of the high melting point metals. Its melting point is as high as 3180 degrees, Lin Boy, why are you so interested in this piece of metal?"

I asked in my mind, "Brother G, how is it?" Is there a problem? "

"En, this kind of material is considered low grade in the First Realm, but there are some that are not bad. And we don't need to melt it, we just need to grind it into powder. "Besides, the chromium is good for a gun." said Duck in his head.

I looked at Su Zheng and asked, "Elder Su, I have another question. What is the melting point of chromium? "

"The melting point for chromium is over 1800 degrees. Do you want to make something out of chromium? " Su Zheng asked.

I asked in my mind, "Brother G, with over 1800 degrees of melting points, can I deal with it myself?"

"Don't worry, it will definitely be done. You just need to draw a magic fire formation. Bring your things and find a secret room. I'll tell you what to do. " Duck's voice said.

"Elder Su, do you have any more rhenium?" I asked.

"No, only this small piece, because we don't do any research on rhenium here." Su Zheng replied.

Duck said in his mind: "Don't just look at this small piece, it's completely enough to use drawing magic array. Don't worry. But you need a lot of chromium, and you need a lot of chromium to make a gun. "

I brought a lot of 'chromium' and that small piece of 'rhenium' into the laboratory that Su Zheng had arranged. Lin Meng'er was sent back by me. I told her that I would be out by tomorrow night.

I looked at the laboratory with satisfaction and said in my mind, "Brother G, can we start now? "What do we do?"

"Let's grind some of the rhenium powder first." Duck's voice said.

"Eh. "How do I grind this?"

"Stupid!" How would I know? You want to go yourself. "

"Ward!" Brother G, you are clearly being irresponsible! If you don't know, then I don't know either! " I protested.

With Su Zheng's help, that piece of 'Rhenium' was finally shattered. He then placed the powder into a test tube.

I took the test tube back to the laboratory, locked the door, and pushed the contents of the laboratory into the corner according to Duck's instructions. I also made some 'rhenium powder' and mixed it with water. Then, he used his spiritual power to form a flat piece in the air and began to draw a flaming magic circle on it.

The Flaming Demon Formation could reach a very high level of heat. If it was carved on the ground, it would burn the ground. Therefore, it could only be drawn in the air. Mental energy, on the other hand, was formless and did not need to be burned.

Under the nagging of Duck's voice, I finally finished drawing the flame magic array after 20 minutes. According to Duck's voice, the diameter of the magic array was only about 40 centimeters.

"Then what do we do?" I asked.

"Just inject the energy from the starting point of the array. The magic array will automatically run its energy according to the pattern, producing the effect of fire. "

I used the words of the duck voice to transfer a thread of energy through my mental energy to the starting point of the magic array.

"Whew." The magic array was indeed set ablaze! It only burned for two seconds before it was extinguished.

He succeeded! I increased the energy flow into the magic array. The magic array's flames were moving faster and faster along with the energy flow. The temperature was also getting higher and higher. Even my physique could feel the heat. It seems that the magic array's temperature is really high.

Following the orders of Duck's voice, I raised the temperature of the flame to a frightening level. I used my spiritual force to control the 'chromium' to land on the flame and it quickly melted!

I calculated the rate of energy consumption. At this rate of output, my energy. It could only last for half an hour. This was because the energy output speed was too fast. Otherwise, the temperature of the magic array wouldn't have reached such a high level.

The duck voice had already prepared the design of the energy gun for me. He instructed me as to what parts I should make first, and the size of the parts.

Very quickly, ten special magazine s were created! Under the directions of Duck's voice, I drew a magic circle on ten magazine. Three depicted the flame magic battle, three depicted the ice magic array, four depicted the lightning magic array, and also each magazine had an unlimited energy magic array.

One day later.

I grinned at the ten shiny silver guns on the table in front of me.

These guns looked somewhat similar to the Desert Eagle and were very cool.

Although I haven't tried the effect, but I believe that what Duck did under his tutelage won't be a problem!

I looked at my watch. It was already four-thirty in the afternoon. Today was New Year's Day, so he should go out and relax.

I picked up the two guns and made what I thought to be handsome gestures. Then, with a wave of my hand, I stored them into my spatial ring. He pushed open the door of the laboratory and walked outside.

After greeting Su Zheng, Su Zheng sent me out.

After making these ten guns, there is still about a third of the "Rhenium Powder" and a lot of "Chrome". However, I stuffed all of the remaining materials into my spatial ring and kept them.

They took the elevator to the fourth floor. The moment the elevator door opened, they saw Lin Meng'er. When Lin Meng'er saw me, she smiled and said, "Big Brother Lin, I was just about to go look for you!"

I also smiled and said, "Meng'er, happy new year." As he said that, a frozen energy gun appeared in his hand and he handed it to Lin Meng'er.

Lin Meng'er took the energy gun with both hands and said in shock: "So beautiful, Big Brother Lin, thank you. I also wish you a happy New Year! "

I rubbed Lin Meng'er's head and said, "Meng'er, this isn't an ordinary gun." It was called a energy gun, and what came out from it was frozen energy, able to freeze the opponent. And the bullets are infinite! " I said simply.

Lin Meng'er covered her mouth as she listened. She really couldn't imagine why such a weapon would appear. The hand holding the gun had also become extremely cautious, afraid that the fire would hurt others.

"This is the fruit of Big Brother Lin's day." I smiled. "However, I haven't tested their abilities. We'll go out together and test it out another day. Let's put it away first."

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