Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C169 Indiscriminate bombardment
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C169 Indiscriminate bombardment
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C169 Indiscriminate bombardment

The golden-masked emperor said, "Dao leader, we have collected a lot of energy over the years. We can use that energy to repair the spatial tear. However, that energy couldn't completely repair so many spatial cracks. Furthermore, this method will not cure anything. We need to find a way to let this space stabilize for good. " The Emperor's every move was full of the aura of a superior, full of the aura of someone willing to submit.

"The problem is, there is no way to completely stabilize this space." The Taoist Yu Tian frowned and said, "Otherwise, Mount Shu would not have been reduced to such a state."

The Emperor smiled and said, "No, perhaps the Dragon-Shaking Jade can solve this problem."

"Dragon-Shaking Jade? You mean the Dragon-Shaking Jade that suppressed Xue Ke? That is only an ordinary treasure, how can it stabilize this space? " The Taoist Yu Tian said.

The Dragon-Shaking Jade has already developed a consciousness, and his sealing ability has also increased greatly. If we were to fix most of the cracks in space first, perhaps the Dragon-Shaking Jade could really be able to stabilize this space. "

"Oh? How could this happen? I wonder where the Dragon-Shaking Jade is now? Can you show it to me? " The Taoist Yu Tian said with a bit of emotion. If it could really work, then the cultivators of Mount Shu would no longer have to sacrifice themselves and the nightmarish days would come to an end.

Zhang Ye said: "Dragon-Shaking Jade, we don't know where they are right now. Thus, he could only search for it as soon as possible. Furthermore, our 'King' Ma Jun had once tracked a Dragon-Shaking Jade before and discovered that the Dragon-Shaking Jade's energy was fluctuating on a foreign girl's body. But because that time, he was only the clone on a mission, I never thought that the clone would be defeated by someone, and from then on we lost the location of the Dragon-Shaking Jade. "

"So that's how it is. Then we should quickly find the Dragon-Shaking Jade!" The Taoist Yu Tian said.

Chen Nuo and I were extremely fast. After two hours, we arrived at Tibet and arrived at the primeval forest region indicated on the map. Chen Nuo and I landed on the ground.

Since we don't know the exact location of the entrance, we only know the approximate location, and there must be a camera above the entrance. I didn't want Lin Yuxi to recognize me, so we had to turn our face back into that of a mask. Chen Nuo also asked me to change his appearance, he said that he wanted to see how he would look like in twenty to thirty years.

As for me, I readily agreed to his request.

An hour later, we both came out, each with a sullen face. I was finally no longer alone. Seeing Chen Nuo's face that was filled with frustration, I couldn't help but burst out laughing loudly.

Since we want to pretend to be ordinary people, we have to play the role of a complete set. The two of us took out large cotton-padded clothing from our interspatial ring and put it on, covering our bodies like dumplings. and I looked at each other and chuckled. No one would be able to recognize this image.

Very quickly, we arrived at the two mountains on the map. Zhang Zihan said that the entrance should be on these two mountains, but he was not sure where it was.

Chen Nuo and I had already formulated a plan, it would definitely attract the attention of the TS Base people. And Chen Nuo and I are also preparing to implement it.

We stood on a mountain and took off our backpacks, then said to Chen Nuo: "Old Li, let's have some fresh ones today."

"Goudan, what bad ideas do you have now?" Chen Nuo asked. Chen Nuo and I are borrowing the names of Old Li and Goudan.

"Heh heh." I smiled coquettishly and said, "Let's compare our hand grenades today and target these two mountains." I pointed at the two mountains before me. "Let's see who can flatten the mountains first. How about it?"

"Eh? That's a good idea. Quick, take out our grenades! " Chen Nuo said anxiously.

I put my backpack on the ground and pulled the lock. It was full of grenades, two hundred of them. These grenades were all taken from the survivor camp. Not only were there grenades, but there were also rocket launchers. C4 explosives! If we were to openly bombard these two mountains here, it would be strange if the people at TS Base didn't react! This is our plan.

I picked up a grenade, unzipped it, and threw it up the side of the hill.

"Boom!" The grenade exploded. Chen Nuo and I grabbed onto our grenades and started to wildly explode. As we exploded, the two of us laughed while we exploded, causing the ground to lightly tremble.

At the TS base.

"What the hell is going on?!" Lin Yuxi asked with a darkened face.

The ground trembled again. The person in front of Lin Yuxi spoke out: "Doctor, according to the people from the Monitoring Department, there are two men outside throwing grenades. They said that they want to compare who flattened the target first, it should be an unintentional move, should it be enough for us to kill them?"

"How many grenades do they have?" Lin Yuxi frowned and asked.

"Looking at the size of the backpack, even if it's full it won't exceed 100."

"Forget it, ignore them. The exterior of our underground base is very sturdy, there is no way for hand grenades to be damaged. It's just that the vibrations made me a little annoyed, so when they run out of hand grenades, they will leave. You can go down too. " Lin Yuxi said.

"Yes, Doctor." The man bowed and backed out.

Honglong, honglong.

"Trough?!" You've finished throwing it so quickly? " I looked at the empty backpack and said in disbelief.

"Yeah, there's nothing else. Let's go back. " Chen Nuo said.

"Good!" Old Li, in order to celebrate our magnificent achievement today, we won't return home until we're drunk! " I said with a smile. Then, like an ordinary person, I walked back to where I came from with Chen Nuo.

TS Base Monitoring and Control Department.

A young man stared at the two hulking figures on the screen as they walked away. He exhaled and said in a relaxed manner, "Damn, those two gods of plague have finally left!"

"Heh heh, Little Wang, there is no need to be so afraid of them, right? However, throwing grenades at us, they are really bold, if they knew that there was a TS base at the bottom of the mountain, I don't know if they would be scared to the point of peeing. "Heh heh." a middle-aged man beside him said.

"Of course, Uncle Liu. They are fearless because they don't know anything."

The next morning, Little Wang was still bored out of her mind as she watched the monitor. He thought to himself that he would be on vacation in two days. It was too boring to watch the monitor. Suddenly, two figures appeared on the screen. These two figures were even carrying rocket launchers.

"Ward!" Little Wang immediately burst out with vulgarities.

Uncle Liu, who was sleeping on the side, was startled. He opened his eyes and said unhappily, "Little Wang, what are you arguing about?"

Little Wang pointed at the screen and said, "Uncle, Uncle Liu, take a look."

Uncle Liu saw the shocked expression on Xiao Wang's face and looked curiously at the screen as well.

"Ward!" Uncle Liu also scolded loudly in shock, "Damn! How did these two plague gods come to our place?! Are they doing this on purpose? "

As soon as' Uncle Liu 'finished his sentence, he felt the base tremble again. Obviously, the two gods of pests outside had started bombarding the base again.

"What the hell is going on?!" Lin Yuxi slammed the table and asked angrily.

The person opposite Lin Yuxi replied, "Doctor, it's still the same two people from yesterday. They brought their rocket launchers and came back to bombard us again today."

"The same two from yesterday? and even brought a rocket launcher?! "

"Yes, Doctor. Do you want to capture these two and interrogate them about why they were attacking the mountain?"

"Hmph, how many rockets can two people carry on foot? Let them explode! "I don't believe that they will bring C4 along to destroy the mountains tomorrow!" Lin Yuxi coldly snorted. Lin Yuxi's guess was right. The two people outside only brought four rockets, and the base trembled four times. Then, the two people left.

Outside. As Chen Nuo and I walked along awkwardly, Chen Nuo said softly, "Brother Mo, they still haven't made their move. Is it because the scope of our bombardment is not good enough? There's no effect at all within the base? "

"Probably not." I shook my head and said, "Let's continue tomorrow and use C4! This punk directly blew up the mountain, let's see if they can make it out alive! "

Chen Nuo laughed flirtatiously: "Alright, this is a huge project, let's go back and eat more tonight!"

Chen Nuo and I's food were all made for us by the Qingtian City's underground base. If we put it in our spatial rings, it would steam hot whenever we take it out.

After eating and drinking to his heart's content, he remained silent throughout the entire night.

On the third day, Chen Nuo and I carried the C4 bomb that the Commander Zhang gave us and the remote control for the explosion.


"This is bad!" Doctor, they really did bring C4 to blow up the mountains! "

Lin Yuxi slammed the table fiercely, and bellowed: Catch them! Capture him alive! And then, I asked them, "Why do you want to cross these two mountains?

Outside. Chen Nuo and I had set up the C4 bomb while jumping up and down. There were ten of them on the two mountains, and as long as we detonated them, we would definitely be able to turn the two mountains upside down!

Chen Nuo winked at me, meaning: "Why haven't they made any movements yet?"

I pressed the remote control, but the other side still didn't move. I pressed neither, neither did I press. I am extremely anxious. If the other party doesn't come out, I won't be able to back down. I know, there must be surveillance devices nearby, but why aren't they moving yet?!

Chen Nuo's reaction was fast as he smiled flirtatiously: Goudan, we are about to finish a magnificent feat. Before that, I suggest that we do a perfect dance to celebrate this feat!

I also laughed and said, "That's exactly how it should be!" As I said that, I placed the remote control on the ground beside me. Then, I started to dance with Chen Nuo.

To talk about the reason why Chen Nuo and I could just dance, there was also a rather funny part of the past.

When we were in our first year in high school, Chen Nuo fell in love with a girl in the next class and wrote a love letter to that girl. However, that girl learned how to dance, and told Chen Nuo that if he could learn a dance in three days, he would promise to try dating her. Thus, in those few days, Chen Nuo and I didn't watch our beloved Dongre movie, but watched a video on the internet, learning how to dance. Chen Nuo obviously played the role of the male partner, while I played the role of the female partner. However, in the end, Chen Nuo and the girl didn't become lovers.

Now, we started that long forgotten perfect dance again. Due to our high mental reaction speed, the two of us coordinated exceptionally well. But the clothes we were both wearing were so thick that from a distance it looked like two bears playing.

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