Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C17 Distorted human nature first sight of lin meng'er
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C17 Distorted human nature first sight of lin meng'er
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C17 Distorted human nature first sight of lin meng'er

[Constitution Ascension], the effect of this skill was similar to the enhanced version of [Constitution Enhancement]. This skill was definitely created by disrupting the system! His attributes had increased too much. I added two points to the advancement of my physique. I opened my eyes and felt my strength. So powerful! Summoning out Heaven Breaker, holding it in my hand, I actually felt that it was very light. I wildly waved it around, and a sharp sound of wind breaking sounded out. I have never felt such a strong sensation before!

For example, my fist strength test yesterday was 327 KG, so if I were to fight now, I can definitely exceed 700 KG! This was a 160% bonus to his Strength stat, not to mention his reaction speed and movement speed.

He still had two Skill Points left, so he had to leave one as a backup. If he urgently needed a Skill Point, such as for Healers, but didn't have one, he could only wait for death. As a result, he had to keep one skill point for reserve!

I want to add an attack skill to it. The Dance of the Spear Soul is obviously a group attack skill and Lightning Thrust is aimed at a single target. With my current physique, even if I were surrounded by hundreds of zombies, I wouldn't have to worry about that. It should be added to the Lightning Thrust! This skill was very powerful, it was definitely something the enemy couldn't defend against! As he thought of this, he added a skill point to the Lightning Thrust!

I stood where I was and calculated my speed. A few days ago, I tested my speed at one hundred meters, three seconds and seven seconds. With my enhanced movement speed of 160%, I could increase my speed to about one hundred meters per second. When the Lightning Thrust was used, it would increase movement speed by 200%. I grabbed the carcass of a wolf and threw it forward! Swoosh. The corpse flew forward at top speed. In the blink of an eye, it was dozens of meters away. It didn't slow down in the slightest. It continued to fly forward. I held a long spear in my hand. When the corpse flew to around a hundred meters away, I activated the Lightning Thrust. In the next moment, the spear in his hand pierced through the wolf corpse! "Speed that even I can't adapt to!" My mental reaction speed couldn't keep up at all. This distance of a hundred meters would not even last two seconds!

The duration of this skill was 3 seconds. In other words, the speed increase within 3 seconds would be these until the target was attacked.

With so many cards in my hand, what do I have to be afraid of? I withdrew Heaven Breaker into my body and picked up the spear from the gym and stabbed it into my back. I was still holding onto the spear because I didn't want to reveal my identity as a Heaven's Pick.

He ran forward at lightning speed! Not in the direction of the northern refugee camp, but in the opposite direction.

They ran for about three hours. It was noon and I didn't know how far I had run. However, after roughly calculating, it was around 200 kilometers per hour. This speed was simply outrageous!

But when I thought about Ma En, I felt relieved, this guy's speed is definitely much faster than mine. He didn't know why a zombie could be so powerful!

In front of me, a group of tall buildings faintly appeared. I didn't know where I was, but I ran along the road. If there was a road, I would dash forward. And then he ran here. But what I can confirm is that this is not the Qingtian City that I live in.

The city was also very quiet. Most of the cars on the road bumped into each other, leaving behind a trail of blood.

I walked along the city road until I found a hotel and went in. The hotel was very quiet and the lobby was very messy as well. There were traces of blood on the floor and on the walls. There were even pieces of meat scattered on the floor. There were signs of drying. It was obvious that many days had passed.

As I checked, I headed upstairs. The hotel seemed to be more than a dozen stories high. When I got to the second floor, I found three rooms open, all with blood on their beds. How can I rest like this? I walked to a closed door and kicked it open!



The sound of the door being kicked open awakened the zombie.

The roar did not come from this room, but from the other rooms. When the accident happened, some people would become zombies in the room. They would lose their consciousness and would naturally not open the door. It was normal for them to be trapped in the room. Gradually, the sounds of shouting, banging on the wall, and knocking on the door became louder and louder. It was as if all the zombies in the building were knocking on the door and shouting, but I didn't care.

This room was very clean, and no one lived in it. Satisfied, I nodded my head. As I had just broken the lock on the room, causing it to be unable to lock, I lifted up the TV cabinet and leaned against the door. And the lost roar gradually disappeared. It was as if they had also discovered that it was futile.

The sunlight coming in through the window was very bright. I felt a sense of serenity, as if there weren't any Zombie virus s breaking out. The whole street was filled with noises …

"So nostalgic." I muttered. Then, I thought of Yao Yu. Although I had only been with her for a few days, this cold-blooded killer had saved me time and time again, perhaps because he had relied on her during the times of crisis. In my heart, her figure took up a large part of the place. Thinking about the deep despair in her eyes before she left, I felt even more heartbroken.

Where are you, exactly?

As the sky gradually darkened, I randomly ate some food. These things were all taken from the hot spring resort. They were usually some puffed food and sausages because most of the bread food was already moldy. Eating these things, my heart is very sad, I haven't had a proper meal for more than ten days.

In the evening I did push-ups in my room, stood upside down for a while, and then went to bed. However, he didn't sleep too deeply. After all, in this situation, if he slept too deeply, he might never wake up again.

The night passed quickly. The summer sun always comes out very early. It isn't even 6 o'clock yet when the morning light shines in. I open my eyes and lie on my bed without moving. After an unknown period of time, I heard light footsteps coming from the corridor!

I focused my gaze and quietly sat up.

The soft sound of footsteps passed by my door, and without stopping, went straight to the stairs.

When I heard the footsteps coming down the stairs, I quietly moved the TV cabinet, opened the door, and followed them. When I reached the first floor. He saw a white figure running out of the door. But then, he heard the sound of footsteps from upstairs. It seemed that it wasn't just one person.

After some thought, I hid behind the reception desk on the first floor and prepared to wait and see.

Footsteps came to the gate, and a man's voice said, Chickadee, that bitch is over there!

Another voice, a little sissy, said, Shit! Bitch dare to run, chase! He caught her and wanted to play her to death!

I was hiding in the front desk. I heard the sound and frowned. I heard the footsteps running away and followed quietly.

I hid my figure among the cars on the road and followed behind the two young men at a leisurely pace. After a while, the two young men caught up with the lady in white who was running ahead of us.

"Please, let me go. "Wu, wu, wu." The woman turned her head and cried.

My pupils contracted as I looked at the girl. Anger filled my eyes! It was a girl about sixteen to seventeen years old, wearing a school uniform. Her long hair was a mess, and her face was slightly swollen. Beast! I cursed in my heart.

A man slapped the girl in the face.


"Damn it!" Smelly bitch, how dare you slip away while our brothers are sleeping? Was it because I didn't satisfy you last night that I still have the strength to run today?! Sh * t! Since I didn't satisfy you yesterday, I'll let you feel refreshed today! " From the sound of it, it was that sissy "pheasant".

Another man suddenly suggested, "Brother pheasant, right now the city is very quiet. There isn't even a shadow of a zombie. Why don't we just play a wild game here?"

"Brother pheasant" was obviously very moved as well, saying: "Damn!" Today, he would let this little girl feel good! Finished speaking, ignoring the girl's pleas for mercy, he stretched out his hand to pick up the girl's clothes.

The other man also pulled away the girl's hands that were tightly clutching her clothes. The girl's crying became even louder, and her voice was filled with despair.

My eyes narrowed and my body rushed out. I wasn't using my full speed, but because I wasn't too far away, I quickly grabbed the two men's necks and shouted in a low voice, "Don't move!"

The two men clearly froze for a moment. They didn't dare to continue their actions and let go of the girl's clothes. The girl's shirt had already been pulled a little. I could vaguely see that the girl's chest was bruised all over! I became even more furious and grabbed both of them by the neck! Bang! The two of them heavily crashed into the car beside them. The glass shattered on the floor.

The two men sat up with a groan and looked at me in fear. Since I didn't use my full strength, the two of them didn't fall and die. "Brother pheasant" said with a trembling voice, "Brother, brother, this woman belongs to you. We'll leave your sight at once. " With that, he turned and ran, not caring about his other brother anymore. The other brother also struggled for a while before running in the direction of Brother Chicken.

I coldly stared at the two of them, but I didn't kill them. There weren't many humans in this world. I don't want to be a murderous demon, either. Even though these two deserve to die.

The girl sat on the ground, holding onto her clothes and crying non-stop. At the same time, she was also cautiously looking at me. I sighed and reached out to help the girl. The girl flinched back and said, No, don't come!

A flash of sadness appeared in my eyes. That incident had changed the world too much. First Realm! What right do you have to stimulate the evolution of my Sixth Realm! Could it be that just because your strength is far above us, you can treat us as playthings?! There will be a day when I, your father, will stage an evolution era in your First Realm! My eyes flashed with hatred, and my heart roared with rage!

However, when I thought about my abilities, I sighed and leaned against a car at the side as I stared at the sky from afar. The girl's crying gradually stopped as well, as if she realized that I wasn't trying to molest her. She lifted her head to look at me and realised that I was just silently gazing at the sky, my figure appearing very lonely. I was still staring at the sky when I heard the girl gradually stop crying. She gently said, "Little sister, don't worry. You've been rescued. Tell me, what's your name? "

The girl was silent for a moment, then said, "My name is Lin Meng'er. "What about you?"

I still didn't look at her, but smiled and said: "My name is Lin Mo, the two of us have the same surname, maybe tens of thousands of years ago we were part of the same family."

The girl seemed to have let her guard down a little. After hearing my joke, she pouted and said, "There were no intelligent humans tens of thousands of years ago."

I didn't say anything else, but continued to stare into the distance. The girl also kept staring at my figure from time to time. After an unknown period of time.

"Gulp." The girl's stomach growled.

I turned my head slowly and said softly, "Hungry? Come back with me. Don't worry, I won't be like those two beasts. In this sort of apocalyptic world, there is no way for a girl to survive by herself. " After saying that, I walked back.

The girl was silent for a while, then she stood up and slowly followed me.

After walking to my room, the girl clearly maintained a certain distance from me. I didn't mind and pointed to the backpack on the bed and said, "There's food and water in here. You can eat first."

After saying that, he picked up a blanket and mattress on the bed.

I was in a room with two beds, and I put the other one away and went to an open door on the other side and kicked the bloody mattress and quilt off the bed and made up the new quilt. He also wiped off the blood on the table in the room. He kicked out the two blankets that were stained with blood. Back in the room, the girl was sitting on the bed with the food bags beside her. Apparently, she had already eaten something. She looked at me as I came in.

"You can stay in the nearby room. If there's any danger, I'll be there as soon as possible." I said slowly.

"Thank you." The girl spoke softly before walking towards a nearby room.

"Pa!" The girl locked the door and locked it from the inside.

I smiled but didn't care. I sat down to eat and began to exercise. These days, I have already gotten used to training my body everyday. Now, I can do some somersaulting and backsomersaulting, but I'm not very familiar with them.

After packing up, he looked at his watch. It was already past ten o'clock. I went to the door of the girl's room, knocked twice, and said, I'm going out. Don't come out, don't knock, don't make any noise, if I come back, I'll knock on the door and call for you, until I come back.

After a long while, the girl finally answered with a "hmm" from the inside of the room. I turned and walked out.

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