Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C18 Poor lin meng'er
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C18 Poor lin meng'er
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C18 Poor lin meng'er

I walked on the deserted street and thought about how I should deal with this girl. The best place to go was the survivor camp, which had troops, rules, and no one would dare to act rashly. Similarly, living in there would be guaranteed. But I am not sure if there are any survivor camp s in this city. Thinking about this, my thoughts became even more messy, so I stopped thinking about it. Seeing a pharmacy in the distance, I walked towards it.

This pharmacy was not very big, but I could find some medicine that could damage me. I took some commonly used medicine, such as damage, heat up pain, disinfectant, etc. I also took a few bottles of medicinal wine, some gauze, and some cotton wool. Putting it in my backpack, I walked out of the drugstore. He then walked towards a supermarket on the other side of the street. The door to the supermarket was wide open, and blood was flowing from the inside. I took some food and suddenly saw that there was alcohol lamp on the shelf not far away! With a jolt of his mind, he picked up a few bottles of alcohol, two sets of tableware, a pot, some instant noodles and two handfuls of water, and walked back. After putting everything back in the room, I went out and found a hardware store. I made a thick piece of wire, and when I got back to the room, I combined the wire into a double strand and made a simple stand. I lit the alcohol lamp, put the pot on it, poured some water into it, and started boiling the noodles.

After a while, the smell of instant noodles wafted in the air. Smelling the smell that I hadn't tasted for a long time, I couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

The instant the instant noodles were ready, I walked up to Lin Meng'er's room and knocked on the door. I called out softly, "Meng'er, it's me. Come out for your meal." After saying that, I went back to my room to look at the pot.

Not long after, Lin Meng'er walked out. She had already washed up, and her hair was neatly combed. She looked very pretty and cute. When she saw the instant noodles in front of me, she was also stunned for a moment. Then, like me, she ran to the front of the pot and squatted down, looking at the instant noodles while smelling the familiar smell.

After a while, the noodles were ready. I put out the alcohol lamp and handed a bowl to Lin Meng'er. Lin Meng'er took it and started to eat. I also took a bowl and started to eat.

I never thought that instant noodles could be so delicious! Lin Meng'er and I ate a lot, and after Lin Meng'er finished eating, she directly laid on the bed without a mattress, rubbing her stomach.

I smiled. Not only her, but me as well. I used the mineral water to wash the dishes and pots, and walked into the house. I took out a lot of medicine from my backpack and placed some of the medicine beside Lin Meng'er. Lin Meng'er took the medicine and looked at me. "Big Brother Lin, thank you. You are a really good person. "

I smiled and replied, "You have to follow the instructions for taking those pills. You can only take one at a time." The medicinal wine is used to rub on wounds. " Lin Meng'er nodded her head and returned to her room with the medicine.

In the evening, he cooked another bowl of instant noodles.

I lay on the bed, looking out the window at the stars, confused. I don't know where to look for Yao Yu, or how to place Lin Meng'er, or where I should go next.

Suddenly, he heard the door to a nearby room gently open. Sure enough, after a while, there was a knock on the door. It was Lin Meng'er.

I opened the door and saw Lin Meng-er standing there with a pillow in her arms. I whispered, What's the matter? Meng'er.

Lin Meng'er hesitated, then said: Big Brother Lin, I can't sleep, can I have a chat with you?

I smiled and said, "Sure, come in." After moving away, Lin Meng'er slowly walked in and sat on the bed without a mattress. I stood in front of the window and looked out into the darkness.

I stared out the window and asked, Meng'er, where is this place?

Lin Meng'er said: "This is the Golden Sail Area, Big Brother Lin don't you know?"

I said, I mean, what city is this?

Lin Meng'er was startled and said: "This is Mount Kong City." Big Brother Lin, aren't you from this city?

"Mount Kong City." I muttered to myself, I already know about this city, it is right next to the Qingtian City that I live in. I didn't expect to cross a city. Hearing Lin Meng'er's question, I acknowledged and said: "I am from Qingtian City."

"Did you escape? What about your family? " Lin Meng'er asked.

Instead of answering, I asked, Where are your family?

Lin Meng'er remained silent for a while, then she said slowly, "That day." As usual, we were in class at school, which was a physical education class. The teacher was explaining the new gymnastics class to us, but his eyes suddenly turned red and he bit at the student closest to him! He firmly bit on the classmate's throat and spat out a lot of blood. And a few of my classmates became like that, biting everywhere, and we ran for our lives. However, he discovered that the glass in the classroom was splashed with blood. Many people were frantically running away, colliding with the cars on the road one after another. I wanted to run home, but the street was so chaotic, so many people were biting at me, and I was scared, when a man next to me said he could take me to my parents, so I followed him here. "And then …" Lin Meng'er stopped talking and started crying loudly.

Lin Meng'er's cry was very loud, and more zombies started to shout. Soon after, all the zombies in the building started to roar.

Lin Meng'er curled up her body and wiped her tears away. After a while. The howls of the zombies gradually disappeared. I said, "I'm afraid that your family is doomed. You don't have to be sad. This is the truth. I will send you to the survivor camp, where the army will ensure the safety of the survivors. "

Lin Meng'er whispered, "But I want to go home and take a look. My mother was resting that day. She might have been at home. "

She did not continue because she did not think that a stranger would take such a risk for her. Obviously, he was trapped in the house for more than ten days and did not know of Heaven's Pick's existence.

I nodded and said, Okay, I'll take you back.

"Really?!" Lin Meng'er said in pleasant surprise: "Thank you, Big Brother Lin."

After chatting for a while longer, Lin Meng'er returned to her room. I have a rough plan in my mind. Since I don't know where the other survivor camp s are, I might as well send her to the survivor camp s! What I don't know is that. The figure that I had been looking for was there!

And at this time, Qingtian City.

Yao Yu sat on the chair and looked coldly at the young man in military uniform opposite him. The young man said: Little Yu, let me help you change your medicine. Here, stick out your hand.

Yao Yu said coldly: Ma Junhan, do you have nothing to do? I'll change the medicine myself, so you should get busy.

Ma Junhan didn't seem to care about Yao Yu's cold attitude at all, and said, "Xiao Yu, I heard from your senior sister that you were thinking about someone called Lin Mo, but he had already died in the zombie tide, don't think about it anymore."

Without waiting for Ma Junhan to finish speaking, Yao Yu slapped the table, stood up, and said coldly: Shut up! If you want to talk about Lin Mo next time, I'll take your life! After saying that, she walked out without even turning her head back.

Ma Junhan wiped away the smile on his face, coldly snorted, looked at Yao Yu's back, and muttered to himself: "You, will not escape from my palm." I, Ma Junhan, want something that I can never get!

The next morning, still eating instant noodles, I asked Lin Meng-er: How far is your home from here?

It would take about half an hour to walk, Lin Meng'er replied.

I nodded my head before silently packing up my things. "Let's go."

Today was a cloudy day, and the streets were still very quiet. From time to time, a newspaper would be hung in the wind. It looked desolate.

After walking for half an hour, they reached Lin Meng'er's house. Along the way, Lin Meng'er's face was pale white. She was afraid that if she opened the door, a zombie would appear.

I took the key from Lin Meng'er's hand and gently opened the door to the corridor. Then, I took the long spear and walked in first. Lin Meng'er gently closed the door and followed behind me. There were a few blood-colored footprints on the first floor and they went up the stairs. I didn't mind too much as I was very strong right now. A few normal zombies were nothing to me. Sure enough, a zombie with dried blood on its body was standing with its back facing the stairs. It seemed to have heard the sound. I stood on the stage between the first and second floor. The zombie charged over and I used my gun to pick his leg. The zombie fell to the ground and I stabbed the tip of my gun into the ground.

"Pfft." The tip of the spear pierced through the zombie's head. Lin Meng'er trembled as she muttered, "It's Uncle Chen … Uncle Chen …"

I continued walking forward until I reached the third floor. Lin Meng'er's house was at 301. I held the key in my hand and softly opened the door. There was no roar coming from inside. When I walked into the house, it was clean and uncluttered. At this time, Lin Meng'er also walked over. Seeing that the room was very clean, she shouted in surprise, "Mom! "I'm back!"

There was no response for a long time.

I walked into the house, picked up a piece of paper from the tea table, frowned, and handed it to Lin Meng'er. As Lin Meng'er finished reading, tears streamed down her cheeks.

On the paper, it read: "Meng'er, if you can't find your mother when you go home, don't worry. Mom sees many people downstairs acting like they're crazy. Your dad's phone doesn't work. Mom's gone to find dad. If you go home, just obediently wait at home."

Her mother, 99% dead. Lin Meng'er knew it in her heart. She helplessly sat on the ground and started crying.

A high school girl who had experienced nightmarish events in the past 20 days returned home only to find that her parents were gone. The blow was too much for her to bear. As he cried, he fainted.

I carried her to the bed, then went into the living room and sat down on the sofa to think.

Bringing Lin Meng'er along, they definitely could not walk to the Qingtian City, but driving. With my current mental reaction speed, I should be able to barely drive. But I haven't tried it yet, and I only know a little bit about how to control it. Still, learning to drive was useful in this apocalyptic world, I thought.

He picked up the keys to Lin Meng'er's house and went downstairs to look for a car.

After a series of explosions and explosions, the Audi A6 I was driving was completely unrecognizable. However, I had mastered some techniques. At the very least, I was not going to extinguish the fire when I first started. I looked at the time. It's already been four hours, so it's about time to go back.

When I opened the door, I saw that Lin Meng'er was already awake. She was sitting on the sofa when she heard me open the door. With an expressionless face, he said, "I thought you left on your own."

I looked at her red eyes that were crying and softly said, "I won't."

The dead are dead, we still need to live well, and your parents will want you to live well. I told Lin Meng'er that, and she seemed to be less hurt. Perhaps, her heart had already died.

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