Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C199 Unravel the space ring
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C199 Unravel the space ring
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C199 Unravel the space ring

After looking down on the male duck's voice, I controlled the seed of origin. The seed of origin quickly turned, and a ray of purple energy flowed along the arm to the middle finger of my right hand, connecting it to the spatial ring.

Using his mental power to control the seed of origin, the seed of origin started to run and crack the program.

Two seconds! It only took two seconds! The decryption was complete! Too awesome! The seed of origin was too awesome!

Lin Mo, you have cracked it, the spatial ring has returned to its original state. The first person who imbued their spirit energy into the ring will be the buyer. Duck's voice said.

I took a deep breath to ease my excitement and sent a thread of my mental power into the ring! This time, there was no longer any obstruction, and he was able to see what was inside.

This spatial ring is many times bigger than mine! It was at least 202020m in size! Furthermore, there were many good things in the spatial ring, including two to three taels of suspension car! There were many clothes, and the food was arranged in a neat and orderly manner. There was also a bookcase filled with books and a medicine cabinet filled to the brim. And something you don't know.

Outside, Duck nodded and said, "Hmm, not bad. The things in this space ring are not bad. "Looks like this person is quite wealthy among rank 6 cultivators."

"Brother G, you can see what's inside?" I was stunned. Didn't they say that only the Spirit power of a 'buyer' could enter? And I've just become a 'buyer', but how can I not be surprised that a duck's voice can see what's inside?

"Forgot what Brother G does? Let me tell you, although the seed of origin is powerful, G Bro is not bad either. What kind of expression is that? You don't believe me? "Well, one day you will believe it!" Duck said with his mouth twitching.

"Brother G, of course I believe in you!" "If I have the ability to do so in the future, I can rely on breaking through other people's spatial rings to bring me a lot of wealth!"

"Hey!" "That's right!" "The speed at which you broke the hymen in your spatial ring is impressive," he said. "There are plenty of spatial rings waiting for you to rape. You really can't not get rich!"

"Strong, rape? "Brother G, isn't this word too bad to use?" I was caught in the middle of a duck's voice.

"What's wrong?" Duck's voice was filled with displeasure. "Could it be that Brother G's metaphor is not vivid enough?"

"Of course the image is vivid!" I solemnly said, "Brother G, I've decided! "In the future, I'll just rely on raping the space ring to survive!"

"Good idea!" Ambitious! The Sixth Realm lacks a ambitious youth like you, which is why it has declined! " Duck sighed.

Looking at the smelly expression on the duck's voice, I was speechless again. He had been acting very serious all this time, how did he become so smelly again? I don't understand that.

With the help of Duck's voice, I was able to identify some of the things I didn't recognize in the spatial ring.

Inside this spatial ring, there were actually eight grade five energy body! They were also in small boxes. At the same time, there were also some coins, totaling to more than forty thousand space element. The currency of the First Realm is called space element. At the same time, there were also some weapons, such as laser sword s. When it was in its normal state, it was just a 20 cm round stick. After channeling energy into it, laser sword s would appear on it. This kind of high-heat, high-cutting weapon was very popular in First Realm.

Just like this, while talking to the duck's voice, they flew.

There was a place where many people were gathered. I knew that I had reached my destination.

There were a total of ten gaps in the space barrier, with five in and five out. I found a gap and lined up. Even though the line is very long, it's still very fast ahead. After about an hour of lining up, it's almost my turn.

So, the reason why the speed was so fast was because when entering, the staff members were directly given the box containing the energy source. After taking a look, the staff members would immediately let them in.

Soon it was my turn. I took out the box and handed it to the staff. The guy looked like a human, but his ears were long and pointed. The staff opened the box and took a look. He waved his hand expressionlessly, indicating that I could go over.

I nodded and expressed my thanks in the First Realm language before stepping into the gap in the spatial barrier.

First Realm, I'm here!

After entering through the gap in the spatial barrier, I found myself standing in a very large plaza. The plaza's ground was paved with large chunks of jade stone that emitted a faint green light, making it look extremely beautiful.

There were many things that resembled suspension car flying in the sky, and tall buildings were erected in the distance! There were all sorts of creatures walking around the plaza! This is the First Realm!

The sky was blue with floating clouds. There was also a sun, and it was currently noon. The sun was shining brightly.

Just when I wanted to sigh a little, a weak female voice came from behind me. She spoke in First Realm's common language: "I'm sorry, please excuse me."

Only then did I remember that I was still stuck at the entrance of the spatial barrier. When I turned around, I saw that it was the girl who had been behind me. She was very small, only about the size of my chest. I replied apologetically, "I'm sorry." Then he walked off into the distance.

In the distance, there was a large group of people. Out of curiosity, I also walked over, and when I got close, I saw that it was a few tables, and there were a few people wearing staff uniforms currently registering. Beside them was an electronic screen that displayed several different languages, including the language of the First Realm.

"Language learning registration office."

It turned out to be a place to learn languages. My language is no problem, but Chen Nuo and the rest are in trouble.

Forget it, it was more important to settle the matters of the species of evolution first.

"Brother G, where are we going next?"

"The first thing to do is to get a better computer! a computer that's convenient for me to hack into the core system. "

"Is there anything similar to an internet cafe here?" I asked.

"Yes, but no." Duck shook his head and said, "The machine is too rotten. I will suffer when we invade."

"Then what should we do? Why don't we buy one? " I suggested.

"That's right!" I think so too. " Duck's voice agreed.

"The question is, how much does it cost? We only have a total of forty thousand space element. "

"This problem is very easy to solve. A grade five energy body can be sold for a million!" Duck's voice said.

The grade five energy body were this valuable? However, I don't know about the consumption situation of First Realm. If I was in the same moral standing as Japan, I would cry.

I decided to go into the city first and see how it was doing.

Walking out of the plaza, they arrived at the center of the city. There were tall buildings on both sides of the street. There were many plants growing on both sides of the road.

Ye Zichen walked into a restaurant. It seemed like there were a lot of customers because the entrance to the spatial passageway was nearby. The restaurant was not small, it was more than a dozen stories high, and after we entered, the waiter took me to a seat on the third floor.

Although the restaurant was crowded, it was not noisy at all. Everyone spoke very quietly. Light music was playing in the restaurant's speakers, giving people a sense of tranquility.

A computer came up from below. The waiter politely said, "Sir, please order your own dishes. The computer room is fully controlled. If you like any dish, click on the one at the back."

I nodded my head, indicating that I understood. After the servant left, my gaze shifted to the computer. Similarly, the computer was very human-like, and I could choose a language first. There wasn't any Sixth Realm language in it, so I clicked on the language of the First Realm. But the price on the menu surprised me!

Not expensive, but cheap!

Most of the dishes, did not exceed 10 space element, and the most expensive dish on the entire menu, was only 65 space element! Even the cheapest dish was only 0.7 space element!

There were nearly a thousand dishes on the menu, and each dish had a picture and description. The description included where the raw materials were taken from, as well as the effects of the dishes. Some of the dishes even had the words' slightly poisonous' on them.

Finally, I ordered five dishes and a bowl of soup, then clicked "Recycle Menu." The computer was hidden in the desk again, and the desk was folded together. I looked around quietly.

The one delivering the dishes was a robot. Under the robot were four wheels and two arms. He was carrying a tray with dishes ordered by customers on it.

After waiting for about ten minutes, a robot came towards me with a tray.

As I got closer, I saw that he was carrying the dishes I ordered.

The android came to the table, carrying a tray in one hand and setting the dishes on the table with the other. After he was done, a mechanical voice could be heard, "Please enjoy your meal. If you need anything, please press the green button on the right side of the table." With that, the robot left.

The aroma of the dishes entered my nose, making my appetite stir. I didn't expect the dishes to be so fragrant.

On the right side of the table were a variety of metal cutlery: spoons, forks, clips, knives, even knives. Chopsticks.

Do other interfaces also have the habit of using chopsticks? For safety's sake, I didn't touch the chopsticks. Instead, I picked up the spoon.

After eating a mouthful of the dish, I realized that it was simply too delicious! I've never heard of anyone making such delicious food before.

After drinking the last mouthful of the soup, I comfortably burped before putting down the spoon and rubbing my stomach.

Looking up, I saw quite a few people looking at me. A trough? Did I eat too badly? Scared them?

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