Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C218 Trash from the trash clone latent energy
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C218 Trash from the trash clone latent energy
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C218 Trash from the trash clone latent energy

Returning to Fu Yu's courtyard, I greeted him before moving the table into the courtyard. Then, I took out pen and paper and started to write.

What I wrote came from the depths of my sea of consciousness. There are a total of ninety-six stone tablets in one circle. Previously, I only recorded the contents of the fifth stone tablet but this time, I have recorded all of the ninety-six stone tablets in the bottom circle.

These words were indeed the words of the Third Realm. Moreover, most of these words introduced hidden powers!

The description of hidden energy was that 95% of living organisms had one or more potential. Normally, this potential would not be activated or discovered, only when the light of the 'secret crystal' shone upon it would the potential be activated.

The most common hidden abilities are: visual enhancement, fever, fast running, strong strength, large and small, and so on. However, these hidden abilities were very difficult to use in battle. Only a very small number of people, and less than 1% of people had hidden combat abilities.

Amongst stealth battles, the most common element mastery is the element mastery, which is the element mastery. For example, the water element, fire element, and the recluse who is proficient in elements can control the element mastery to fight. Just like Liu He and Ace, I think that the reason they are able to use the power of ice or fire is because the element stealth in their bodies has been activated.

There were also many different types of hidden abilities, such as stealth, control of air, illusion, wings, control of objects, perspective, and so on.

The types of hidden energy were very complex and varied. At the same time, there were also variations of hidden energy.

For example, the most common hidden ability could run very fast. After mutation, the speed increased exponentially. It was known as Extreme Speed, which was about five times faster than the speed of an esper of the same level!

The most common type of strength was muscle strengthening after mutation. Strength would sharply increase and one punch would be able to kill a hidden esper of the same level. However, there was also a flaw, which was that after muscle strengthening, the attack speed would become slower.

The first five slabs recorded the origin and types of hidden energy. The 80 stone tablets behind recorded all kinds of cultivation methods of hidden energy, moreover, they were all of the highest quality! This was because these methods could turn an ordinary hidden esper into a battle hidden esper! Each type of hidden energy had different cultivation methods.

It was unknown if it was a coincidence or something, but among them, there was the cultivation method of the clone's hidden ability!

The avatar's hidden ability, in the eyes of the world, was an extremely trashy hidden ability. This was because during the avatar process, he would take away a portion of the power to weaken the main body. If they were divided into two, then 50% of their strength would be divided. If they were split into two, then 66% of their strength would be divided. And if the clone was killed, the original body would never be able to recover the energy it lost. If one followed an ordinary method of cultivation, then the hidden ability of the avatar would be considered trash amongst trash! No one even cultivated!

A warrior of the fifth rank, after splitting up one body, would turn into a clone of the sixth rank. Two experts of the sixth rank wouldn't be able to defeat a warrior of the fifth rank. That's why, even if the clone was found out, no one would train with it.

However, there was a miraculous cultivation method recorded in the depths of his Sea of Consciousness! Its name and description were simple.

True Body Technique: Allows each clone to have the same strength as the original body! After the clone died, the host temporarily lost energy and gradually recovered within three days. With every increase in level, the number of clones increased by one and the time remaining was increased by 10 seconds.

This was truly a super amazing training method! The mysterious man had left me some good stuff!

Of course, there were other hidden cultivation methods in the depths of the Sea of Consciousness. Each and every one of them seemed to be a miracle!

About the introduction of hidden energy, a total of 85 slabs were occupied. What I didn't expect was that the remaining 11 slates actually recorded a method to utilize the power of time!

Time accelerated! And it was recorded by the mysterious person as a diary!

"The power of time is one of the laws of heaven and earth. The laws of heaven and earth are very ethereal and mysterious. But as long as he could control one of them, his life would be different. Accelerating Time: This is the first method of using the power of time that I have comprehended. After further research, I discovered that accelerating time can be used in many different places! For example, planting, rapid aging, attack acceleration, and so on. "

After that, he introduced several ways to use time acceleration, including how to accurately control the multiple of time acceleration, how to accelerate the reaction speed of the mind, and other novel theories!

At this moment, Fu Yu was also squatting on the ground, tidying up the medicinal herbs and talking to me without a word.

At this moment, the door to the side yard opened and a woman led a child out. The child was the little mischievous one.

When Fu Yu heard the door opening, she also turned to look in that direction. She smiled at the woman and said: "Sister-in-law, take the child into the city?"

"How do you know?" The woman asked in surprise.

Fu Yu replied with a smile: "Because it's the annual hidden ability test again, and Xiao Jie is already seven years old, we can accept the activation of the hidden ability, so I have a bold guess, you want to bring Xiao Jie to the city to help him activate the hidden ability."

The little mischievous guy grimaced and said, "Sister Fu Yu is really smart, it only took a guess!"

The woman also laughed innocently, "That's right, I am taking my child into the city to test his hidden energy. If only he had a 'stronger' hidden energy. If only he had more strength, he could survive in the future."

"Perhaps the Xiao Jie has hidden combat abilities. Those who have hidden combat abilities can enter Boyd Academy for systematic learning. Once they come out, they can directly become the upper echelons of the army!" Fu Yu said.

The woman stroked the child's head and said, "Even if he has the hidden combat energy, I still won't let him learn. I want him to live a peaceful life, not live a life full of slaughter. I want him to live a normal life."

Hearing this, I shuddered. Lin Yuxi also said something similar, he hoped that I was an ordinary person. Ordinary people wouldn't encounter so many dangers. They wouldn't repeat the same mistakes as they did back then. This was true love.

Fu Yu nodded her head and said: "Sister-in-law, aren't you going to wait for brother Bo En to come back?"

"No need, I'll just take the child with me for such a small matter."

"En, eldest sister-in-law, then you guys hurry up and go. You guys are riding black wolves, right? With the speed of the black wolf, it will take us quite some time to get to the city. " Fu Yu said.

"Yes, we'll leave now." The woman caressed the child's head and said, "Xiao Jie, wait here for mother. Mother will go lead the black wolf." With that, the woman walked to another room in the courtyard.

Xiao Jie turned his eyes a few times, looking at me with ill intentions. Eh? What kind of bad idea had this kid come up with?

Then, the Xiao Jie said to me, "Brother, give me another ten candies or I will tell this secret to Sister Fu Yu! "Let me tell you, I already know that secret!"

A trough? What was this? Such a young child is already so cunning? Besides, what secret do I have?

I chuckled. "Alright! What secret?" Say it, I'm not afraid of you. "

"You really don't regret it? Sister Fu Yu would probably be angry. " Xiao Jie said seriously.

"No regrets, just say it." I also seriously looked at Xiao Jie and said, "If you say it out loud, I'll give you candy."

"Fine." The Xiao Jie replied, "You have a purple ball of light in your head, and a beautiful sister in it."

Time stopped! A purple light flashed in my eyes, and I used a pause in time to control the Xiao Jie! Then, he leaped over the courtyard and covered Xiao Jie's mouth.

"What's wrong?" Fu Yu asked. This series of actions was actually very quick, completed in an instant. In Fu Yu's opinion, it was me who quickly jumped across the courtyard and covered Xiao Jie's mouth.

"I'm fine." I released my control over the Xiao Jie and whispered into his ear, "Little brat, how do you know all this? Could it be that you made it up? "

He could actually see the existence of the seed of origin and the snow! This was simply unbelievable!

Xiao Jie used her small hand to break my hand to cover his mouth. I lowered my hand and Xiao Jie said, "I have never lied. As for that pretty big sister, I saw his myself!"

"You really can see it?"

"Of course, that big sister is very beautiful. She also has black hair like big sister Fu Yu." The Xiao Jie said.

I took out a bag of candies and placed it on Xiao Jie's hands. "Xiao Jie, please keep this a secret for me, okay? I'll give you lots and lots of candy in the future. "

"Deal!" Xiao Jie heard that there were a lot of sweets, and immediately agreed.

Xiao Jie was definitely a type of hidden ability! Those who had yet to go through any stimulation and comprehended hidden energy on their own, 90% of them would become strong! Also, the confidentiality of the seed of origin should not be that bad, right? No matter what, it was still a part of the core system. How could it be seen through so easily?

It seemed that he needed to find a time to properly increase the secrecy of the seed of origin! The seed of origin was entirely made up of programs. As long as a few encrypted programs were added, the density of the programs would increase. However, he did not know whether this density was effective against the hidden powers of the Xiao Jie.

Not long after, Xiao Jie's mother brought out a black wolf the size of a cow from the house. The wolf was very meek and there was no fierceness in her eyes. This was the Third Realm, even an ordinary woman had such agility and agility.

The woman greeted Fu Yu and me, and Black Wolf ran out. The black wolf was very fast. With its speed, three hundred kilometers per hour was no problem for it! It was only around ten in the morning, but Fu Yu said that she would need to reach the city at night. It seemed that she was at least two thousand kilometers away from the city.

I jumped back to Fu Yu's courtyard. While Fu Yu was tidying up the herbs, she said, "I really don't know what hidden abilities Xiao Jie can identify, but no matter what, as long as it's not something like me, it's fine."

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