Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C222 A good place to hide
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C222 A good place to hide
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C222 A good place to hide

"Even demonic beasts can fly in the water?!" I asked in surprise.

"Of course you can, aren't you talking nonsense? When you train to a certain point, any race can fly. " Bowen said helplessly.

"Then what should I do now? "Throw this fuckin squid here and run away?" I asked anxiously. I don't have the strength, I don't have the power, and I even offended a very powerful Fake Squid. If I don't run away now, what awaits me is a chrysanthemum explosion!

"It's no use throwing it away now because you've been seen by a lot of sea creatures. If you ask, you can get it out. " Boone shook his head.

"Then, then what should we do?" I stuttered as I asked.

"Do you have any powerful elders in your family?" Bowen asked.

I shook my head no.

"Then there is only one way left." Boone said, "Brother, you should know that the students in the academy will be protected, right? The idea I gave you. "To school!"

The students in the academy weren't protected either. A few days ago, I saw a female student being killed in the academy. I replied, "Big Brother Bo En, I just saw a female student being killed in the academy a few days ago. The academy isn't safe either."

"Killed in the academy? The one you're talking about shouldn't be a formal academy. Such a thing would not happen in a proper academy. Before entering the academy, you have to undergo authentication. You can only enter if there are no problems. " Bowen said.

"So that's how it is." I nodded. If that was the case, then the security situation would be fine.

"Un, that's right. I forgot to ask you, what hidden ability are you? You can go to the academy to receive some professional training. "

"My hidden ability is my avatar."

"Clone?" Claiming to be one of the three trashy hidden energies? " Bowen said with his eyes wide open.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry as I asked, "Big Brother Bo En, what do you mean by 'three great trash can conceal themselves'?"

"Oh? "So you didn't know? Then forget it, I won't tell you. I don't want to ruin your confidence." Bowen said kindly.

"It's fine. Big brother Bowen, just say it. I have a very good mentality." "No," I said. I have the "True Body Technique" as a powerful cultivation method, even if it is the most trashy hidden energy, I can make it the most powerful!

Bo En nodded and said, "Speaking of these three trashy hidden powers, the first one is the clone hidden energy. Because of its weak point, no one would cultivate it. Who would be free to go and convert metal into water? How expensive was the metal? How cheap is water? Therefore, almost no one practiced this hidden ability. The other method was to quickly digest hidden food energy! Those who had this hidden ability could always eat after activating it. Their digestion speed was extremely fast and even if they did not stop eating for a whole year, they would not die from eating. This sort of super trashy hidden ability, do you think there will be people who will cultivate it? "

"Eh. It really is one of the three most trashy hidden energies. " I was also a bit speechless because the other two hidden energies were too powerful, it was really hard to accept.

"Although it is called trash, every type of hidden ability can be learned in the academy. What's more, you went to the academy to avoid disasters. It's absolutely safe in the academy! "It's impossible for Shiupo Fake to wait for you at the gate of the college twenty-four hours a day. After a while, when he's gone, you can come out. Isn't that a good plan?" Bowen said proudly.

"It is indeed a good idea. Big brother Bowen, do we have to leave as soon as possible?" In case of a sudden appearance of Sjoop Fake squid, won't you catch me? " I suggested.

"Aiya, if you didn't say it, I would have forgotten about it!" Bowen smacked his head and said, "That's right! Let's go! " With that, Bo En hastily ran towards the village.

I raised the squid in my hand and shouted, "Big brother Boone, do we take this Fake Squid with us?"

"And what the hell are you doing with Fake Squid! "If we throw it away, its smell will expose our location!" Bowen shouted as he ran.

I threw the Fake Squadron to the side, put away Heaven Breaker, and hastily ran forward! As he ran, he took out perfume from his interspatial ring and sprayed it on his body to prevent himself from smelling it.

"Bro, I'll give you directions in a bit. You can enter the city immediately. With your speed, you should be there in a few hours. The most formal school in this city is called Thousand Creations. You can go there to register, but with your age right now, it seems a little difficult.

Bo En ran too slowly. I anxiously said, "Big Brother Bo En, I know the way into the city. I have to leave first. Please help me bid farewell to Fu Yu." Fu Yu had already told me the way to the city. Follow the small road and turn right when you see the big road.

"Alright. "Then hurry up and leave!" Bowen nodded.

"Big brother Bowen, take care." With that, I flew up and followed the road towards the city!

"Eh? Can fly? This kid is not bad. " Bo En stood on the spot and mumbled.

Today was really too unlucky! He wanted to kill a Level 9 Demonic Beast and sell it for money, but this demonic beast had an overpowered second aunt. He wanted to eat some seafood and kill a Fake Squid, but he had an overpowered third uncle who was also a rank 6 beast. I thought as I flew.

Right now, they could only go to the academy and hide as Bowen had said. Come out after a while.

But the problem was, he had to spend money to enter the academy, right? I still have a dozen or so coupon in my spatial ring, so this little money is only enough for me to eat breakfast. Right now, there's still a Magic Bomb in the spatial ring, but I want to keep this as a life saving treasure. Furthermore, after drawing the magic array, I don't think this energy body will be able to sell out.

Now, there were two suspension car left in the spatial ring, two of them could be sold.

He felt aggrieved just thinking about it. Ever since he left the Sixth Realm, he had not earned a single cent. Instead, he had sold everything of value he had. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but have the urge to curse out loud.

Forget it, forget it. My days have to continue. Sensing that faint sense of summoning, I slowly calmed down. Snow, wait for me.

For fear of being caught by Super? Fake caught up to me, and I flew forward with all my might. In less than an hour, I could see the distant and grand walls. In the sky above the city walls, there were a few words formed from clouds, which meant: NO FLYING.

Seeing this, I dropped down. He was at the edge of the city, so he was able to enter the city very soon.

There were a lot of pedestrians on the road. When they saw me falling from the sky, they only gave me a sidelong glance before turning around and leaving. If someone were to land from the sky in Sixth Realm, it was likely that they would attract a lot of attention. In the other realms, there were many such things. Even commoners wouldn't be surprised by this. Moreover, almost everyone in Third Realm had hidden capabilities.

On both sides of the city gate, there were several guards wearing steel armor. The flow of people flowed unceasingly at the city gate.

Entering the city, I looked around first. It was a very good place, very busy. The roads were paved with flat rocks, and there were all kinds of buildings on both sides of the road. The wide streets were filled with noisy crowds.

First, he had to ask the academy how to get there, and then ask how much the tuition fee was. After that, he would go and sell his things to pay for the tuition fee. Thinking about how I would have to pay tuition to sell my goods, I couldn't help but lament in my heart. Money was something that could not be ignored. As for the way, of course he had to find a woman to ask. Women were easier to talk to.

My eyes swept the street and suddenly found that a girl walked out from a shop not far away. She was about my age, and like most of the others, she wore a patterned robe. Her looks could be considered to be of the upper class. Her figure was quite good, and with the contrast of her long robe, she appeared graceful and graceful. It was her!

I walked over and politely asked, "Hello Miss, do you know where Qianshi College is?"

"You want to go to Qianshi College?" the girl asked.

"Yes." I nodded.

Then you asked the right person, I am Qianshi College's student. The girl said with a smile.

"Ah, what a coincidence." I sighed.

"Why are you going to the Qianshi College?" the girl asked.

"I want to enroll in school!" I said seriously.

"Did you transfer from another school?" What grade are you in? " The girl seemed to be curious about everything as she asked like a cannonball.

This question is not easy to answer, who knows what grade I should be in. It seemed that he could only use his trump card! Putting on a pitiful act! Mastering and compassionate women, easy to talk to. Thus, I sighed and said, "I come from a small mountain village and have never left the village before. But I really want to go to school, so I started hunting since I was young, earning money. Until now, I've earned enough money to want to go to school.

"Ah!" "So you're so pitiful. Hunting is dangerous, right?" The girl covered her mouth and said.

"It's fine, I've gotten used to it since I was young. Oh right, fellow student, can you tell me how should I register? "After I sign up, what grade should I be in?" I asked.

The girl looked at me and said, "Oh. Do you know the words? "

I nodded. "Yes."

The girl heaved a sigh of relief and said, "It's like this. All the students are divided into nine grades. He was a sophomore studying languages and writing. From third grade to ninth grade, you will learn about hidden abilities and mainland history. If it's you, you should be in the third grade, but. " The girl looked at me and shook her head awkwardly, as though she wanted to say something but hesitated.

"But what?" I asked.

"But your age is a problem." The girl said reluctantly.

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