Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C29 The arrival of another wave of zombies!
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C29 The arrival of another wave of zombies!
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C29 The arrival of another wave of zombies!

At the same time, Qingtian City. Commander Zhang looked at the densely packed zombies below the city walls, as well as the fireballs, lightning, and ice cones that flew in from below. He calculated how long the ammunition would last in his heart. At the same time, he wondered if Lin Mo and Chen Nuo would come to his rescue. Suddenly, Commander Zhang's gaze at the distance hardened. A black grassy mountain was faintly discernable as it approached! Commander Zhang was overjoyed, they had finally arrived!

Chen Nuo shouted as he ran in front of the zombie colony. Seeing a large patch of black that was faintly discernable, he turned to look at Ma En and asked: Ma En, are you able to control the zombie tide on the other side? Big Brother Chen Nuo now felt that there were too few Little Brothers, so there should be more of them.

Ma En didn't sound as vague as before. No, I'm not sure. If the opponent replied, then there should be a leader as well.

Chen Nuo curled his lips and said: Damn it. What could a leader do? Brother Nuo kicked him off the wall. Even after three days, he still wasn't able to do it. With that, he ran forward even faster. Ma En also roared, and the zombie tide advanced at an even faster speed.

Ma En's loud roar caused the zombies that were attacking the city to slow down. All the zombies were confused and slow down their attacks, but right after, the zombies also let out a loud roar. The zombies resumed their attacks.

On the city wall, under the protection of Liu He, Accius raised both of his hands into the air and formed a giant fireball with a diameter of two meters. Liu He, who was standing in front of Accius, used his ice crystal blade to block the incoming attack. At the same time, the fireball in Ace's hand fiercely flew towards the zombie tide below. Bang! With a loud explosion, the fireball exploded and blew away all the zombies within a radius of 20 meters, causing even the city walls to tremble. This attack seemed to have killed thousands of zombies. Commander Zhang's eyes also turned to look in their direction, and he nodded with praise.

Liu He said coldly: Continue! He then moved in front of Accius, blocking the incoming attack. Once again, Accius condensed another fireball.

Yang Dan was at the back of the city wall, shouting, "Commander Zhang, there are too many spiritual-type zombies facing us!" We can't hold on any longer! Once the enemy's spirit type zombies break through, we're done for! All she had to do was confuse the gatekeepers and open the gates.

Commander Zhang stared at the approaching black color and bellowed: Block it! Our reinforcements have arrived!

Chen Nuo saw the zombie tide that was less than a kilometer ahead that was attacking the city walls. He shouted, "Everyone, charge!" I'll go to the back and command the battle. You guys have to fight with all you have. After saying that, he ran towards the back of the zombie tide.

Ma En obviously did not understand Chen Nuo's flirtatiousness, but he gave a loud roar, wanting to intimidate the zombies in front of him and force them to submit. From the opposite wave of zombies came a loud roar, and then a figure quickly scuttled out. It was a middle-aged man, and the wrinkles on his face were very slight. If not for his zombie-like roar, one would have thought he was human.

And at this time, Chen Nuo did not know what was going on, but he was squeezing zombie colony from the back as he walked forward, shouting: Wait, Ma En, we are going to talk about finding Brother Nuo! Brother Nuo used to have the title of Young Prince in negotiations. The specialties of Brother Nuo are not something an amateur like you can compare with.


As I drove the jeep, my speed reached 140 meridians. Yao Yu sat quietly at the side, thinking about something. I reached out a hand and touched Yao Yu's face. What are you thinking about? Absence.

Yao Yu touched my hand, and said while concealing it: No, I wasn't thinking about anything.

I smiled and said, Xiao Yu, what is it that hides from me? Hm? If you don't tell me now, I'm going to screw it up. Heh heh. I smirked.

Yao Yu shook her head, and with a helpless expression, she said: "Xi Yue told me before. If I am lucky, it will bring disaster to those close to me. At the same time, I am destined to be alone for all my life, born and bred, for all eternity.

My body trembled as I angrily said: "Xiao Yu, that Xi Yue must have lied to you!" I never believed in fate!

Yao Yu touched my hand, and her tears fell. No. Xi Yue would never use these to deceive us. His words are very accurate. It was just like what he had said after Fourth Senior Brother left after his mission. After ten days, his corpse would be dismembered and then thrown onto a fake mountain in XX City's XX Park. His fellow sect members wanted to ask for reinforcements, but Xi Yue said: "He is destined to be like this, saving him is useless. All we need to do is wait ten days to collect his corpse." The same sect that went to collect the corpses really did find the corpses ten days later at that location. Xi Yue had predicted many times before, that it was only after our fellow sect members left after doing their missions that she would tell us that the person who did the missions would live, and die. or when to return. Every time. They were all accurate. "There was no deviation!"

Tears rolled down Yao Yu's face as she tightly held onto my hand and said, "Xi Yue's abilities have already exceeded the scope of our imagination. I believe in his words. But I don't want to believe it. Mo, I'm really afraid of bringing you disaster. Those who were good to me, except for my eldest senior sister, all died when they were sent out on missions. It wasn't an accident. It was a coincidence. It was a fact. I slowly pulled the car to the side of the road and pulled Yao Yu, who was crying so hard, into my arms. I gently caressed her hair and said: Xiao Yu, it's okay, even if it's true, I won't leave you alone.

Yao Yu hugged me tightly and cried as she said, "Last time, the reason why Ying Er and I left was because I was afraid that we would implicate you." But when I see you again, I don't want to be separated from you anymore. Mo, am I very selfish?

I hugged Yao Yu even more tightly and said: Xiao Yu, you are truly selfish by leaving me here. Rest assured, if there is a storm, I will stand in front of you to block it!

Yao Yu turned her tears into a smile and said: "That small body of yours." What could she block?

"Yes." I can't stop anything, at least I can make you cry. Look, tears and snot, without me, whose clothes would you rub on? " I took the chance while Yao Yu was smiling to tease him.

Yao Yu was a strong girl, even if there was any pain in her heart, it would not be revealed so easily. Seeing that I was teasing her, she took advantage of this topic and stopped crying. She shifted to another topic: "Mo, let's hurry to survivor camp.

I didn't bring up the topic anymore, and with a light "hmm", I quickly drove the car forward. His heart was filled with bitterness, it seemed that the Xi Yue that Yao Yu spoke of was very accurate, but it was actually Yao Yu. I turned to look at the strong girl and touched his face. I must make her happy! I swore to myself.

Chen Nuo swaggered out of the zombie colony, and waved to the big sized zombie leader, and said: Ha, ha.

The zombie man stared at Chen Nuo and growled. Chen Nuo walked to Ma En's side and said to the zombie man: "Little friend, today, Big Brother Chen Nuo will teach you a lesson, attacking humans is not right, if teacher knows that you are going to get beaten up, do you know?" Big Brother Chen Nuo kindly reminded you, you better not not fail to appreciate favors.

Seeing Chen Nuo dancing and saying such things, he did not understand a single word, so he shouted at Chen Nuo.

Chen Nuo was startled by the sudden roar and asked subconsciously: "Ma En, what does this fellow mean?"

Ma En said. Shut up, that is.

Chen Nuo said. It seemed that having a little zombie as a translator wasn't a good idea. Ma En, translate what I just said!

Ma En nodded his head, and shouted to the large zombie man in front of him. After the big man heard this, he seemed very angry and shouted loudly.

Chen Nuo quickly asked Ma En: Ma En, what does that mean?

Ma En explained: Chen Nuo. Brother, he said, you're talking nonsense. He was never beaten up by a teacher, he only beat up his teacher's PP.

"Ward!" This guy was extremely good. Have you even played with love between teacher and student? F * ck! This won't do, Brother Nuo has to talk to him personally! " Chen Nuo muttered to himself. Then, Chen Nuo started talking about his exclusive zombie language: Oh ~ ~ ~ oh ~ ~ oh ~ ~ ~ Ya Lai Die ~ ~ ~ ~

The burly man opposite of him was obviously startled as well. His reaction was similar to Ma En's back then, as he said: Ya, Ya Lai Die.

Seeing that the big size man reacted, Chen Nuo shouted with joy. Yalai butterfly. Oh, yeah. How, do, you, do, good, morning, ping, thank, you, ok.

The large zombie captain was completely confused. The killing power of the Brother Nuo was indeed shocking! In the big man's memory, he only felt that the word "Ya Lai Die" was very familiar, but he couldn't remember why it was so familiar. Thus, he gave a loud roar. Chen Nuo immediately looked towards Ma En, waiting for his translation.

Ma En said: "He, he means." Let us not take part in their attack.

"Trough?!" If he wanted to eat humans, he had to ask the Brother Nuo first! Ma En! Bring your brothers up! "Brother, I'll go to the back and take command." With that, Chen Nuo turned and ran straight towards the big sized zombie, towards the back of zombie colony.

Ma En and the zombie man roared, the zombie man rushed towards Ma En, the two of them were fighting, and zombie colony was also attacking.

The number of zombies attacking survivor camp decreased, and most of them moved towards Ma En and his group. Commander Zhang stood on the city wall, visibly relieved, and turned to look at Yang Dan: "What happened now?"

Yang Dan sighed a breath of relief and said: "Most of the Spirit Zombie targets were shifted, so now it's very easy."

Chen Nuo looked at the big size man who was fighting with Ma En from afar and muttered: Ward. He didn't realize that his love for teacher and student was that fierce. Eh? That zombie over there, what are you looking at me with? Are you looking down on Brother Nuo? Brother Nuo would never allow it. I'll call. Chen Nuo said as he rushed towards the zombie.

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