Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C34 Heaven chose eight sins with a fatal blow!
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C34 Heaven chose eight sins with a fatal blow!
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C34 Heaven chose eight sins with a fatal blow!

Just as he was about to say something, an extremely domineering voice came from afar: "Haha." Who would have thought that after coming here to harvest lives, they would run into a cultivator. The zombies of the Sky Yin Body, none of you can take it away! How can you covet something that I have chosen for eight sins?

A man wearing casual clothes slowly walked over.

The Immortal cultivator and the man instantly frowned. The cultivator asked, "Who are you?"

The burly man was around thirty years old and had a square face, giving off a firm and unswerving feeling. As he walked, he said: "I am the deputy general of the heavens who has chosen the eight sins."

Instantaneously, he asked, Heaven's Choice of Eight Crimes? What organization?

The big man laughed in a domineering manner: "Haha." I have chosen eight leaders for the eight sins of heaven. They are the Emperor, the King, the Duke, the Marquis, the Official, the Minister, the Official, and the people. The eight leaders each have their own abilities. Our appearance was due to hatred for this era of evolution, so they wanted to slaughter their way into the Heaven's Pick, destroy all the species of evolution, and end this evil! At the same time, the leader 'ordered' that there would be a strong Yin Corpse nearby, I will bring it back, and exterminate all the Heaven's Pick here!

"Oh?!" You want to snatch something from my, Mie Tian's, bloodline? At least you have courage. "Say your name, my subordinate, the Undead Ghost," the cultivator said haughtily.

"Hmph." My name is sealed. As for you, you do not need to say your name, because I have killed too many people. The big man said arrogantly.

"Haha, good!" Good! Good! You are really insolent! " The immortal cultivator was so angry that he laughed instead. The pillar beneath his feet fiercely crashed into the seal.

It was extremely fast! It was so fast that I could only barely see a shadow. If it was coming towards me, I definitely wouldn't be able to dodge in time! In my heart, I was secretly shocked. Furthermore, this was only the other party's probing attack.

The man called 'Seal' raised both of his hands, blocking the incoming pillar. The pillar was actually blocked by his palms! Next, the seal pushed the pillar with one hand while clenching his other hand into a fist, violently smashing onto the pillar! The pillar was sent flying! However, the young cultivator standing on top of the pillar was neither surprised nor confused. He stepped on the pillar and the pillar suddenly flew into the sky.

He gradually flew to the top of the clouds. Suddenly, a black dot appeared. The black dot quickly grew bigger, and it was still that pillar! However, it had already become several times thicker than before. At this moment, it had a diameter of seven to eight meters, and it smashed straight towards the big man! When I saw it, I was terrified. If this pillar were to smash towards me … Was this a battle between high-level experts? I wonder if that big guy can handle it!

The seal looked at the rapidly growing black dot and did not dodge. He knew that his opponent had already locked onto his aura, dodging was useless. If he dodged, his opponent would change his attack. He once again raised his arms high, making a slight mistake in his steps as he prepared to receive the blow head on!

Bang! With a loud sound, a strong explosion occurred with the seal as the center! All of the nearby burly zombies and Ma En were sent flying. In an instant, they stood in front of me and helped me block the shockwaves, so I wasn't blown away. Once again looking at the center of the battlefield, the seal had actually used both hands to hold the enlarged pillar! However, most of his body had been smashed into the ground, leaving only his chest and upper body on the ground. With a loud shout, he used his strength to throw the pillar back into the sky! He slammed both hands on the ground and leaped up. He stomped his feet hard on the ground and leaped towards the pillar in the air.

The battle lasted for more than half an hour. The big man's clothes were tattered, and blood hung from the corner of his mouth. At this time, the cultivators had restored the pillars to their tiny state. They stared at the big man and said, "Good! I will show you the secret techniques of our sect! To die from this secret skill, you must be full of joy! " While speaking, the cultivator sat cross-legged on the pillar, spat out a mouthful of blood and muttered an incantation.

The sky suddenly darkened. I raised my head to look and I didn't know when a black cloud had appeared. Lightning flashed as I looked at the sky and shouted, "Not good!" Lin Mo! Run! After saying that, he was about to lead me out of the range of the black clouds.

"No!" Ma En is still there! " Seeing this, I instantly became anxious and spoke up as well.

"Run, I'll go save him, quick!" In that instant, he shouted out anxiously.

When I heard that, I was ready to open the door and run at full speed. However, at this time, the cultivator's voice thundered: "Forbidden technique, Lightning Descend!"

BOOM! BOOM! The lightning in the sky came crashing down like rain! When I saw this scene, I was deeply shocked! He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and dodged a bolt of lightning that fell towards him. But right after, one of the bolts of lightning fell down and he was unable to escape!

A woman's voice called from the distance: Mo! "Be careful!"

At this moment, I was in the range of the falling thunder. The thunder in the sky was too loud, I could not hear anything other than the rumbling sound. A bolt of lightning pierced through my arm, leaving me no time to dodge.

"Ah!" A heart wrenching pain struck me and I couldn't help but shout out. The cultivator youth's voice sounded out like thunder in the sky, "Lightning Descend. The second move, Heavenly Lightning Descend!" As the sound of his voice faded, the frequency at which the lightning struck down increased, and the lightning grew thicker.

"It's over!" I thought.

Suddenly, I felt a strong force coming from behind my butt. It felt like I was kicked flying.

When the cultivator saw that I was about to be sent out, he coldly snorted and formed a sword with his hand, pointing in my direction! A bolt of lightning struck me.

"Lin Mo!" He roared.

I can't hear anything now, it's too damn noisy! The thunder was deafening me. Suddenly, I noticed that there seemed to be a bolt of heavenly lightning heading towards me. It was like a slow motion movie, but I couldn't avoid it even if I wanted to.

Just as I was about to lose all hope, a figure appeared in front of me in a flash. In my eyes, that lightning slowly pierced through that figure, and that figure was struck by lightning and pounced towards me. I looked at that figure with my eyes wide open, and shouted: Yao Yu!

The one who helped me block that bolt of lightning, was none other than Yao Yu! Yao Yu's abdomen had a hole pierced through, and when she flew towards me, she spat out a mouthful of blood, which landed on my face. I hugged Yao Yu who was flying over, at the same time, my body was knocked out of the covered area by the clouds, and landed heavily on the ground. I also hugged Yao Yu who was sliding over ten meters on the ground before stopping!

Chen Nuo also rushed over, I carried Yao Yu and ran far away, while anxiously saying: "Chen Nuo! Quickly heal Yao Yu.

Chen Nuo did not waste time with words, as he ran after me, at the same time releasing his healing technique on Yao Yu who was in my embrace. After running about ten kilometers, I could faintly see the rolling thunder clouds in the distance. I gently placed Yao Yu on the grass, and Yao Yu looked at me with a smile, muttering to herself: "This is good, this is good too."

I hastily looked at Yao Yu's wound. After all the healing that Chen Nuo had done, her external wound had already more or less healed. I knew that Chen Nuo's technique was only effective on external wounds.

I grabbed Yao Yu's hand and pressed it to my face, then asked anxiously: Xiao Yu, how are you feeling right now?

Yao Yu smiled at me, then suddenly coughed up a large mouthful of blood. I held Yao Yu up and hugged him, wiping the blood from her mouth and nose, and said painfully: Xiao Yu, why did you help me block that bolt of lightning? You're too stupid.

Yao Yu laughed, then turned to Chen Nuo who was at the side gathering light, and said: "Chen Nuo, you." Go farther away first, I have something to say, so I need to speak with Lin Mo.

"No!" Let Chen Nuo continue treating you! If there's anything you want to say, you can say it after you've recovered! " I know, it looked like Yao Yu was going to give her last words, and couldn't help but say angrily. At the same time, she was shouting in her heart, "Duck voice!" A mysterious person! All of you, come out.

"No." It was useless. My intestines have been completely smashed. No one can cure it. Chen Nuo, me. I know the structure of the body better than you do. Just do me a favor. Go to a place further away and wait for Lin Mo. " Yao Yu's breathing had obviously become more hurried than before.

Chen Nuo nodded silently and walked far away.

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