Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C4 Chen nuo
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C4 Chen nuo
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C4 Chen nuo

Hu Xiling said: Open the door, we'll talk inside.

The bespectacled man opened the iron door and we went in. After entering the room, he saw Hu Xiling's other classmates, three males and two females respectively. When Hu Xiling told his classmates that the rescue team would arrive at night, his classmates were all very happy. However, there was a man who sighed and said to his girlfriend, "How did the rescue team arrive so quickly?" I haven't even cut a zombie yet.

Hu Xiling looked at me and laughed bitterly. It was clear that this brother didn't know, if he went to cut down zombies, the cute zombies would not just stand there and let him chop them down.

I grabbed some bread and cans from the supermarket and said, There's a rescue team coming to rescue you tonight. I'm taking some food, so it doesn't matter anymore to you.

Hu Xiling was startled for a moment. "Aren't you waiting for help with us?"

I shook my head, put the food in my bag, and was about to leave when the man who had been bragging said, Who agreed to let you take the food?

Hu Xiling was enraged: Li Ming! What do you want? The other students didn't have any objections, so why are you the only one who likes to cause trouble?

I coldly looked at the person called Li Ming. Carrying the iron rod, I walked towards him and said, "What's the matter?" Can't I take it?

Li Ming saw the blood on the metal rod in my hand and shut his mouth. However, her eyes were glaring at me. I ignored him and walked to the door. I looked around but there were no zombies. I opened the door, turned around, and said to Hu Xiling: Take care.

Hu Xiling had a very complicated expression as he gently said.

I bent my waist again, borrowing the messy car to hide my body, I walked towards the direction of Chen Nuo's house.

My current posture made me think of my stealth mode in a game, but right at that moment, I heard a strange noise in front of me, right in front of the blue car with fifty bells. I thought, could it be that Yao Yu is hiding in front?

I moved slowly along the side of the car. The shape of the bell must have been familiar to all of us. The shape of the front was square. I moved to the front of the car and looked sideways like an agent. It didn't matter. The heck! A corpse was sitting TM in the front of the car. Its neck was tilted and its body was torn to shreds. When I turned around, I was extremely close to the corpse. I was about to kiss his face. The Wo Ge, this kind of feeling, is as if I see a long haired woman in front of me, her back is extremely beautiful, and my body also had some sort of reaction, but the woman in front of me turned around, it turned out to be Sister Feng! How could he not be enchanted with this feeling? It turned out that the wind was blowing a newspaper that was stuck to the windscreen glass.

I took a deep breath to calm my emotions. I sang a song to comfort myself, "I'm not afraid of zombies. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid." Although the singing is very good, but it really works. After singing the song, my mood is much better, I continue to walk forward, thinking: Next time I won't do such a stupid thing again. Although he had played many similar violent games before and had some resistance to these types of bloody things, the game was still a game, so he was still scared when he saw the real thing.

To be honest, I also want to find a car to drive, there are a lot of car keys still in the car, but I've already told you, I'm a standard houseboy, I stay at home all day, how can I drive? I'm afraid I didn't drive very far before I crashed into a car and was surrounded by zombies, waiting for death.

His legs were still the safest. Gradually, I walked into Chen Nuo's house. Here was the same, I could occasionally see a few zombies wandering around. I carefully avoided the zombies with my 250% reaction speed and 330% movement speed, I arrived at Chen Nuo's house and found that the unit's door was locked. I rang his doorbell, and after a while no one answered. No one answered. I thought to myself, could it be that he had already been killed by a zombie? Finally, someone answered the call. Chen Nuo's coquettish voice came out of the phone: "Death zombie, do you want to eat your Master Chen? "No way ~ You're still ringing the doorbell. If you have the ability then come up!" Crack. The call ended without giving me a chance to speak. I was stunned on the spot. What and what. Chen Nuo, you idiot, have you ever seen a zombie that rings the doorbell? I rang the bell again, and after a while I answered again, without waiting for him to speak. I growled at the top of my lungs, "Chen Nuo, you idiot, it's me!"

Chen Nuo was startled, then cried out: "Lin Mo, you transformed into a zombie and became a zombie, but after you died, you still came to find me. Go, go. I don't want to see you. " After saying that, he hung up the phone. "I, I, I, I, I … I … I …" I was so angry that smoke came out of my head. This idiot was truly hopeless. I stopped here for a long time. Two zombies turned around the corner of the building and saw me. They howled as they ran over!

F * ck. My luck is heaven-defying. He had no choice but to bring the stick to meet the two zombies. He had to deal with them as soon as possible, otherwise, it would attract more zombies! Under my current state, dealing with these two zombies was an easy task. Carrying the iron rod, I dodged the claw of another zombie and swung the round iron rod at it, knocking the zombie to the ground. Half of its face had collapsed, while the other zombie bit at me with its mouth wide open, so how could I let him succeed? Even if I wanted to be taken advantage of by him, my most prized reaction speed of up to 250% wouldn't allow it to succeed.

I jumped back, and the pipe went through his gaping mouth. The zombie then fell to the ground, its legs flailing around like a cockroach that had been sprayed with insecticide. At this moment, I heard a familiar voice mutter, "Should I go? Brother Mo was so frustrated when he was alive, I never thought he would be so brave after death, it's really weird. "

Hearing this mutter, a black line immediately appeared on my forehead. Suddenly, he turned his head and saw Chen Nuo leaning on the windowsill looking down. He could not help but scold: "Chen Nuo! F * ck you! Do you think they look like zombies? If you don't open the door within three seconds, I'll leave immediately, it's none of your business. "

Chen Nuo was startled, and said: "What the f * ck? Brother Mo? It really is the Brother Mo. Impossible. How could the Brother Mo be so brave? Yes, that's right, Goblin, don't even think about turning into a Brother Mo to bluff me! "

"I, I, I, I still can't prove that I'm Lin Mo, right?" I laughed.

If you answer my question correctly, you will be able to prove that you are a Brother Mo. " Chen Nuo slowly said.

"Prove your grandmother!" I looked at the zombie that was running towards me and cursed.

"Eh? could it be that you are really Brother Mo? " Chen Nuo said to himself in a very serious voice.

I swear, I'm going to break down. I swear, if I see him in person, I'll give him a good beating. I swear!

"Curse me a few more times, let me hear if you are really Brother Mo or not!" Chen Nuo said very seriously.

"Fuck." Chen Nuo. You idiot. "How the f * ck are you asking me to scold you at a time like this?" I was furious.

"Wooo, that scolding tone, it really is Brother Mo. Please wait a moment Brother Mo, I'll immediately open the door for you!" Chen Nuo, this fool, is finally going to open the door for me. I looked at the zombie that was running towards me and smirked. Not long later, Chen Nuo's coquettish voice sounded out from the doorbell: Brother Mo, open?

I angrily said, "Open the door, old man! Hurry up and open the door! Stop messing around!"

Chen Nuo said in an aggrieved manner: "I pressed the button to open the door, Brother Mo, wait a moment, I will go downstairs and open the door for you."

I sighed. This bastard. This really pisses me off. I looked at the zombies in the distance. There were now two zombies. And then I heard the door open in the hallway, and then the clatter of shoes dragging down the stairs, and then: Ow! The heck! Zombies! Then came the crackling sound of the stairs and the bellowing of the zombies. Bang! The door closed. I was speechless. He picked up the iron pipe and walked towards the two zombies again. Just then, the sound of the window opening came from above, and Chen Nuo that fool revealed his head again and shouted: "No!" Brother Mo! That "baby" is at my door now! I can't open the door.

"I-I-I-I-I!" Why are you shouting so loudly, do you want to kill me! "There's no rope at home, quick!" I growled.

Chen Nuo retracted back, and went to find a rope. And I got rid of the two 'babies' who wanted to kiss me.

After a while, Chen Nuo stuck out his head and said: "Brother Mo, I have found a ball of wool.

I looked up from under the cell door. Yes, I can jump on this platform and go in through the window on the second floor! However, the glass in the window on the second floor was scratched. With a kick, I shattered the glass with my leg and crawled into the room, while Chen Nuo was still fiddling with the wool, thinking that Brother Mo, you have to hold on, Brother, I am currently working hard on the wool.

At the same time as the glass shattered, the sound of two zombies roaring could be heard in the corridor as they ran down the stairs. I knew one of them was on the third floor and the other one seemed to be on the fifth or sixth floor. I looked and saw that the baby was a middle-aged woman. Her hair was messy, her eyes were white, and her mouth was full of blood. It's Chen Nuo's aunt downstairs. Chen Nuo and I have eaten at her house a few times. This aunt used to be very kind. Looking at her current state, I couldn't help but feel sad. I muttered to myself, "Auntie, I'm sorry. I personally 'killed' you. This can be considered as freeing you." She bared her fangs and brandished her claws as he approached. I closed my eyes and abruptly swung the iron rod in my hand forward. Bang. The shock made my hand go numb. I didn't look at my aunt's corpse carefully. I turned around and went upstairs, waiting for the second zombie to arrive. After a while, I saw it. It was a middle-aged man that I did not recognize. I was waiting for him on the stage between the second and third floor. He bared his fangs and brandished his claws as he ran down. I walked dumbly to Chen Nuo's door, knocked, and said: Chen Nuo, open.

Inside the house, Chen Nuo was fiddling with his wool, he had heard the sound of broken glass and the howls of zombies, but he didn't expect me to come up from the window. He hurried to the door, bent over the peephole, and opened it for me.

With a flip of my hand, I closed the door and kicked Chen Nuo's butt. Chen Nuo turned his head back to look at me, feeling wronged. Her expression was filled with hidden bitterness, as though he was a judge who had been acquitted of all crimes. When I saw this expression, my anger flared and I rushed forward again.

In the afternoon, Chen Nuo and I sat at the dining table and ate the bread that I brought from the supermarket. I slowly narrated to him the entire process that I went through from yesterday to today in detail. Chen Nuo's family's situation is pretty much the same as mine. Both of our parents are doing business outside the city, and they often don't return home for a few months. This trust had been nurtured through the baptism of time, but … Sometimes, Chen Nuo would be a little dumbstruck, just like the scene just now.

Chen Nuo shouted loudly, saying, "Then, haven't you become a little superman?" Quick, let me try with that Sunflower Codex!

A black line appeared on my forehead. "You can't wait to castrate yourself?" Even though he said that, he still silently released his skill towards Chen Nuo. As expected, he shouted and jumped up as he continued to say: "Ward, that's too fierce! Brother Mo, in the future, I will feel safe and secure by your side. I truly have Sunflower Flower in my hands.

Chen Nuo. I looked at Chen Nuo and thought for a while. Finally, I made up my mind.

I said calmly: Chen Nuo, I just told you, after the species of evolution entered my body, if they wanted to separate and give it to others, they would need half of their energy. That is to say, two species of evolution s are required to achieve a complete species of evolution effect, I thought about it carefully, I should be one of the Heaven's Pick, there is a species of evolution in my body, if not it would be impossible for me to level up just by killing the first zombie. So far, I have obtained three species of evolution, so even if I am not a Heaven's Pick, I still have one complete species of evolution left in my body.

Chen Nuo opened his mouth wide. I looked at him and nodded. Chen Nuo was silent for a moment, then nodded his head, and said seriously: "In the future, if you meet zombies, or if it's not a dangerous situation, you will be the one to kill them all. If you meet any other Heaven's Pick, I will help you kill them.

I looked at Chen Nuo and laughed: "Brother, what are you saying, don't you want to talk about this to outsiders?" As he said that, he separated two species of evolution s from his mind. The voice of a duck, which had not been heard for a long time, came. Are you sure about the separation? he asked.

I said to myself: Yes.

A faint white light radiated from my body and slowly gathered on my forehead. After that, my forehead appeared, forming a floating small light bulb. At the same time, the male duckling's voice sounded in my mind, "Level, down." The trough! This is good for translation? I looked at my level and sure enough, I dropped to level 5. The Thunder Light Sword skill had disappeared and the decrease in skill points was a random deduction that eliminated the skill points from my God's Eye skill.

Chen Nuo and I stared at the ball of light in front of us in a daze. After a while, Chen Nuo spoke. How to use it?

I also blankly stared at the ball of light in front of me and muttered, "You f * cker. If you're asking me, then who am I supposed to ask?"

Just when I was feeling helpless, the voice of a duck came back to me: Anyone can touch it.

I hastily said to Chen Nuo, "Touch, touch a light ball."

Chen Nuo this idiot was even more confused: Use it, which part should I use to touch it?

I was furious. However, after thinking about it, I came up with a ridiculous idea. I solemnly said, "According to the voice of the duck, cough cough, you need to take off your pants." "Hmm, do you understand?" At this moment, he was already overjoyed in his heart, thinking that he was waiting for this brat to make a fool of himself.

In the end, Chen Nuo actually took off his pants, he really believed it. At that time, I was dumbstruck, and didn't have the time to stop them. I only saw Chen Nuo's waist move forward. "The light ball has fused!" After a while, Chen Nuo said: There's no hint at all.

I finally regained my composure and was speechless, but I didn't know that I had once made a name for the "Light God" of the Six Realms.

I said, "You have to kill a zombie before you can tell me to level up."

Chen Nuo was also very excited, he ran to the balcony, played around for a while, then took out an axe, walked to me and posed, and said: Brother Mo, how was it? "Is he handsome?"

In an instant, I understood that the stronger one is, the stronger one is, and the stronger one is. She was really too coquettish. I was speechless and snappily said: Hurry up and eat. After eating, I'll take you downstairs to level up.


After finishing his meal, Chen Nuo couldn't wait any longer. If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't dare to go down himself, he reckoned that this brat would have already carried his axe out to deliver the food to the zombies.

I held my iron pipe. It was slightly bent at the moment, but it didn't delay its use. Furthermore, I had two kitchen knives in my bag. After separating the two species of evolution, I felt that I was no longer feeling as good as I was before. Although my mental reaction speed had dropped from 250% to 220%, I still didn't feel as good as before when I separated the species of evolution. I thought to myself, species of evolution should be able to strengthen one's base energy. However, I didn't put it too much in my heart. If I can give my good brother a bit more hope to survive, I will pay it without any hesitation.

After opening the door, I immediately saw the male zombie lying in a corner between the second and third floor. Its head had already formed a large hole as it laid there motionlessly, I curled my lips and calmly walked down the stairs, although Chen Nuo was just about to go downstairs in a hurry, but he actually died like a woman, while grabbing onto my clothes behind me. Me. F * ck, I really can't do anything to him. When I passed by the zombie, the zombie that should have died suddenly moved! Reach for my feet! The trough. I didn't have enough time to think, so I used an iron pipe to stab towards the zombie's head. At the same time, my body moved forward, but Chen Nuo had grabbed onto my clothes too tightly, with my sudden move, he also moved forward, and the result was … Zombie's hand grabbed his white jeans.

"Ward!" Chen Nuo roared, and ran up again in fright.

But I was stunned. This is because, from the body of the zombie I killed, a small light bulb floated out and quickly flew towards me. species of evolution! The ball of light merged into my body. "levelup!" The voice of the duck came at the right time. At this time, Chen Nuo seemed to have calmed down and quietly walked over. Seeing me in a daze, he asked: "Brother Mo, why aren't you moving?"

I slowed down and said, It's okay, let's go. But you have to train your courage. I then released the "Sunflower Codex" to Chen Nuo and said, "You have moved 150% of your speed now, so you can't run in time. So, stop grabbing onto my clothes like a woman! I threatened fiercely.

Chen Nuo looked at me aggrievedly, before revealing the expression on his face of a young girl who was sentenced by a judge to be acquitted. I ignored him and went downstairs.

Opening the door, he looked around and didn't see any zombies, so he quietly brought Chen Nuo out. Suddenly, he noticed a figure in the grass far away. As my God's Eye skill has disappeared, the increase in my vision has decreased. Although the species of evolution has improved the quality of my body, I can't see the person in the distance clearly. Just as I was getting anxious, I saw Chen Nuo taking his time, opening up the backpack on his back, and taking out a telescope, he opened it up without hesitation and looked towards the front. I was stunned, thinking when did this guy buy a telescope?

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