Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C44 Heaven chose the king of the eight sins!
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C44 Heaven chose the king of the eight sins!
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C44 Heaven chose the king of the eight sins!

"Sexy my ass!" I cursed.

"Eh? Boss, you also think that her fur is the sexiest? " Liu Shui asked from outside.

Alright, I was completely speechless. Wang Haocheng was still with them, and I couldn't move right now, so Liu Shui and the others didn't have the ability to fight either. I know the people down there. I have to go down and take a look.

Jiang Qing Xiao frowned and said, "I can open the seal a bit more forcefully, but the seal will be damaged, and it won't be easy to repair."

"No problem!" Open the seal a little more violently, quickly! " I said anxiously.

Jiang Qing Xiao nodded his head and took a deep breath. His entire body was emitting a faint blue light. Deep in the heart, a hand grabbed at the void above me as he shouted, "Sacred Seal!" Break!

Right after his voice fell, I felt as though something had opened up in my body. A tyrannical power came from an unknown place and quickly fused into my body. Every part of my body was in excruciating pain. Even his mind was a little muddled.

Duck shouted in his mind: You're stupid! Such a large amount of strength will cause your body to explode! Damn. No! The power of the seed of origin could not stop the seal!

I could no longer hear the sound of the duck's voice. The pain seemed to come from every cell. It made me lose my wits.

Jiang Qing Xiao never thought that there would be such a strong power within the seal. Just opening a little was already unbearable for me. He hastily shouted: Lin Mo, quickly release your power! Otherwise, you will explode!

When I heard that, I felt like my head was about to burst. I crashed straight into the glass. Ka-cha. The glass shattered. Jiang Qing Xiao looked at the broken glass with his mouth wide open in shock. This was the 17th floor, which was around 50-60 meters high.

Jiang Qing Xiao hastily ran to the window to take a look.

After shattering the glass, a small part of the energy within my body was used up. I felt the pain ease a little, but it was quickly replaced by the power that filled my body. At this moment, a few figures happened to be running over from below. Hearing the sound of glass shattering, they also looked up. Seeing something fall from above, the few of them hurriedly hid far away.

Bang! I landed heavily on the ground. My legs were in pain, and I was able to release some of my strength. However, it was immediately filled up again. I looked at those few people in a daze, seeing that there were only six people in the line, it was Qian Xia and her group, but there was no sign of Wang Haocheng. Had they abandoned him?

"Lin, Lin Mo!" Qian Xia cried out in surprise when she saw me fall down.

"Where's Wang Haocheng?" I asked with a dark expression.

Qian Xia also understood my guess, so sshe replied: "The little child was captured by that person from the Eight Sins of Heaven, he said that the child's innate ability is not bad, and that he has the talent to practice martial arts. Let's go, that man is right behind us. "

"Haha." Too late! This King is already here! Eh? Why was there another person? Heaven's Pick? " The voice came from afar.

A young man slowly approached from the distance. From the looks of it, he was walking very slowly, but his speed was extremely fast! This went against common sense! I squinted at the "slow" approach. He was dressed in a clean and spotless white suit. He looked to be about 25 or 26 years old, and his handsome face gave off a kind feeling. However, he held two shiny golden spears in his hands, which added a chilling aura to the air.

Seeing that the young man had arrived, Qian Xia and the rest immediately ran off into the distance. The young man looked at the retreating backs of Qian Xia and the others, and said softly: If anyone dares to move another step, I will kill them.

Qian Xia and the rest did not care about the young man's threat and continued to run. The youth slowly raised the gun in her hand. A light sound rang out. A Russian three kilometers away was shot in the face and her brain exploded! Her body continued to run forward a few more steps before she finally stopped and fell limply to the ground.

So fast! What a long range! It had to be known that the effective range of a normal pistol was only 50 meters, while a rifle was around 400 meters. A good sniper rifle could reach up to two thousand meters.

Qian Xia and the rest immediately stopped and did not dare to move. Six species of evolution s flew out from the corpse and floated towards the young man. The young man suddenly held a white staff in his hand. The young man waved the staff and dispersed the six species of evolution flying towards him, turning into stars and disappearing into the air.

I stared at the young man and asked with a low voice: "Where did you take Wang Haocheng?"

The young man smiled kindly, the stick in his hand suddenly disappeared, as if he was not the one who just killed, and said in a relaxed manner: "That kid's muscles and bones are not bad, I want to train him into a killing machine."

"Hmph!" "Bullshit!" I shouted.

"Eh? "Don't be angry. I'll play with you after I take care of these foreigners." As he said that, he raised his gun and pointed it at Qian Xia, sighed, and said: "Not bad, what a pity." "Pop!"

At the same time, a wave of energy undulated in my hand. I jabbed at the blurry bullet!

"Nail." There was the sound of metal colliding with metal and the bullets were sent flying. My hands were also faintly numb from the shock. His strength was released a bit more, and his body felt more comfortable.

"Which of the eight crimes are you? Do you recognize the seal? " I said in a mocking tone.

"Oh, oh. Now that I remember about the seal, you were also there that day. Hur Hur." The young man laughed and said: "As for me, I am the 'king' of the selection of the Eight Sin Emperor, king, duke, official, official, official, official, official, official and people. My name is Ma Jun. It's not something that a sealed trash can compare to. "

"Why do you want to kill Heaven's Pick?" I asked coldly.

"Heaven's Pick is only a lie, and the Age of Evolution is even more of a lie. No one will evolve in this evolutionary era and eventually everyone will perish. To eliminate this evil, we have to destroy all the species of evolution and end the era of evolution! " The young man said kindly.

I laughed. Haha, who do you think you are? Savior? Speak bluntly, you all are too stupid! You're just a bunch of fools! Do you really think that there are only a million species of evolution?

The young man's face gradually turned cold. He frowned and said, "What do you know?"

I was about to answer when the duck's voice said in my head: Don't say it! Other than you, no one in the Heaven's Pick knows that this is a masterpiece of the First Realm's core system. The message they received was: "This is an evolution era given by God. The goal is for you all to evolve. There are only 1 million species of evolution in the world.

I changed my words: Regardless of whether or not it is a million species of evolution, none of you have the right to kill them as you please!

"Haha." Who do you think you are? Savior? There are many people like me in this world right now, can you manage it? " The young man returned what I had said without changing a single word.

"Hmph." "No need for nonsense. Since I'm here today, you cannot kill them." I pointed to Qian Xia behind me and said, "At the same time, return Wang Haocheng to me!"

Ma Jun still kindly smiled and said: "Oh." This joke of yours is not funny.

The power in his body gushed out unbridled and the pain gradually intensified. Right now, I just want to vent out! I don't even know how strong I am right now. In short, it was far more powerful than it had been before.

Carrying Heaven Breaker, I let out a low growl before charging towards Ma Jun. A stab to the chest! Ma Jun calmly retreated. My eyes narrowed as I unleashed Lightning Thrust! His body's speed increased by one fold, and the originally fast speed became even faster! The tip of Heaven Breaker's spear touched Ma Jun's clothes.

"Hm." Ma Jun was also surprised, but following that, he was stunned. Heaven Breaker had stabbed into Ma Jun's body! But when I looked at Ma Jun again, my pupils contracted. The Ma Jun in front of me had suddenly turned into a paper man! It was the paper man that was used for sacrifice! What kind of ability was this?

"Uh-huh." "So dangerous." Ma Jun's figure appeared about thirty meters in front of me. He patted his chest and said.

"What ability is this?" I asked.

"Oh, my ability. Have you ever heard of the legend of Xiangxi? " Ma Jun patted his clothes and said.

I was stunned before I blurted out, "Xiangxi Corpse Catcher Technique?" Xiang Xi's Corpse Dispatching Technique was very famous. It didn't matter if he was real or fake, there was no one in the entire country who didn't know about it.

Ma Jun smiled good-naturedly and said: The Corpse Catcher is just a small branch. The sin of Xiangxi was famous for, of course, witchcraft.

"Oh? Is there really a magic existence? " I had liked this kind of thing that was like gods and ghosts since I was young. When I heard Ma Jun say that magic really existed, I couldn't help but ask.

"Hehe, didn't you also believe that cultivators existed in legends in your heart? But didn't you see that as well?" Ma Jun said.

I nodded and said, "You should leave. I really don't want to fight or kill people." At the same time, I do not wish for you to kill again. "

"That won't do. I want to clear away evil. Although you are a good person, I will still kill you. Sorry." Ma Jun said politely.

Just as I was about to speak, I suddenly felt more power surging out of my body! The speed at which it flowed into my body was several times faster than before! The pain in my body returned to me in an instant. "Ahhh!" I shouted in pain once more.

Seeing that I was in pain, Ma Jun curled her lips and gracefully took out her gun, aiming it at me. "Bang!"

"Roar!" My eyes were bloodshot as I roared in front of me. Heaven Breaker once again deflected the bullets, and with a speed several times faster than before, he charged towards Ma Jun! It was as if he had gone mad.

Ma Jun's unmoving face that was in front of Mt. Tai finally frowned and retreated at the same time. With a wave of his hand, three paper men appeared in front of him and blocked my path. I don't give a damn about the paper men. However … A paper man raised his arm to block Heaven Breaker! Paper can block a weapon's attack? This time, it went against common sense! The other two paper men attacked me.

This is witchcraft? What a strange thing! The three paper men actually possessed such power! At this moment, I was surrounded by three paper men. Facing the attacks of three paper men, I was somewhat unable to react. A paper man punched me in the chest. I felt something sweet in my throat and spat out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, a crackling sound could be heard. A sharp pain in my chest, I don't know. Broken ribs.

Qian Xia and the rest who were watching from the back were already dumbstruck. Qian Xia, who had previously thought that I wasn't very powerful, had now opened her eyes even wider. Staring at me, who was currently fighting against Ma Jun, no one knows what I was thinking about.

I flew backward, away from the three paper men.

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